Daniel. The shock that Day Lewis gave Josie was just beginning.

They rehearsed in New York for a week, and the actor's performance made Josie feel different every time, and whenever she thought that the shock was beyond measure, he could always break through Josie's stereotype and break the original self again.

Rebecca. Miller was completely fascinated by him, but her good upbringing made her barely restrain this strong love, but the look she looked into his eyes was completely looking at a real god.

And this is just because of a few acts of "The Crucible".

It's terrible.

Josie felt a deep shudder, coming from the depths of her own heart, which completely stimulated her desire to challenge.

She felt that her previous "Allen" was really a mess of, and her innate acting ability was all contributed to that character biography, rather than the real shaping of the character.

She was complacent because of this.

For a mess of.

Why cut the same character into three parts?

Performance is life.

A water-like tenderness that can't be asked for can easily lower the guardedness of others, and can also make people give everything she wants with guilt, but what she pays is a few tears of sadness that are painless.

A woman, especially a beautiful woman, beauty can be a weapon or a disguise, depending on how she hopes to conquer the world.

She is "Alan".

On the surface, gentle and harmless, in fact indifferent, even if people think they have seen through her disguise, the inferior nature of human nature still makes them fall into her trap, and the human heart is a toy in her hands.

The chilling empathy in the spine began to work, and Josie relived several tricks with a pure and innocent beautiful skin, which soon made the people in the theater dissatisfied with the actress who took the lead in squeezing her.

"She never wanted your character. If I were to say, isolation at the beginning was stupid, when we still play the bullying set. "

"She's just a little girl who loves acting, is it her fault that she became famous at a young age? What's more, her movie is really interesting, and the true color performance is also a way of acting, and the performance should not be superior. "

"Listen, Sara, what you're going to do is your business, but I gotta say that befriending her is more than trying to step on her, isn't it? She's already a Hollywood star, we can't compare with her, that's the reality. "

Arthur. Miller watched coldly, and also intended to knock Sarah, a somewhat smug Broadway actress before, and only called the troubled Josie to his office on the afternoon of the last day of rehearsals in New York.

"I've read your script, First Class Fear."

Arthur. Miller sat at a long table full of materials and handwritten documents, and raised a few pages in his hand, his expression still faint.

"I can't act myself, but I watch it, both in the performance and in the script," he said. It's a decent book, and although some parts are unnecessary, it doesn't prevent it from being much better than most boring movies on the market. "

"Ah, you have a point." Josie sat solemnly on the other end of the long table, her posture as straight as her attitude.

Arthur. Miller glanced at Josie expressionlessly, "Don't make trouble in my troupe, since you want to act, then let you play today, and after the performance, pack me and leave." "

Josie scratched her ears with some doubt, looking dazed: "What? "

"You're sitting here." Arthur. Miller said in a commanding tone, "From now on, you are 'Alan', don't think about anything else!" "

Josie stopped talking.

"Enter your character!" Arthur. Miller ignored her and got up and sat down in a chair in the corner, right in front of her.

After a short while, the sound of regular footsteps of leather shoes moving in the corridor outside the door, followed by a knock on the open door.

The farmer, who was dirty during the afternoon rehearsal, is now in a suit and full of spirit, and his raised dark brown eyes flash with wisdom and steadiness, and the whole person looks shrewd and strong.

"Hello, Alan." Daniel. Day Lewis sat down in front of Josie, "Let's talk about your case." "

His tone is very confident, and his eyes are also very determined, which makes people can't help but trust and rely on him, and follow his pace.

Josie's eyes widened and she subconsciously replied, "Yes, sir." "

Oh my God, she's not completely ready and not fully into the role.

But these cramped points just fit Allen's state of mind at this time.

Whether it's the criminal about to be tried finally meets a lawyer willing to help her, or quietly waiting for her conceited prey to enter her pre-set trap, the expression on her face is now appropriate.

"Don't be so nervous." Daniel smiled lightly and took out the notepad and pen in his briefcase, "I am your defense lawyer, I believe you did not kill anyone, I will win this case for you." "

Just three impromptu lines.

He obviously didn't move much, his mood didn't fluctuate, and even his voice was flat, but the bite was clear and powerful, and he easily brought Josie into this scene.

Yes, from Daniel called out the name "Allen" -

No, from the moment he stepped into the hallway, the scene had already begun!

"Thank you, sir." Facing Daniel's confident face, Josie first thanked him, then quickly lowered her eyes and looked at her hands.

Her fingers were folded together, her thumbs habitually picking at the dead skin at the edge of her nails, and uneasiness and tension spread through her.

Daniel also followed her line of sight to see this scene.

But he didn't correct it, saying only: "Tell me, what happened that day." "

Josie looked up and forced herself to give him an embarrassed smile, and obvious panic already appeared under her eyes.

The slight smile on Daniel's face disappeared, and his tone hardened: "Tell me, Alan, I need to know the truth." "

"I... I don't know, sir. Josie's tone was hesitant, improvisational mixed with lines from the script, and said intermittently: "I sometimes, I sometimes lose some memories, and that day is the same." I lost consciousness and when I woke up, he collapsed in front of me. Sorry, I was so scared at the time, and when I was awake, I... I'm already hiding. "

Her words are a little slurred, her voice is weak and hesitant, and she seems to be trying to recall details, which makes her character more and more dull and mediocre, without unnecessary intelligence and wit.

Daniel's eyes were sharp, staring at every expression of the girl in front of him in an inspective way, her fear and uneasiness were real, even her habitual small action of licking her upper lip represented a strong panic in her heart.

And when her clear and innocent eyes looked over with hope and helplessness, no one could believe that such a girl would lie or even kill.

