Ding-dong -

When the doorbell of Crowe's house rang, Cameron. Crowe was writing in his study.

In Ian. After Claese left, inspiration for the script of the new movie suddenly burst into his mind, so he couldn't wait to lean over the desk to work, turning a deaf ear to the doorbell.

From the kitchen came wife Nancy. Wilson's exclaim: "Honey, I'm preparing dinner for today, go open the door!" "

"Nope! I am working! "Cameron. Crowe didn't lift his head, and the words came out of his mouth, "'I'mgotaGoldenGOD!" ', Russell, this is Russell's line, he went overboard, fantasized about being a god, perfect..."

Nancy. Wilson had to put down what he was holding, quickly wash and dry his hands, frown and run to open the door.

"Oh, Amy, it's you!" It was obvious that Amy's arrival made Nancy instantly happy, and she said while letting people in the door: "Cameron told me yesterday that you might come to Los Angeles, but I didn't think it was so soon, I didn't expect you to arrive today—this is?" "

"Hello, Ms. Wilson, I'm Josie. Horton. Josie smiled actively.

"Ah, hello, Josie." Nancy looked at Josie's face with some surprise, "You're the one 'Josie. Horton'? "

The girl standing in front of Nancy had straight hair that just reached her shoulders, which was shorter and neater than the wave she had brought in the "Leader" movie before, and it was not as shiny.

Her face was white and clean, her facial features were also delicate, she had almost no makeup, she wore a solid white T-shirt, a light brown knitted cardigan and ordinary straight-leg jeans, and a pair of ordinary flat shoes on her feet.

The overall temperament feels simple and comfortable, very life-oriented, and not aggressive, and these classic pieces do not look expensive, there is no eye-catching outfit.

"Yes, that's her." Amy answered in place of Josie and then asked, "Nancy, isn't Cameron home?" We came to see him. "

Nancy directly rolled her eyes and said, "He's working on his new script in the study, and it won't come out for a while." Tell me about you, Amy and Josie, how about staying for dinner? I prepared my specialty dish today. "

Amy was about to say yes when she saw Josie wrinkle her nose and interrupt her to ask, "What smell?" In your oven..."

"Oh, Sxxt!" Nancy cursed and quickly ran to the kitchen, and then with a series of scrambling sounds, a burnt smell of meat spread throughout the house.

Amy and Josie exchanged a look.

The former helplessly spread his hands, rushed to the direction of the kitchen, signaled Josie to help, brushed the favorability, and he was responsible for opening the doors and windows of the living room to ventilate.

Josie rolled up her sleeves as she walked into the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Nancy is self-defeating and removing her heat-insulating gloves, the half-burnt meat on the baking sheet is as bad as her face, and the smoke alarm overhead is constantly beeping with a red light.

At this moment, Nancy just wants to light a cigarette and take a hard puff.

Why did her life become the way it is?

Just a few years ago, she was still at the forefront of the times, as the lead singer of a hardcore female rock band, but look at what she looks like now, and what is the difference between her and any ordinary housewife.

Oh, there is still a difference.

At least Nancy didn't have to worry about whether her unborn child was wetting the bed or pulled in her crotch.

Nancy's heart welled up with irritation.

At this moment, she heard a voice that seemed to be heavenly-

"Need help?"

Recently made Nancy's husband Cameron. Crowe's exceptionally irritable roots, the rumored superstar with mediocre acting skills and arrogant willfulness, leaned against the door in a very peaceful and casual posture.

Behind him is the holy light of an angel.

Cameron. Crowe put his script to an end, and when he came to his living room, the sweet smell of pumpkin and cream wafted through the house, and the laughter of the women as they chatted.

The first to notice his appearance was his wife, Nancy.

Nancy had that very relaxed smile on her face, which became more and more rare after they got married, but just as bright and beautiful as Crowe remembered, it had a particularly attractive hearty charm.

"Oh, sweetheart, what are you talking about?" Crowe walked into the living room and stood beside his wife, "Hello, Amy, this-"

"This is Joe, we just said that maybe I should go back to my old business and do some music-related work instead of being a housewife at home." Nancy interrupted Crowe's flower and winked at Josie.

"Hi, Joe." Crowe said hello and sat down next to his wife.

"Hi Cameron." Josie responded politely.

Crowe felt that this smile was a little familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while, he couldn't help but glance at his wife's new friend, although the other party was very young, but his temperament was gentle and quiet, he was a good girl from a middle-class family, doing ordinary work and having an ordinary life.

