Josie. The name Horton, until the start of a new week, would still be an unknown figure in Hollywood, if not for industry sources proving Paramount's Shirley. Lansing will hold her in favor, and no one will care about the private life of this new person.

But this girl is obviously not very lucky, and someone has paid for her before she has yet emerged.

Pure and sweet girl star has a bad father who is eating in prison? Oh, school bullying is just pediatrics in front of these.

Bored housewives treat this cheap tabloid as a leisure novel, read it with relish, and don't care about Josie. Who is Horton, but like her husband, he insults the damned rich man for no reason, and even believes that the federal court should sentence the damned financier to a life imprisonment and forfeiture all his wealth.

Oh, the daughter of a Wall Street vampire, then she certainly isn't a nice person either.

"No, Sally, you can't go see Josie. Horton's film. One father said to his daughter, "Her father is an evil devil, he should not waste taxpayers' money and be taken into custody, he should go straight to hell, so his daughter is certainly not a good person." "

Sally was speechless and said, "Who is her father and what does it have to do with her, I think that movie sounds good." "

"You should watch less of those non-nutritious chick tablets." Her father spread out today's newspaper, "Mel. Gibson's movie is a good one, and maybe it could be used as a family weekend. "

Her mother added: "It's not just her father. Her private life is chaotic, she was dissuaded from her previous school, she didn't repent after transferring schools, and she bullied girls in the same school, such a person is not worthy of becoming a star, and she really doesn't know who to sleep to get the movie heroine! "

"No, no, Mom, you really believe those newspaper nonsense?" Sally rolled her eyes, "Besides, the tabloid is so exaggerated, someone must have smeared her!" "

"I don't care if anyone smears her, but you are not allowed to see it, and your father and I will not give you money."

No parent wants their children to idolize bad girls and pursue each other's movies.

But Josie. Is Horton really such an unbearable person?

The first to turn things around was a radio interview with Josie, who clearly clarified the false rumors and responded calmly and humorously when an audience member called in to give passionate insults, and the next day entertainment news published the content, accompanied by a sweet smile of her own actor's resume and a straight A report card from Brierley School, New York's top private girls' school.

People suddenly found out that this unknown little star, who often appeared on entertainment news recently... Seems pretty? Her accent is elegant and beautiful, and she doesn't look like a blonde silly girl through and through.

And a high-definition hard photo that should have appeared in a financial magazine completely made the development of the incident and made most people scratch their heads -

Frank on the photo. Holden suit and leather shoes, tall and straight, slightly lowered his head and raised eyebrows to look at the camera, his eyes are sharp and oppressive, and his handsome face is at a glance, which is the most attractive appearance of a man.

Faced with such a photo in the tabloid, it was originally thought that "Josie. Horton "was a certain housewife who was a sister and swore not to let her children go to the movies, and she was shamefully shaken."

The three views follow the five senses.

"If it's the daughter of such a person, it shouldn't be so bad, I think there must be a reason for those things." One housewife muttered, "He's so charming, why doesn't Hollywood film his story?" I want to see. "

And her adolescent son was thinking, "That's cool, I want to have a dad like that too, Josie. Who is Horton and how can she be so lucky! "

His sister taunted, "Who wouldn't want to? She was born a winner in life, but she still looks good, which is really jealous. "

"Compared to that, I think it's cool to keep the IRS from grabbing the handle." Their older brother also said: "What is that actress called, I want to know the story of her and her father." "

Overnight, about Frank. The beginning and end of the Horton case seems to have attracted the attention of Hollywood studios, and there is grapevine that Paramount will set up a project for this, and compared to his father, newcomer Josie. Horton's story was less dramatic, and her innocuous and truthful campus stories were quickly forgotten.

The gossip tabloid that published the photo portrayed Frank in a very bloody and romantic stroke. Horton's love history after losing his beloved wife has changed his temperament and left a question that catches the reader's eye: Who can really play him?

In the era of poor entertainment, this issue of the newspaper sold crazy!

When people's focus shifts from crime to the next three ways, then the whole thing becomes harmless and entertaining.

Someone boarded the emerging BBS to discuss the financier's legendary life: abandoned by his parents as a young child and raised in the chaotic Hell's Kitchen; As an adult, he continued his studies while working part-time to earn money, and was recovered by his father, when his personal net worth exceeded one million; He also married a short-lived Bai Fumei wife, and then returned to the Upper East Side, where he was a fish in the water.

A proper life winner script, even if he is accidentally caught by the tail now, depending on the progress of the case, the FBI seems helpless against him, and the current consumerism rampant Frank. Horton's experience is so enviable that many people have even written confession letters and sent them to magazines or prisons.

"... Oh God, I swear I'm in love with you, you have magic that almost suffocates women. The confession letter fell to Scott. In Rudin's hands, the cheerful fat man told Shirley, the president of Paramount, as an interesting story. Lansing, "That's crazy, isn't it! "

Shirley. Lansing just smiled and said, "Frank. Horton's story is truly legendary, a white glove who plays the Fed and the Justice Department between the palm of his hand, and who heard about the IRS trying to dig into his tax problems. "

"It sounds like he's hoping to get out." Scott. Rudin casually asked: "Shirley, tell me, how much money did he and the people behind him plunder in the crude oil futures market?" "

"Half Colombia? I'm not sure. "Shirley. Lansing said, "Back to the movies, Scott. I promised Amy. Hecklin, but also Frank. Horton's presence was harmless, and it was clear that he was more pleasing to women than Silverstone's father, a real estate developer, and I was interested in whether the girl could be used to me. Poorlittlerichgirl, it's a pity that she and her agent don't know how to hype herself, otherwise it's a good story..."

In this circle, mediocrity is scarier than anything else.

The competition for the heroine has settled, but due to the efforts of their respective agents, the casting turmoil of this small-budget comedy finally alarmed Paramount's president Shirley. Lansing. Shirley. Lansing asked Josie to sign a three-priority film contract, which would make three films for Paramount over a ten-year period, each for $150,000.

This woman had a hunch: Josie. Horton would become an overnight success.

Of course, if she didn't become famous, Paramount would have almost nothing to lose, because Paramount makes many movies every year, and this contract has no deadline and no role role.

So, Shirley. Lansing decisively proposed a contract that the newcomer could never refuse.


In the sinking sunset, the silver-white façade of the Death Star Building flashes with a soft halo, standing in a corner of Century City.

The contract for "Dominance" was officially signed, one of which was sealed by the CAA, and Martha and Josie finally let go of the highly tense nerves they had been on for a month, and comfortably opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate.

"No one would have thought that you would let PR hack yourself fiercely." Martha smiled and said, "Aha! When you came up with this idea, even Lucy. Spiler almost thought you were crazy. "

"First suppress and then rise, pediatric techniques." Josie leaned against the floor-to-ceiling window with a smile, the corners of her eyes and eyebrows were slightly drunk, half-squinted, lazy like a cat.

She said it lightly, but she could ensure that her mentality did not collapse throughout the process, and she personally wrote a soft article, and even used this soft article to learn from Lucy, the editor-in-chief of the gossip magazine "NOW". Spiler took money out of his pocket, and even if he didn't look at Josie's age, this composure was very remarkable.

"I have to say, a beautiful battle."

Martha untied her coiled hair and was barefoot in the CAA reception room, jumping umma. In "Pulp Fiction", Serma is famous for twisting dance, holding champagne in her hand and humming a song in her mouth.

- This agent is not so upright all the time.

Josie refilled herself with champagne.

The Internet age has not yet arrived, and people who have not been baptized by national entertainment are still very simple, and even Hollywood's gossip mouthpieces can be easily pried.

This just cheapened her.

With such a phenomenal work in hand, this time next year, "Josie. Horton" would not be an unknown person, and it would be almost a star in Hollywood.

This is important.

So, the film has to be a success.

And she has to do her job perfectly.

Looking at the scenery of Century City outside the window, Josie muttered: "The next step is to board that unsinkable ship..."

However, the current situation of Hollywood actors is that there are few porridge and many monks, and no one knows when the next job will arrive after the movie in hand is finished.

Although she was given roles in "Life Is Because of You" and "Alone", Josie was quickly rejected by "Scars of Tears" because the casting director thought her appearance was too adult, and the final role was a little girl of twelve or thirteen.

This makes sense, and Josie is relaxed in mind.

Although she familiarized herself with the original novel and read some news reports, the novel was indeed well written, her reading experience was good, and she always understood that the world is not centered on her, and she can not get anything by making an effort.

Her efforts are to be able to make herself better, rather than dwelling on short-lived gains and losses.

Josie has a clear plan in her heart, the official start of Hollywood is very important, the absolute heroine and the supporting role with few roles are worlds apart, and "Alone" is the movie that can help her become famous overnight as quickly as possible. It may be unfamiliar to some people, but Josie studied art when she was in college, and her uninked university lecturer showed various movies in class, which was called to improve students' aesthetics and understand the history of Western clothing, including "The Queen Wears Prada", "The Peerless Queen", "Cat"... and "Alone", which represents the national youth trend of the nineties.

This is a classic film that is enough to enter into pop culture.

It is also the most important and perfect first part of her career for herself.

After becoming famous, she is qualified to pick more scripts and roles to qualify for Winona. Rhett and even Julia. Roberts-level actresses compete.

She hated feeling inferior whenever and wherever she was.

Josie was in a little trouble.

In front of her sat a Slavic woman, about forty years old, tall and plump, looking at Josie with red eyes.

At the feet of the other party is a simple luggage.

This is the living room of Josie's Spanish villa, and the woman's name is Dorota. Szakoschi, the nanny who took care of her since childhood.

Josie had a headache.

Dorota is the person she has been with the longest over the years, and the other party is more like family than a nanny, accompanying her as she grows up.

Now, however, Josie is not exactly "Josie".

Of course, there is no doubt that Dorota will never do anything to hurt her, and even if she finds out that Josie's personality has changed dramatically, she will only blame it on adolescence - but the problem is, Josie is afraid.

She pursed her lips, picked up the lemonade on the small coffee table, and took a sip.

Josie said, "Dorota, I'm poor right now. "

Her career is just beginning, and the salary in her hand is not even enough for daily expenses, unless the salary of "Alone" is fully received, which is only a slight solution to the urgent need, but there is still a British inheritance tax waiting for her to pay.

- British inheritance laws are not the same as those in the United States, and this part happens to be the kind that needs to pay taxes before inheriting.

Dorota looked a little taken aback and replied, "But my salary is paid by the foundation left by your mother, miss." "

Josie sighed: "But I'm busy right now." "

Dorota immediately burst into tears and said, "See, you are all thin, how pitiful." "

"I mean, I have a lot to do." Josie said helplessly, "I'm going to go to class, film, sort out my finances, and I need an assistant, not a babysitter." "

Dorota sobbed, but said, "But I'm much more reliable than those Hollywood assistants, and I don't spend money yet." "

It doesn't cost money... It's so tempting.

Josie felt corrupted by capitalism.

She was silent for a moment, then told Dorota, "Go pick a room." "

Dorota burst into laughter.

Immediately asked in a stack of voices: "Yes miss!" Would you like something for lunch? Afternoon tea is still the old rule, right? I wonder if you miss my scones and almond honey cake? "

Josie rubbed her temples, "I don't need it today, Dorota, I'll go out, you take a break, and take a good look at home." "