Why Won't This Stupid Water Listen?

"Have you completed your visualization?" Finley asked carefully, watching Abrial's face.

"Yeah, I did!" Abrial griped, frowning and hunching over with confusion. "I did everything you said. I breathed slowly three times and visualized it as clearly as I could. I even imagined the water as a water dragon! But nothing happened!!! "

Finley raised her eyebrows slightly. If you looked closely enough, you could see a flash of shock flit through her hazel eyes, but it quickly dissipated into her usual calm expression. For a long moment, she simply stared at Abrial, eyes glittering with an unusual expression.

Abrial blinked back, feeling suddenly worried. Why was Finley's expression…the most confused expression she'd ever seen on her always-unreadable face?

"What?" she asked, putting her hands on her own cheeks. "Is there something on my face? What's wrong?!"