Is The World Broken, Or Am I?

The dream changed, like the rippling of a lake.

Now Abrial observed Shao Cheng from a short distance.

He was crouching by the riverside. This location seemed vaguely familiar. After she thought about it for a moment, Abrial placed it. It was that spot on the riverbank — the place she had seen Shao Cheng for the first time in that very first dream, back while she was staying at Shin Minyeo's cottage. It was strange to be reminded of that time. A hollow feeling filled the air when Abrial thought of her stay with Shin Minyeo, and Shin Minyeo's mischievous smile. It was strange to think that Shin Minyeo was probably a ghost…but then again not so strange. What made her feel hollow was the fact that Shin Minyeo being a ghost meant that Abrial would probably…never see her again. The thought was so hollow…and strange. Abrial forced herself to focus on the dream instead.

"Fuck you, Ji Xin!"