"What's wrong, everyone, homecoming day is so quiet?"

Josie sneered and replied out loud: "It's nothing, we're just in, well, to enhance the emotional exchange between classmates?" "

Ashley was standing in place biting her lip and glared at Josie resentfully upon hearing this.

Under the gaze of others, the girl did not collapse a second time, but rushed to Josie's seat with great momentum and said loudly: "Make a bet, see which of our movies is the bigger seller!" "

"600,000,000VS150,00,00,00, do you look like a 24K pure fool?" Josie gave Ashley a strange look, "Also, I really don't understand, proving that you have a better life than me, just like that can make you happy?" "

Ashley took a breath and still said, "Don't you think so?" "

Josie replied, "No, I'm not. Because I don't care about a stranger's life at all. "

Hearing this, Ashley felt extremely embarrassed.

Even more embarrassing than it was back then in the restaurant.

However, not knowing what the brain was replenishing, she said: "I won't let you look down on me, Josie, never!" "

Josie looked puzzled: "Okay, whatever you want—but really, it's been a long time since class, girl." "

Ashley was even more indignant, glared at her again, quickly grabbed her bag and ran out of the classroom.

The teacher on the podium pushed his glasses: "Well, it seems that it is another unforgettable homecoming day, let's talk about Salinger ..."

September arrived as scheduled.

After receiving the check from Northern Trust, Josie went to the bank.

She plans to cash in the money, then go to Rodeo Avenue and choose two gifts for Charlotte and Samantha in New York, and if possible, she also wants to prepare a Thanksgiving gift for Dorota in advance, but she is not sure what the other person wants or needs.

So Josie called Brettney.

As soon as the two of them entered the door of the bank, they heard a high-pitched curse sound from the bank hall-


The tall young woman turned her back to everyone, leaned over the bank teller and forcefully raised her middle finger.

"Did you hear that? I say, this fucking world! "

She wears the popular cropped knit top and high-waisted denim shorts, and due to the angle, only her slim back can be seen, especially a pair of long honey-colored legs and short dark brown hair.

Brettney exclaimed: "Wow oh oh these legs! "

Josie glanced down at Brettney and teased with a playful smile: "Don't envy others, you also have your own advantages, he." "

Brettney jumped up to hit her.

The girl in the hall over there had just started her new round of cursing, and her breathless voice was close to a roar, echoing in the wide hall of the bank.

"This is my mother's frugal money, and it's also a check she sent from South Africa herself, and you actually told me that I can't cash it?" She slapped her hand on the table in front of her, and you can imagine that her eyes must be very sharp and terrifying, because the tall male teller inside is shrinking his neck, not knowing what to do.

"I endured the dry bread that was about to become moldy, I endured the bastards who tried to knock on my windows and doors every night, I endured so many disgusting bugs and scum..." she said, her voice hoarse little by little, but suddenly sharpened again, completely viciously: "No! Never! You can't beat me! I endured so much that it is impossible to fall here! "

The teller said weakly: "However, even if you are too poor to eat and pay rent, we still can't cash this check, because the bank that wrote this check is a small bank, headquartered in London, England, and we have no business with them..."

"Then you tell me what to do!" She lives like a trapped beast at the end of the road.

"In general, maybe you can fly to London... Ms. Theron, calm down and don't do it! Otherwise I'm going to call security! "

Josie almost laughed out loud hearing this.

At this time, an account manager came up to her and said politely: "Nice to meet you, Ms. Horton." "

"Hey Stanley, what's going on?" Josie said hello.

"A woman wants to cash a check sent abroad, maybe her mother didn't pay attention when she opened an account locally, so the check can only be cashed at designated banks in major cities in the Commonwealth." As Stanley led them to the bank's reception room, he said in a soothing voice: "Unfortunately, the lady seems to be in a hurry to use the money, so she lost control of her emotions for a while, and she embarrassed our intern." "

Josie nodded, noncommittal.

