Sweetheart Girl and Bad Boy? Pickpocket Josie. Horton and Mark. Wahlberg's love history! "

A tabloid gossip is thrown in the trash, and Josie, who is holding the phone, is on fire with her PR Eve.

"Why is this picture in a magazine, when I pay your company so much money just to get this kind of thing published?" She asked in a stacked voice, "Don't tell me, you haven't received any news!" "

Her PR Eve said helplessly: "Take it easy, Josie, this is just an irrelevant scandal, no one will take this seriously." And before you had lesbian rumors, I think it just downplayed the downside of the rumors and brought your personal image in the direction we need to be. "

In fact, Mark . Wahlberg has had a little trouble lately.

He was jailed as a teenager for discriminating against Asians and intentionally hurting people, an event that doesn't matter to a rapper but is deadly to a Hollywood star.

Therefore, his PR thought that he should find a girlfriend of color or even simply Asian, but he was in a hot fight with a model, so he found Josie, who is of a small Asian descent, to hype a wave.

It's just that this matter directly docked with Kevin, another agent of Josie, and then Kevin called Eve... Well, it was indeed a misstep, and it seemed that Eve and her team were very unprofessional.

But that's Kevin. Hovien.

So now Eve has to find a reason to prevaricate, instead of foolishly telling the truth and disrupting the relationship between Kevin and his client.

"It's another story." Josie's anger did not abate much, "The problem is, whether or not you knew in advance that it would be published, I was not able to know anyway, and this is where your mistake lies." "

Eve paused and asked, "You mean, you need to make a decision, don't you?" "

Josie replied, "I'm the boss, you can't make decisions for me." "

"OK, my fault." Eve defended herself, "Normally, your peers don't like to pay attention to these lace news, they only care about the outcome of the event that is favorable to themselves." It's my fault that industry habitual thinking doesn't apply to everyone, and it doesn't respect your opinion. "

Clients and the PR team also need a certain amount of time to run in, and it is clear that Josie is not the traditional youth star they once served, she does not like scandals, and her agents or parents cannot control her completely.

To be honest, Hollywood's gossip tabloids are too developed, basically they are all brands under large news groups, and no star will really compare with them, because there are too many of them, the effect is not good, and there is no need.

Moreover, this kind of ordinary scandal that does not go three ways down is just chasing the wind, and there is no need for public relations at all.

"I don't want to be the hero of the peach dispute." Josie said, "And what I care more about is that there are paparazzi secretly photographing us, in front of Geffen's yacht." "

"You know, Josie. Of course, this matter was also instructed by Geffen, otherwise no editor-in-chief would have published this scandal. Markey. Mark has been carrying an attempted murder record for injuring a Southeast Asian man before, and now he wants to completely transform from a rapper to a Hollywood star, and naturally needs to win the favor of people of color. Your Chinese ancestry is a good choice. "

Eve played a little bit of an untimely sense of humor, "Of course, it is not ruled out that he is really interested in you." "

"Come on, he only harasses me when he is bored, obviously he likes sexy hot models."

Josie opened the door to the backyard, and Brettney was sunbathing on an inflatable float, the water surface of the pool slightly swinging.

Brettney beckoned to her.

Eve laughed: "Oh, I always forget that you are only seventeen years old, but I have to remind you that without a boyfriend or gossip boyfriend for a long time, people are prone to suspect your sexual orientation." "

"The lack of entertainment makes the general public always like to stare at the boring gossip of celebrities." Josie couldn't help but complain, "Shouzhen is suspected of Lala, and often changes boyfriends and has to suffer. Woman humiliated while Warren. Beatty, however, can be proud of her prodigal son and prodigal son, Annette. Benin is even envied. "

Eve was helpless: "Hey, sweetheart, don't be like this." "

Josie pouted and did not continue.

She held the earpiece between her shoulders and did a few stretches to warm up while listening to the phone.

