Geffen raised a glass at Josie.

Turning his head, he greeted his friend, the freshly baked Universal Pictures President Lang. Meyer.

"Michael. How is Ovitz over there? Geffen asked.

Former CAA boss Michael. Ovitz failed to compete for president of Universal Pictures, losing not only the CAA he founded, but also Lang. Meyer, the best friend, had to accept Walter in August of this year. Disney CEO Michael . Eisner's invitation to become president of Disney Pictures.

On the surface, this may seem like a good career promotion.

But in fact, the top of the Disney film and television department is Michael . Eisner's people, who firmly controlled the power of the entire department, let Michael, who once called the wind and rain. Owitz was mired in a quagmire and extremely passive as soon as he entered the company, and he could not make a difference in the true colors that once called for wind and rain in Hollywood.

"Oh, our sad friend obviously hasn't reacted yet." Bright. Meyer replied, "Michael is doing something big!" "

Since he has completely turned his face, Lang. Meyer naturally does not hide the ridicule in his tone for his former friend, and this is exactly what Geffen wants to hear.

Geffen smiled lightly: "It's just a self-righteous fool." "

Perhaps soon, this fool will find Michael who has extended an olive branch to him in addition to betraying his friend. Eisner, too, is the enemy who fell into the well.

At that time, presumably this once the number one big man on the Hollywood power list, his expression should be very wonderful, right?

But to be honest, Geffen himself has long forgotten about Michael. Where did Ovitz provoke him, maybe it was the arrogance of the other party, or maybe it was the homophobic tendency of the other party, anyway, to his status in this quack, wanting to press anyone in Hollywood to death, but it was just casual.

Geffen slowly sipped the pale golden martini in her hand and narrowed her eyes.

Not far away, Josie smiled sweetly.

Her two round and large blue eyes, because of the bright smile bent into the shape of a pair of crescent moons, the smile was mixed between her beautiful eyebrows, glowing with a little starlight.

In front of Josie, Keanu also had a relaxed smile on his face, and they were standing in a less conspicuous corner, he leaned against the window, the first three buttons of his black blazer and white shirt open, very dashing.

Anyone will find this a pleasing pair.

"Hi Josie." This is Keanu's opening statement.

"Hi... Keanu. As if hesitating, Josie called out Keanu's name, a restrained blush on her young face, "I have to tell you, I'm your fan." "

Keanu first exuded a little surprise, then smiled: "I'm honored." In fact, I watched the script for Fear of the Degree and your audition videotape, and that role was very difficult and your performance was shocking. "

"I know it's hard, but I really want to give it a try." Because of talking about "First Class Fear", Josie's excitement converged a lot, and she turned to seriously discuss her fight for the role, "I'm not from a science class, and I haven't studied acting seriously, but it doesn't matter, anyone around me is my teacher and imitator." "

"I know that it is indeed a very challenging and rewarding role, and the script of the film is very attractive, and I think you made the right choice." Keanu said, "And you've got it." "

Josie curled the corners of her mouth slightly, "Since you've read the script, don't you think I'm whimsical?" Even the actor of the movie, Richard. Kiel protested, he thought the director's idea was crazy, and I actually dared to accept the audition invitation. "

"I guess, Richard on the day of the audition. Kiel's mood may not be very good. Keanu took a sip of wine, he tilted his head to show a sly look, and then said, "But when it comes to the role audition, I haven't tried it, how do you know if it can't?" If you accept failure without doing anything, that kind of life is too boring. "

Josie's smile brightened a little: "It sounds like you like challenges too, and that's one of the reasons I like to be an actor, we can always experience different lives, sometimes it's exciting." "

"But don't put too much pressure on yourself, just remember to enjoy the movie, it will make everything easy." Keanu joked, "But when it comes to characterization, I really can't help, God knows what shadows those monster-like guys left on me when I was filming 400 Years of Horror." "

Josie blinked her eyes and replied rather playfully: "If it were me, I'd rather leave a shadow than work with those good actors once, wouldn't I?" "

Keanu lowered his head and smiled fixedly at Josie's big unblinking eyes, which were a bright and lively cornflower blue, especially in the night light, which was more intense and clear.

He remembered seeing the girl in front of him.

That night she sang by the palm leaves and by the pool, singing softly and cleanly, with her friends.

He guessed that she was a good girl who was disobedient, because she looked at everyone's eyes without any unnecessary ambiguity, whether it was a glamorous Hollywood star or a handsome young man.

Perhaps, she has a heart?

Or did she, like him, not like it this way?

In any case, her appearance tonight really made this party a little interesting.

And when she flashes such big bright eyes, looking at anyone, especially when talking about movies, she deserves preferential treatment.

"Yes, you're right." He laughed, his eyes kind.

This is a great start.

Instead of deliberately touching on motorcycles or bands she didn't know, Josie opened the situation with a universal movie topic, she talked about her troubles in shaping the character of "First Degree Fear", and she didn't like that most people thought of her as a blonde silly and youth idol, really like a naïve young man unconsciously pouring out his heart to his idol.

Josie lowered her eyes, and the thoughts in her heart turned a thousand times.