But Daniel tightened the corners of his mouth, and suddenly threw the notepad in his hand onto the table.

The cowhide textured notepad skin fell on the wooden tabletop, making a dull sound, and Josie seemed to be frightened, and the whole person shrank a little, and couldn't help but look at Daniel.

Daniel sank his face and lowered his voice: "You're lying to me from beginning to end!" People are what you kill! "

He had already entered another scene at this moment.

"Nope! Not me! Josie was driven by it and subconsciously shook her head in panic, "No, no..."

"Fxxku!" Daniel cursed, blocking Josie's muttering, and he quickly grabbed his voice: "Damn bastard, don't think that this look of yours can continue to fool me, I'm finished, you're finished, we're all fucking finished!" "

He was still uneasy, his tall body crossed the table, grabbed Josie by the collar, and lifted her whole person half-up, without the slightest pity.

Roared: "This is the result you want? Well? Are you satisfied? I'm telling you, you're dead, you murderer! "

His volume and strength were not restrained, and the crazy roar exploded in Josie's ears, forcing the shivering girl to cover her ears helplessly while closing her eyes and shaking her head vigorously.

At this time, Josie could no longer tell the difference between inside and outside the play.

She only felt that the man in front of her was a crazy and terrifying villain, and had no doubt that she would be killed by him in the next second, so she could only tremble almost nervously, praying that everything in front of her would end quickly.

"You murderer!"

- No, not me!

"You drew a line on the evidence!"

- No, that's Joey!

"No one can help you now, Alan!"

- No, I still have Joey!

"You fucking bastard, incompetent waste!"

- No, Joey can save it all!

Daniel vented, let go of his hand without warning, and let Josie fall into the chair.

He looked down in contempt and sneered, "Wait for death, Alan!" "

As soon as the words fell, Josie suddenly raised her head, revealing a pair of fierce and fierce eyes, as if some kind of creature in the darkness, the next second about to pounce and bite his blood vessels.

Daniel's movements froze, a surprised and inquiring emotion appeared under his eyes, his brows frowned, and his eyes brought scrutiny.

The girl in front of him lowered her brows, making her eyes even sharper, and as if feeling his gaze, the corners of her eyes suddenly twitched reflexively.

Josie stared at Daniel's eyes in front of him without moving, the end of his eyes were slightly red due to dryness and tightness, and spoke: "Who the are you?" "

Daniel couldn't help but feel a hint of admiration in his heart.

His tone hesitated and tentatively asked, "Alan? "

A sneer overflowed from Alan's lips, and he didn't answer, just rolled his stiff eyes, slowly straightened up, and dusted off the non-existent dust on his body.

Then, she raised her eyes coldly and looked at the lawyer in front of her.

The room was eerily quiet.

Arthur. Miller broke the ice and said, "Cut! "

Daniel. Day Lewis was the first to come back to his senses, chuckling and shaking his head, his face quickly changing to his usual gentle expression.

"Amazing." He thought for a moment and said, "I mean, her way of controlling her facial muscles is very advanced, and it shocked me a little." "

"It's too ingenious." Arthur. Miller interfaced, "The performance should be more unobtrusive." "

Daniel only smiled: "That's already nice, isn't it." "

"Okay." Arthur. Miller pushed his glasses and said, "I'll admit, she's not bad, really good." "

——It's also nice to have his other naturally rebellious daughter personally ask for help.

Daniel smiled slightly and praised: "Her talent is very good, and there are not too many traces of systematic training, but it makes her performance more different." "

Today's acting direction came from Arthur. Miller's request, Daniel from getting the script, completing the costume change, to walking in, a total of only half an hour.

But this time was enough for Daniel to roughly construct his acting world, except that he did not fully immerse himself in the role of lawyer.

On the one hand, he is slow to enter the play and slow to come out, which is the inevitable result of his performance style; On the other hand, he has recently been immersed in the role of the farmer in The Age of Passion and cannot fully withdraw.

However, this level of performance is enough to stimulate Josie's understanding of the character, because Daniel deliberately strengthens his own guidance is not the part of the performance, and in a short period of time inspires her to show two very different sides of the character.

Josie took a long breath.

Then, she slowly exhaled the turbid breath in her lungs little by little, and then rubbed her face vigorously and said to Daniel: "Thank you very much for your guidance, Mr. Lewis." "

Daniel smiled at her.

Josie turned to Arthur again. Miller said, "Thank you too, Mr. Miller. "

Arthur. Miller let out a soft "hmm."

He came from the corner, sat down at the table, and asked, "Tell me, what is it like to play with Daniel?" "

"Relaxed, relaxed." Josie used two adjectives and added, "But my mind and blood are excited." "

To be honest, it's like she's really partying all night now.

One of the most outstanding actors of our time personally guided her to shape this character, and the opportunity for one of the most famous playwrights of modern times to fill in the gaps for her on the sidelines is too precious.

Daniel said with a light smile: "It is also possible that it is your 'Alan', enjoying the pleasure of playing with people's hearts." "

It's a play within a play.

When Josie seamlessly switches between the two different personalities of "Allen" and "Joey", she herself should be playing the real "Allen", that is, the "Allen" herself who constructed the first two false personalities to deceive the lawyer into exonerating.

"Allen" is a calm bystander and a conceited manipulator.

Josie thought about it for a moment, but couldn't think of a reason.

Arthur. Miller said: "Remember the feeling just now, the experiential path is suitable for you to get started, and then you have to rely on yourself." "

"I will, sir." Josie nodded.

If you can't see Arthur again. Miller called her over today just to give her a masterclass in acting, and Josie was afraid of being a fool.

Arthur. Miller said again: "But there are still many flaws in your performance just now, take out your little book and listen carefully to our analysis..."

Josie quickly did so.