The Surface [End of Part-1]

After the initial chaos had settled and Julianna was branded a traitor and called a villainess in 3 different languages and Kale had came in to fill them up with the rest of the story, everything in Liere capital had finally calmed down.

He made sure not to tell everyone much details about the Royal Wellerones but made his points very strong regarding Young Riler's safety and future.

Of course everyone choose to believe Kale's words but that didn't stop them from making Julianna into a Villainess. She still was the 'evil witch' who kidnapped the Crown Prince without his consent. She also was forbidden from attending any ceremonies and was asked to stay at the Emore mansion till the Emperor gave his command. The Emperor also ordered to shut off the maze entrance for good.

In his words, 'there were too many variables regarding the Emore Maze, and could not predict where the mana could be concentrated'

Wrel had flown back to Emore mansion all right, but right now they were keeping him with the Royals in the Palace.

"I would like to see for how long the Emperor manages to keep the bird for himself", Lord Emore had told Julie in a mocking tone.

Julie agreed with him instantly. She didn't want to take care over that annoying bird any longer than she wanted to.

Duke and Duchess Emore had gotten thinner than the last time she had seen them. It made Julie feel slightly guilty for whatever she did. She decided to stay back at the Emore mansion and spend some time with 'Julianna's' parents.

Being trapped in that maze had made her realise a lot of things. She finnally realised that there was no point in living like Julianna Emore. She was Julie Mattington, not Julianna Emore. And she would and should deal with things her own way. Like she used to in the real world.

And that was to revolve her life only among her loved ones. Rex, Caine and now her parents. She wanted to protect them and only them. She didn't care what happened to the rest of the story or whether she died or lived. She would live her life, her own way and not like some impulsive character in a novel.

She also made her descision quite clear to Reynolds and Canien the first time she met them after her disappearance. Canien had sighed slightly, patting her on her head. Reynolds had started tearing up once she finished speaking which had made her quite flustered. It was weird as hell to watch a big man like Reynolds cry, but deep down she knew that was Rex's character. He was kind to a certain extend unlike the sympathetic her or the apathetic Caine.

2 weeks later, everything returned back to normal in Liere Capital.

But only 3 people knew that Liere won't have anything normal to come in years.

And so they wait now, for the chance to escape.


The golden coloured leaves floated far away into the wind, making it a race amoung themselves to see who would land first.

Julie watched the scenery alongside Kale who was dressed back in white coloured royal robes. And even though she hated to admit it, he looked far better in these clothes than he ever did back in Arcene City.

It was the first time they had been meeting after the underground travels. And also this maybe the last meeting she would ever get to have with him that wasn't official.

She stared at the open orchard behind the Palace lined with yellow coloured trees spilling leaves.

Fall was here.

"I didn't really think I would be able to see this sight again, after we fell inside the maze", Kale said silently. His arms were folded against his chest as he leaned back at the table facing the scenery. His golden green eyes were peaceful as if he was truly relaxed.

"We weren't stuck there for that long. But it does feel likes ages have passed, doesn't it?", she asked him softly, closing her eyes for a moment.

"I must admit. You were the last person who I thought would end up being stuck with me in the maze", he said laughing. "But I guess it did teach me a lesson not to judge a person beforehand by rumours only"

That reminded Julie. 'Julianna Emore' and the Crown Prince rarely talked. Even though they were present together at all social meetings and events, they were never really friends. She was sure he hated her before but she didn't know what he thought of her now.....

She looked at him again and this time he somehow felt a bit older, and wise for a moment.

Julie had never seen this look on his face. But then again, she had seen all the different ways, the Crown Prince of Liere showed his emotions in this journey. Panic, fear, embarrassment, confidence, ego.....she finally felt like he truly was a human being after all.

"I will talk to the Emperor again", he said, once again breaking the silence.

Julie knew what he was talking about. "If this is about my prophecy then forget it. I don't think even I know what's going to happen anymore"

"What do you mean?", he asked without turning his face.

"I think the future may have changed again....", she said slowly. "And I have decided not to let the church determine what's in the past or future anymore. I'll gladly live in the present as it is, for now"

She thought she saw a smile tug at the corner of his mouth. "You're being too philosophical for some reason"

Julie smiled at his mockery. "I think I always was this philosophical. Even a bit crazy maybe", she said adding onto what probably might be her new nickname after this incident.

"That was Julianna Emore. But that's not you right now, is it?"

Julie stopped breathing.

The leaves continued to fall but her world had completely stopped for the moment.

Julie turned her face to find bright golden green eyes trained on hers. His eyes were confident. And they knew somehow.

They both stared at each other carrying secrets that were too much for them to handle, and yet were burdens they had to carry on their own.

And they vowed to carry them to their death.