Oh! Oh, Uh, Hi!: Second Reunions are Filled With Awkward Tears

She calmed herself with several deep breaths, remembering for the first time in a while the techniques her mental tutors had instructed her on. Whoever had been sleeping in this cave, they were probably just watching over her as she slept or something, right? Right, that sounded reasonable. It wasn't that weird to sleep in the same room as someone else. It's just…

Abrial had only ever slept in the same room as Finley. She didn't like the idea of sleeping close to anyone else.

Shaking off the tickling sensation in her neck, Abrial stood on wobbly legs that hadn't supported any weight for some time. She pulled on a pair of clean shoes by her bedside and started unsteadily making her way to the entrance, holding the wall for support. It was sort of like walking on a tightrope. Her legs, so exhausted still from all of the vigorous travel and injuries she had sustained over the past few months, felt like noodles underneath her. She berated them: