New...Opposite of a Holiday?!: The Day of Agony

"I assume you have not been deeply educated in the realm of magic, as the Day of Shadows is a day of the calendar only magicians carefully observe. It falls on the fist day of autumn each year, when the summer sun turns mellow and the air cools, preparing for winter frost. The Day of Shadows is called so because, on this first day of autumn, the transition of seasons and timing of the year creates conditions so that the chaos of the mind reaches its highest point, most full of strange shadows. The pathways of our minds stray and become more complex and dangerous as we sense the change in seasons. The peak of this chaos in spiritual energy occurs on the Day of Shadows. This is why my meimei gave a lesson today on shadow magic: for those who possess less talent in shadow magic, attempting it on the day before the Day of Shadows, when mental chaos is almost at its peak, will allow them a higher chance of first-time success. However…" Her divinely beautiful face darkened.