"But it's not surprising that Los Angeles sees too many desperate young people every day." Stanley said as he pushed open the door of the reception room, first made a "please" gesture, and then asked: "Two ladies, tea or coffee?" "

"Iced American and tea." Josie picked a couch and sat down, "I think you know what I'm here for, it's a check." "

"Wait a minute, we'll get you done right away." Stanley bowed his head slightly, took the check, and turned to go out.

A young female intern brought coffee and tea in, and Brettney picked up the iced American cup and took a sip, saying, "I thought you would help the girl just now." "

Josie raised her eyebrows and made a breathy sound: "Oh? "

"You see that her eyes are very special." Brettney said, "I thought you knew her." "

"It is God's business to save the world. God loves the world, but I don't. Josie laughed to herself, then stretched, she turned to look at Brettney, with a smile in her eyes and a soft voice as if she was sighing, "Oh, Brettney, don't be like this, do I look like a good warm-hearted person?" No, I'm not. Then she looked away and asked herself, "I'm a selfish person... But I'm not really a bad guy either. "

"Who isn't selfish?" Brettney smiled and shook her head, "At least willing to admit this, already braver and more sincere than many people." "

Before they could finish drinking, the problem with the check had been resolved.

Stanley personally sent the two out the door.

Before leaving, Josie glanced at the bank lobby, where the irritated young girl sat alone on the bench inside, and the whole person was lonely as if she was about to collapse in the next second.

Josie withdrew her gaze with the customary smile on her face and left with Brettney.


Behind the glitz is the most realistic Vanity Fair.

Isn't it?


Everyone wants to go to Hollywood


If it's so beautiful, how can it be heartbreaking?


"My dear Joe, how are you doing in Los Angeles? Oh, I'm so glad you thought of us, we and mom missed you so much. "

In a mansion on New York's Upper West Side, Charlotte. Rong Sen first stepped forward and hugged Josie.

Charlotte is a young girl with dyed blonde hair, her skin color is honey from the beach, and she is dressed in youth and fashion.

Her twin sister Samantha looked a lot more casual, with dark, semi-long hair draped and dressed casually and comfortably, and Samantha then said hello: "Hey Josie, you look good." "

Instead of hugging Samantha, Josie exchanged a tacit look, gave each other a smile, and then high-fived.

"It looks like you guys too, especially Charlotte, are completely college students." Josie said and took out the prepared gifts, carefully wrapped three gift boxes, "Look, your birthday present this year, although late." "

Charlotte was pleasantly surprised, but couldn't help but say, "Oh dear, it's so pleasant, I thought you and Mark—"

"Ahem." Samantha cleared her throat, pulled the corners of Samantha's skirt, and asked with a smile: "Don't mind if we open the gift now, right?" "

"I'd love to." Josie said with a smile.

The gift for Charlotte was a Rococo style Cameo brooch, decorated with pearls and gold silk, in a very retro style.

Samantha got a limited edition pair of music headphones, silver and white metal appearance, very technological.

There was also a gift to be given to Ms. Ann, a wide-brimmed hat with a strong design.

The sisters liked their respective gifts, because other guests arrived one after another, so they urged Josie to give the last and smallest gift in her hand to Mark, the protagonist of today's party.

"Sean and Josh are there too." Charlotte told Josie that the floor and room where Mark was were again a wake-up call for her former classmates and friends: "But you shouldn't be arguing, I guess?" "

Josie smiled and didn't speak.

Sean. Lennon is a half-breed with Asian characteristics, partly from his famous mother, Ms. Yoko Ono, with dark hair, not very tall, wearing a pair of retro-style round glasses, and a sense of distance that people should not get close to.

He has a strong aura from his legendary father, who is the legendary British musician Elton. John, the daddy is his own father John. Lennon, who also wrote "Beautiful Boy" for him as a child, openly stating that Sean was his first child.

In addition, his mother taught him music hand-in-personally sent him the latest computer, MJ invited him to participate in the MV of "Moon Walker"... Dream childhood is nothing more.

Strictly speaking, the Hortons are not in the same circle as these Upper West Side musicians and artists, Mr. Horton is a Wall Street financier, Mrs. Horton is a worry-free nouveau riche, but the latter just likes the free atmosphere of the Upper West Side, not the Upper East Side that starts playing and competing from the fertilized egg.

So Mrs. Horton followed Ms. Ann's path, passed the review of the community council, and finally moved into her dream Upper West Side mansion.

Even Mr. Horton doesn't like it at all.

"Let's see who's coming-" In the reception room on the second floor, a boy with short dark blonde hair walked over first, exaggerated and let out a soft exclamation, "Wow, look, a Horton!" "

"Josh, don't do this." Mark quickly spoke up and stopped Josh's next move.

Josh stopped and looked back at Mark and Sean before shrugging his shoulders and stopping, backing back and throwing himself into the couch, leaning there and gazing at Josie maliciously.

Such angles and expressions made his already pale and cold face look more and more evil and wanton and difficult to mess with.

Josie smiled lightly at Josh.

Josh rolled his eyes and pulled down his baseball cap, covering most of his face.

Josie was satisfied.

It is a fairly large room, with a large area of imperial red wallpaper, heavy marble decorative tables and palm-decorated armchairs, and a patchwork of artwork and flowers as decorations, which fully reflects the hostess's home taste.

There was soothing music in the room, and three boys in their teens and twenties stood or sat looking at Josie with similar eyes, and the scrutiny was obvious and made Josie feel that she was not welcome.

In the center is a vintage couch.

Her friend Mark was sitting there, wearing a shiny black metal T-shirt and brushed white jeans, shaving a "Speed of Life and Death"-style inch, and his already handsome eyebrows were sharpened a little.

Mark beckoned to Josie and curled up on the sofa to greet him lazily: "Hi Josie, I thought you didn't have time to come over." "

His tone was familiar, and his attitude was the same as when they had met before.

At this time, Sean beside him also bowed slightly at Josie, "Hello, Josie." "

"Nice to see you, Sean." Josie then said hello.

I have to say that dealing with normal people, just better than Josh. Jones, that madman wants to be comfortable.

Josie sat on the other side of Mark, handed over the dark blue gift box she was holding with both hands, and said with a smile: "Happy birthday." "

"Let me guess, what?" Mark sat up and took it, laughing as he unwrapped the present, "Scarves, hats, watches, or accidentally buying a size larger limited edition sneakers – wow, that's cool!" "

He let out an exaggerated exclamation.

Perhaps at this time, Mark is a little surprised by a teenager, and not always slow.

His reaction made Sean a little interested, leaning over to take a look, "Motorola's phone? Ah, no, this is a model that is not yet on the market, I don't have one. "

Sean raised his eyes and couldn't help but ask Josie: "How did you get your hands on it?" "

"Advertiser." Josie replied, "I'm working on a movie with Motorola sponsorship. "

——I borrowed your name to get this one.

Josie pursed the corners of her mouth and smiled slyly.

For young men of any age, electronics will always hit their preferences accurately, even if the two people in front of them were talking about forming a band a few minutes ago.

Mark accepted his gift and asked about the movie that Josie was shooting, and after hearing that it was a mindless school comedy, he did not lack the interest Josie expected, but raised his eyebrows a little.

"Maybe we should get an 8mm handheld camera-" He dragged his tone, turning his head to give Sean a look, a smile on the corners of his eyebrows, "for Josie. Ms. Horton's first movie? "

Sean nodded, "Yes, I have a Sony." "

Josh didn't know when he came over, put on a baseball cap and squeezed on Sean's side, his gaze crossed Mark, looked at Josie on the other side, and said, "She's going to make a movie?" No, is that producer crazy blind or stupid. "

Josie only returned a polite smirk.