"So—" Eve asked, "do you need me to arrange a relationship contract for you?" This may be helpful for the project you are working on. "

"No, thank you." Josie replied lightly, "I'm in love, but not now, and not with a contract boyfriend." By the way, this kind of thing is boring, really. "

Eve laughed very happily and said, "Although I think so, who makes people like this set." "

Josie hung up the call, took off her long T-shirt, and plunged into the pool.

She held her breath and swam back and forth a few times before feeling the annoyance in her chest ease.

The sun-exposed pool water is warm and comfortable, making this slender and graceful body stretch, like a white and flawless mermaid, swimming in the sparkling pool, giving people a very beautiful visual enjoyment.

Kevin. When Hauvian walked over, he saw the beauty of her head raised from the water.

"Hello, Josie." Kevin said, "And Brettney. "

Not far away, Brettney raised her sunglasses, waved her hand and said "hi", consciously letting the inflatable floating row float farther away.

So, the agent, dressed in a three-piece suit, crouched down on the edge of the pool and looked at his client with a pleasant smile.

Josie brushed the droplets from her face with one hand, brushed her wet hair behind her head with the other, and her breathing was a little unsteady, "Hello, Kevin, you must have brought good news." "

She reached out and grabbed the metal escalator of the pool, and the water slid down her body, bringing some splashes on the surface of the water, shining in the sunlight like diamonds.

This isn't Josie's first meeting with the big agent.

They had a brief conversation before the CAA internal shuffle ended, and then on the project of "First Class Fear", Kevin supported Josie to win the role of Allen.

But when Josie confronts Kevin, she still feels different from Martha or Archie.

Kevin thoughtfully handed a large bath towel to Josie before replying, "Of course, some good scripts, maybe you will like it." "

Josie wiped away the excess water droplets on her body.

When she returned to the recliner with her parasol, she had an outline of the script and a large glass of lemonade prepared by Dorota, and Kevin routinely added ice to her own lemonade.

"I guess, you and David. Geffen knows. Kevin sat down in a chair next to him and casually unbuttoned a suit, "What does he want you to do?" "

Josie was looking down through the script outline and recognized at a glance that it was Leonardo. DiCaprio's Beginnings: Modern Passions After Romeo and Juliet.

Leonardo seems to have won a European film festival actor for this.

"Can I trust you, Kevin." Josie raised her eyes and asked in an affirmative tone, "Our interests are in the same vein, right?" "

Kevin spread his hands and said, "No doubt. Your business is my business, I can't betray you, firstly, the cost is too high, secondly, it is unnecessary, it is related to my professionalism, and you can trust me - within a certain range of what you need.

Josie put down the script outline, picked up her lemonade, and took a sip before giving a name: "Keanu. Reeves. "

"What?" Kevin leaned over.

"Don't tell me you haven't received any wind, Kevin." Josie said, "There were some undisclosed conflicts between them, and it was clear that Geffen didn't trust Keanu that much, he needed something to prove that he was still tame, and I seemed like a good candidate." "

"Keanu?" Kevin didn't answer the question head-on, he noticed that Josie called Keanu's name, only saying, "Oh, you know, Keanu is a gentleman, especially to women who adore him." So, what is Geffen's plan? "

"Friends? Artillery friends? Romantic relationship? I do not know. Josie didn't seem to have any questions in her reaction, she answered without really answering anything, "He can't ask us to get married in the same place, can he." "

Kevin touched his nose and didn't speak.

Josie smiled slightly and said, "In any case, I shouldn't need to worry about the unspoken rules of the workplace at present." "

Ever since she and Keanu left Geffen's party at the same time that night, it meant that the new sweetheart girl had been taken under its wings.

Basically, no one can make some kind of suggestive invitation to her anymore, or use strong means to coerce, otherwise it is equivalent to provoking Keanu. Reeves' status as an A-list superstar, and David who personally facilitated it. Geffen.

