Tears Flow Like Blood on the Battlefield...

"You repulsive fiend! Demonic creature!" Cai Jun De roared, seething up at her. "Is this how ghosts kill one another in hell? Without honor, by bursting each other into nothing? Dishonorable and cowardly! You are truly a disgusting being!"

"Repulsive? Disgusting?" the demon's eyes flashed. The corner of her mouth twitched downward in unhappiness, sending a few guards to their knees with terror. Her obvious unhappiness was enough to make their souls leave their bodies. "I am just returning a favor. The one who first treated me this way is the disgusting one. Cowardly? Do you think I can't kill you with a sword as easily as by snapping my fingers? I definitely can. Don't underestimate me. It's just more satisfying this way."

"Disgusting!" Cai Jun De spat, pointing his sword at her. "You fiend! If you can fight honorably, come and fight me with a blade, instead of terrorizing my men with these spineless techniques!"