Josh pouted and quickly turned his face back.

Mark and Sean didn't seem to see their childish behavior, or they habitually ignored the episode, Mark sat there and said to Josie, "We'll give you a show on the Upper West Side then, emmm, and if I'm in college, I'll get you one near the school." "

"Thank you, it's not necessary." Josie waved her hand, "I'm afraid my fans won't be able to buy tickets." "

Mark didn't speak, just laughed.

Josie heard the ridicule in it, and raised her eyebrows slightly: "Wait, one day the whole world will know my beautiful face." "

Mark replied with a smiling expression and said slowly, "I know, big star." "

Josie was too lazy to argue, remembering her other business, and asked: "Do you have any pictures of me when I was a child at home, you can take a group photo, I have to find some rooms to decorate the movie." "

"Yes, Ms. Ann has more, but she and Mick went on vacation." Mark shrugged and glanced at the clock on the wall, "You can go upstairs to my room by yourself, right on the shelf in the bedroom." Sorry, Josie, it's time for us to go. "

"It'spartytime,kids." Josh duly returned Josie with a smirk, "You guys just look at home." "

Mark's birthday party can't be held in his own home, of course, and these young boys like trendy gameplay, even if his personality is a little different, but they still want a cooler way to celebrate.

Josie didn't ask to join.

Of course, she was not invited.

"Next time I will go to LA." Mark said, "We'll make another appointment then." "

Josie gestured with a no-problem gesture.

She went downstairs to call Samantha, one of the twins, before going to Mark's bedroom to look for her picture.

Samantha looked a little quiet, and a little too focused on Josie's every move.

"Sam?" Josie wondered.

"Uh-" Samantha hesitated, "Tell me about your time in Hollywood, about movie auditions, filming locations, or, new boyfriends or something?" "

Josie blinked, looking a little surprised.

As she took the only photo album from the shelf, she laughed slowly and said, "Boyfriend? No, no, but I met a lovely girlfriend. "

Samantha first secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then stunned, "Girlfriend? "

"Aha, just a simple girlfriend." The corners of Josie's mouth rose, "What are you thinking, Samantha. Ms. Rongsen? "

Samantha reacted and gave her an angry look.

Josie smiled even brighter at Samantha.

He looked down and flipped through the photo album, most of which were photos of Mark and the twins from their middle school days, and only two were related to Josie.

One of them is a single photo of Josie, sitting on the steps in front of her home, autumn leaves fluttering in the wind, and she is frowning at the camera, with a stubbornness that does not admit defeat. Even so, the three-quarters of the side faces are still beautiful, and it can even be said that there is a hazy beauty like an oil painting.

The other is a photo of two people, Mark and Josie, a hazy color Polaroid. The boys and girls above turned their heads at the same time, one with their hands in their pockets and eyelids drawn, the other with their hands behind their backs, smiling at the camera, behind them was the city, the sky was gloomy and gray, but their faces were young and bright.

Josie wasn't sure if it was Amy. The kind of photos that Hecklin and the prop group needed, so they simply took them down, closed the album, and said to Samantha: "Just these two, okay, Samantha?" "

Samantha seemed a little anxious to speak, but still nodded and said, "Do you need anything else, I know which room my mother put the album in, and there are baby photos of the three of us." "

Josie immediately said: "That's great, you did a big favor!" "

Mrs. Horton and Ms. Ann are daughters born on the front and back, and naturally have a lot of common topics, so they left many photos of the little ones.

She should love Josie, although those pasts are not deeply impressed by Josie, and secondly, they are long.

But before the tragedy at the age of five, she did fulfill the responsibilities of a mother, including breastfeeding herself, insisting on bathing her, playing with her, taking her to and from school... Know that in most people's homes on the Upper West Side and Upper East Side, these are the jobs of nurseries, babysitters and drivers.

No one expected that she would actually commit suicide.