Such a person, I really don't know how to meet Nancy.

Crowe shook his head, withdrew his gaze, and asked, "Why do you have that thought, is this peaceful and stable life bad now?" "

He knew that his wife used to be the lead guitarist of the band, but the problem was that they had been married for almost ten years, and Nancy was entering middle age, so there was no reason to give up her current life and chant "RockNRoll" as she did when she was younger.

Nancy glared at her husband, "You call this calm and stable, but I call this mediocrity." "

"Well, sweetheart, whatever you like." Crowe shrugged.

Anyway, reality will tell her how unrealistic it is for middle-aged women to play rock again, and now it is no longer the era of rock music, and all kinds of pop idols are flooding the music industry.

Since five years ago in the famous rock music producer Robert . With Lange's help, Nancy's Hearts band released their last best-selling album, and their career slid to the brink of collapse like the body of her sister Ann, and finally officially disbanded this year.

As for doing some music-related work, it's not impossible.

It's just that the two of them discussed about getting pregnant, but seeing that Nancy was still on the head, Crowe wisely didn't remind him.

He said, "Amy, if you're going to mention Josie. Horton, then my side has already solved it. "

Amy said suspiciously, "Well, Cameron, what do you mean?" "

"Literally." Crowe leaned casually on the cushions of the sofa, "The girl found a good lobbyist, and I was convinced that as long as she didn't look like a high school student or a rich girl, then I would consider using her." "

Several women were silent for a moment, exchanging some strange glances with each other, and then Amy forced herself to let out a breathy sound: "Aha? "

Josie couldn't help it.

"Thank you, Mr. Crowe." She spoke up, "So, have I been lucky enough to know how you think I look today?" "

"What?" Crowe frowned, looking inexplicable.

His wife Nancy beside him couldn't help but burst into exaggerated laughter, and even Amy, who was sitting across from them, couldn't suppress the corners of her mouth desperately rising, observing his expression very playfully.

Crowe looked left and right, and had to turn his gaze back to the "Joe" who looked the most calm and calm in front of him.

"Sorry for the first meeting in this way." Josie's smile was almost perfect, and her shoulders and back began to strengthen, adjusting her sitting posture, "I am Josie. Horton. "

When she laughed, the kind of look on her face made Cameron. The familiar qualities that Crowe felt became clearer and clearer-

Then, Crowe heard that the freckled and light-eyed glasses girl in front of him claimed to be the hottest sweetheart girl at the moment.


Crowe couldn't help but look at her carefully.

From her iconic blonde hair to her iconic smile to her iconic rich temperament, the girl in front of her is really difficult to associate with that "Monopoly".

But a little more carefully, the superior face shape skeleton and muscle direction, and you can get a glimpse of belonging to "Josie. Horton" traces of that high-class movie face.

Makeup styling is really awesome.

It can make a woman sexy and charming, and it can also make a woman mediocre.

However, what is even more powerful is that the actress is calm from beginning to end, she dressed like this and mixed into Crowe's house, talking and laughing with his wife in front of him, the master, without the slightest unnecessary tension or embarrassment.

She is like an ordinary visitor and friend, an ordinary young girl, but by no means a dazzling or empty-headed teenage idol.

This is not only because of styling or makeup, but her own mentality and conversation after walking here, which does not belong to the type of naïve girl who has no experience.

Perhaps her mental age is a little too precocious.

Or maybe her acting skills are really surprising.

Crowe was stunned there for almost ten seconds.

It wasn't until Nancy's gloating laughter stopped in her ears that Crowe rolled her eyes and complained a little helplessly: "Well, it's a contemptible honor to entertain the ladies." "

After he said this, he stopped paying attention to Josie and really only saw her as a visiting new friend.

But Nancy apparently knew her pillow better and quietly gestured at Josie and Amy with an "OK" gesture, and showed a sly smile, which made the otherwise cold blonde a little more childish.

Afterwards, Josie had a delicious dinner at Crowe's house and left with Amy.

Three days later, Josie, who received an invitation from Columbia Pictures, auditioned for the role of the heroine of "Mr. Sweetheart" in the studio, and she faced Tom. The longing and admiring eyes of the male protagonist played by Cruise, as well as the child actors who easily managed to cry out loud, all made the audition results happy.

Then, with little haggling, the two sides successfully signed the contract with a salary of three million dollars.

Then, amid the discussion of surprise or joy or ridicule among the young Hollywood actresses, Josie's agency team made a decision that surprised most people -

Pushed off Romeo and Juliet.