I Perform a New Magical Feat: I'm Doing It! I'm Doing—Oh No...

Abrial's hands twitched, longing to snatch up the dagger and snap it to bits. She restrained herself, wincing as she held the right side of her head. That patch of itchy skin had begun to actually hurt, rather than just itch. A headache seemed to be spreading out from that point, which was right beneath her ear, like the curling arms of a thorny vine.

Finley noticed, her brow creasing deeply.

"Abrial," she said seriously. "You should stop. That is enough. You are going to harm yourself, both mentally and physically. Please take a break."

Abrial shook her head, pulling her hand away from her ear.

"I'm fine. I don't need a break. Just watch, I'm gonna do it! I'll make something happen, for sure. I will!"