Tell The Truth; An Ancient Spell

"There is a way to tell. It is an ancient technique, known as the Jinshil spell. It was taught to me by someone with an extensive knowledge of ancient magic. A fortune-teller. And it can be used to determine whether someone tells the objective truth."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Shu Romy piped up, glaring with a nervous hatred at Shao Cheng. "Just draw it already! Please! I need to know if he's lying!"

"Wait!" Dieter hollered from where he was lying on the ground. "Who says the Emperor can't break some truth-telling spell? Even if I don't know anything about magic, he's clearly really powerful! I mean, he made someone a fucking immortal! So what if he just lies and does something to get around the spell?"

"Then use it on me." Li Jun stepped forward. "My spiritual energy is nothing compared to his. There is no way for me to circumvent the Jinshil spell."