So...Am I Like, a Super-Magician?! ෆු(˃ர்˂)ෆු

Finley's cheeks were tinged with pink.

"I didn't put the screens up yet," Finley muttered, her eyes cast down. "Everyone can see you."

Abrial blinked. Her cheeks flushed even hotter with embarrassment. Hastily, she re-tied her robe even tighter than before.

After Finley had put the screens up, Abrial pulled down her robe and turned around so that Finley could see her back. Even though it was true that they were both women and Finley had seen her without clothes before, Abrial felt so flustered by the idea of Finley seeing her bare body now that she bunched up her soaked outer robe and covered her chest with it, like a desperate attempt at a shield.

Finley sat behind Abrial calmly. After a moment, Abrial felt gentle fingers gently applying a cool, smooth substance to her upper back. It felt soothing and pleasant. Immediately, the leftover heat that still smoldered within her chest lessened, the coolness seeming to seep through her skin.