It's just a woman, and almost no one is that stupid.

This made Josie slightly relieved.

Kevin was a little surprised, he habitually observed Josie's face, but found that her expression management was still online, and did not reveal her true thoughts.

But that's enough.

Rather than a little girl caught up in a love brain or ego emotional, Kevin is more willing to face a Hollywood star who knows what is most important.

"Oh, Josie, you're doing a great job." Kevin said, "At least that would be the best option to make it too uncomfortable, wouldn't it?" "

Josie ignored it and continued: "A handsome superstar, a Hollywood love that everyone envies, and a character I dream of. It's perfect, right, but why can't I be happy at all. "

Kevin had to soothe and say, "Hey, Josie, take it easy, if you don't like it, then we don't have to accept all this." You're young and there's plenty of opportunities. "

To be honest, that depicted castle in the air is so appealing that it's almost guaranteed that Josie will be the next Nicole. Kidman, but not every woman has the determination, perseverance, talent, and luck of the latter.

"Yes, I'm young, I'm just a seventeen-year-old girl, obvious." Josie said as she turned to look at Kevin with an almost cold gaze, "But I'm already a true Hollywood star. "

Kevin gave Josie a reassuring smile and responded, "Yes, you're right. So, since you've decided to accept it all, enjoy it all and have fun. "

He paused, observed Josie's face, and continued, "Tell me about the character you want, David. Geffen's energy in Cameron's series is not so great, and there is only one person who can really decide the heroine of "Titanic", that is, James. Cameron himself. "

As a broker, Kevin. Havien certainly knew how much Josie wanted James. Cameron's role in the new movie.

In fact, arranging a role is not a particularly difficult task for Kevin, but the problem is that no one can guarantee that Josie will become the heroine of the movie and not other unimportant roles.

So for this most important project, Martha. Miller started operating early, from the casting director to the screenwriter to the producer, every link is being opened one by one, and no unnecessary news is circulating, after all, "Titanic" is still an uncertain future and a project in preparation.

And Josie's style of doing things likes to hit the shot, she not only has to make the audition list, but also to get James. Cameron left a very positive impression.

She tends to appear in front of the director of "Titanic" in a perfect moment, in an unassailable state, and let him willingly fall for her.

After all, there were too many opponents this time, and she didn't know what exactly made James. Cameron gave up Nicole. Kidman, Charlize. Theron and Kate. Beckinsale, these also good acting beauties, finally chose Kate. Winslet.

——Anyway, she would never write to him every day to tell him that she was his "Rose".

Luckily, time isn't pressed, James. Cameron is still talking to Fox's head of production, Jim. Ganopoulos went back and forth to increase the budget, and Titanic's live-action studios were only in the preliminary design stage, temporarily starting auditions for the roles of the main actors.

Perhaps as a reward, after that party, Geffen personally called to talk about "Titanic" and seemed to unintentionally test Josie if she needed a game with James. Cameron's dinner at Geffen Manor.

Josie declined the offer without even thinking.

On the one hand, she knows that some people are good and some are difficult; On the other hand, she had chosen her own side and never intended to actually become a pawn that Geffen planted next to Keanu.

Of course, David. Geffen's network is strong, but not yet truly omnipotent.

Geffen's role is more about balancing more interests, and he has some friendship with almost every major film and television executive, which makes him special and powerful.

But he did help Brad. Pete quickly rose to the throne and later became one of the current four students.

Back to the movie "Titanic". Which actress to use is always the matter of the movie's big-name producers, big-name directors and big-name male stars.

It's a shame if the name written on this item is not James. Cameron instead Steven. Spielberg, Geffen's influence will become extremely tempting.

Fortunately, this is the case.

Keep working hard and keep going, even if she doesn't get everything she wants, but as long as she keeps going, she will always become stronger.

Moreover, she is already more fortunate than the vast majority of people in the world, isn't she?