Blond Flirtatious Goofy Ass is a Peer-Pressurer!

Instructor Wei looked mildly surprised. He soundlessly placed down the porcelain teapot he had just been pouring from and gestured for her to take the seat next to him.

"Are you all right, Abrial?" he asked. There was concern in his voice.

Abrial's shoulders were hunched without herself even noticing. Her eyebrows drew down into a dark, moody frown.

"Fine," she responded automatically. "I'm fine. But not feeling good."

"Heyyy!" Sir Niklas reached a finger across Instructor Wei's chest to point at Abrial between the eyes. He had taken that heavy Roatian armor off. Now, he was wearing some sort of shirt like the one Dieter always wore, with a drawstring pulling it closed at the collarbone, and leathery pants. No robe — what a strange sense of fashion! Roatian clothes were really odd. "You must beee…our Wei Guang's star student! The one who's a maaaaster blade fighter!"