Greg and Bill; I Have a Deal

In one swift motion, Shao Cheng broke away from his hiding spot and sprinted like a cat straight towards the guards outside the experimental tent, knife held high.

Li Jun's face blanched, losing all blood.

Like a panther, Shao Cheng lept at one of the guards while his back was turned, locking his legs around the man's armored arms and waist, pressing the small silver knife to the man's neck with his other hand, and grabbing his helmet and yanking it off with his free hand, throwing in into the grass. The man yelped, flailing, but he couldn't fling Shao Cheng off; the pale Gongkuan boy was like a parasite, hanging on with unbelievable strength. The other guard turned around and drew his sword.

"Let go of him, you rabble!" the guard bellowed, flailing his sword at Shao Cheng, but unable to get close, because he might accidentally stab his fellow guard.