Needless to say, the man in front of him is a very high-quality love object.

For such a big star, all types of girls are not scarce, pure girls are attractive, but very troublesome; The stunning demon Ji is even better, and the interest is a dewy marriage.

This is precisely the situation that Josie dislikes the most, love is very romantic, but dominance is also important.

It's not about what he can give her and what he doesn't give; It's whether she wants it or doesn't want it.

She is not qualified to make love.

"Really?" With pure joy in her eyes, Josie folded her fingers and counted the names of the big coffees: "Jessica. Lange, Susan. Sarandon, Kathy. Bates, Francis. McDormand... Madeleine. Stowe, I made a long list for my agent, and for every actress I worked with, I crossed out a name on it. "

Keanu waited very patiently for Josie to finish counting one by one, and couldn't help asking: "Well, why are there only actresses?" "

"Maybe it's because I don't have a particularly favorite actor? I'm not sure. Josie pressed her fingers against her chin, a small movement that made her upward raised eyes more rounded and clear, like two sparkling springs.

Keanu had a smile in his eyes, dark brown eyes almost black looking intently at Josie in front of him, and said half-jokingly: "Oh, this is really sad, I thought you would especially like it-"

"Huh?" Josie blinked and played her cards unreasonably, "What do you think, who will I like?" "

"Perhaps, Tom. Cruise? Keanu paused before coming up with a name.

He couldn't say it, he wanted to say his name.

Josie seemed to have noticed nothing, and nodded seriously: "I have heard that Mr. Cruise is very dedicated and hardworking, and the third-party insurance is afraid of him every time." "

Keanu smirked.

He couldn't help but wonder: Did this girl really not know what it meant for her to be stuffed to him tonight? Or is her attitude to film and work so focused that she ignores other things?

I have seen more girls who have dedicated themselves to him one after another, and her type of forgetting him when she talks about movies has some unusual cuteness.

And she pays attention to Tom. Cruise's point, too, is special.

"Surprisingly, I've heard a lot of people tell me that Tom. Cruise is attracted to his charisma or talent, but you're the only one who admires his workaholic attributes. Keanu said.

"Isn't this also a kind of personality charm? At least this is more real and moving than the so-called external conditions. Josie said this sincerely.

Tom. Cruise's Mission Impossible series has just begun, and no one could have imagined that this big star would work harder and harder to break through this impossible mission again and again.

Many years later, Liang Tang, who is approaching his 60th birthday, is still sweating and sweating for his new movie, just like Keanu in front of him, which can be called an evergreen in the Hollywood film industry.

Tom's deeds are well known, Keanu personally played guns and fighting dog revenge battles throughout the whole process, it was really exciting to fight, and the extranet was crazy for him again, and the sequel was filmed several times in a row, directly sending him back to the peak of his career.

Josie appreciates this kind of enterprising and challenge-loving people, so Sunset Red Grandpa is much more attractive than those little fresh meat.

Keanu keenly felt that for one moment the girl in front of him looked at him a little more, but the next second it seemed to be just his hallucination—the smile on her face was as sweet as ever, just like in her movie.

"Little girl, you know a lot." I have to admit that she made a good impression on him, but that's it. "Okay, go play with other people and enjoy your party."

As cute as she was, he shouldn't have dominated her, and most of the reason they talked for so long was because the audition tape was so impressive.

Keanu gestured behind Josie.

Josie followed the direction of his gaze and saw a boy with soft blonde hair, smiling at her shyly, but quickly withdrawing it.

"Hi Josie." The boy spoke up.

He raised his eyes to look at Josie, and quickly lowered his head, and his habitual slightly drooping eyes showed that he was a little cramped and uneasy.

"Hello." Josie flashed a smile, "I know you, Brad. Ranflo, are The Ultimate Witness and The World of True Love right? "

Brad. Lanflo's slightly melancholy dog eyes flickered and whispered, "You know me? I mean, I didn't expect you to see my movie. "

The child was only in his teens, with fluffy and soft mid-half long hair falling on the sides of his cheeks, and the color was a deep gold similar to brown, just like his role in the movie, which easily stimulated a woman's motherhood.

But Josie doesn't like children.

Especially hate vexatious bear children.

If she must choose, she prefers meek and well-behaved people, and also appreciates people with strong self-discipline.

Brad's appearance looks like the former.

"Yes, I've seen it, and you're acting well." Josie said.

In fact, if it weren't for Josie's accident, he would have been the Hollywood Reporter's Rookie of the Year.

Brad couldn't help but look down and smile.

After two or three seconds, he raised his head as if remembering something, and asked cautiously: "I like your movie very much, can you sign it for me?" "

Josie was a little surprised, but of course she wouldn't refuse.

So he said, "No problem. But where to sign it, I don't have pen and paper. "

Brad showed a mixture of regret and sadness on his face, stared at the tip of his shoe and began to apologize: "I'm sorry, I made you embarrassed..."

Josie raised an eyebrow.

Perhaps it was her delusion, she always felt that the child's state was a little wrong, and subconsciously tried to avoid the opportunity to look at people.

But more, he gave her a subtle sense of familiarity.