Casual Murder; Nothing Special in the Huo Palace

The Princess, whose name was So-hee, jumped in terror and dropped the steaming, deliciously-shining bun she had picked up.

Meanwhile, not one of the Roatian "Royal Family" had touched the food placed in front of them. They had all shot discreet glances at each other, every one saying the same thing:

Don't eat the food. If the Emperor truly had constructed a way to control Geuman and Roatian royalty through the food at each Five-Year Feast, they couldn't afford to eat even a single bite, either. Or else, their plan would all go to nothing. What kind of assassin can assassinate a person who is in total control of them?

The head servant's grin stretched wider. It did not reach his eyes. "I am afraid that this servant will have to relay to His Majesty that you are unhappy with his hospitality."