Inside the Viper House.

The central small group of the "Wildcat Gang" is all here, Leonardo. DiCaprio is surrounded by his friend Alicia. Sylvistone, his friend Toby. Maguire, Lucas. Haas, Kevin. Connery and David. Brian, each with one or two girls in his arms, sat in the booth in the best location of the nightclub.

"So—" Alicia put a sweet smile on her face and rested her chin on Leonardo's shoulder, "You didn't even go ask for her number, it's too much out of your style, Leo." "

She blinked her beautiful big eyes, with obvious ridicule in her tone.

Alicia, who has rubbed shoulders with "Alone", is still one of the excellent newcomers who have emerged in Hollywood in recent years, she was once fascinated by the culture and atmosphere of the rock circle, and even if she made a few good movies, her career is still not very strong.

In contrast, touring the country with well-known bands or having fun with Leonardo is her more passionate lifestyle.

Therefore, Alicia is interested in Josie, who snatched her chance of overnight fame. Horton wasn't particularly ill, but there was nothing extra good.

She was just very curious that Leonardo, who was particularly partial to the blonde sweetheart, did not choose to treat Josie. Horton's perfectly suited shot - it's like, a domestic husky suddenly doesn't tear down the house?

Alicia touched her little nose and subconsciously pursed her lips that wiped her pink lipstick.

Lucas on the side. Haas also quipped: "yes, Leo, we didn't bet before, who would be the first to take Josie. Is Horton about coming out? It seems that you won this bet. "

"Bet? I didn't promise to join. Leonardo smiled and spread his hands, "Also, I just don't think it was a good time to ask her for her number, because she looked tired at the time." "

In fact, fifteen minutes after they shouted the card, the actress sitting alone in the studio slowly withdrew from "Rose"'s body, she looked pale, tired and hungry, but still very politely went over to say goodbye to everyone before being taken away by her agent.

"Goodbye, Mr. DiCaprio." ——Her voice is very soft, the dazzling brilliance that belongs to Rose is not among them, but she still looks beautiful and amazing.

"Goodbye, Miss Horton." —he was thinking at the time, she was so quiet, maybe they would see each other again soon.

It's obvious that James . Cameron loved her performance and loved his.

Ay... If it's playing opposite such an actress, commercial blockbusters don't seem to be so unacceptable, do they?

"Is that all? Tell me about the rest, you know, Leo, we're particularly curious about this famous 'golden girl' because she lives like a Hollywood adult. "Lucas. Haas asked, "Or is your invincible charm dead?" "

Hollywood's adulthood begins at the age of thirty-one, because most people will understand the critical role of self-discipline and networking in their careers and start running their business like an adult.

And Josie. Horton never played with their younger generation in Hollywood.

Even though she lives in Los Angeles, she's as reclusive as a New Yorker, rarely throws or partys, and her most frequent social appearance is the recent awards season PR event – oh my God, that's not cool, right?

Leonardo had to say a few words to the curious friends: "Invincible? Ha, that's not what I said. But when I passed, Josie. Horton only pays attention to the camera, she is quiet and focused, and she is a very good actress. If it's an ordinary girl, it's okay to ask out to play together, but I don't like to be in love with the drama, which is very unprofessional. "

"That said, it's possible for you to work with James. Cameron's movie? "Alicia gets to the point.

"Perhaps, who knows?" Leonardo smiled, "Because I haven't decided whether to play this role or not, but it's quite exciting to play against her, or Kate. Winslet is not bad either. They're all very young and talented actresses, and I guess Jim will like them too. "

He didn't mention Claire. Dennis, because he himself does not really want to work with the same actress twice in a row, firstly, there is nothing new in such a movie, and secondly, it is too torturous to get along with a woman for a whole year.

Rick. Yongn has long analyzed in front of Leonardo, about the casting of this film, James . Cameron doesn't have much choice, because he wants younger actors, producers want persuasive actors, and among the younger generation of Hollywood actors, the goal of meeting both is too limited.

It can be said that even Leonardo, who has already been nominated for an Academy Award for acting. DiCaprio, producer Fox also dislikes him for transforming from a child star to a real actor in recent years, and lacks achievements in the field of commercial films.

Alicia lifted her cheek with one hand and poured herself a sip of her drink, "I don't know what you like about that British actress, anyway, I would like to see Josie more. Horton starred in this heroine, at least she is American, and she looks quite beautiful. "

"It's more than pretty." Lucas. Haas bumped his shoulder against Toby, who was sitting silently next to him drinking. Maguire, frowning and said: "As soon as the Super Bowl halftime show ad came out, we were all like pouring a can of iced Coke on our heads, and she was really in the commercial... What is it, Toby, that you help me think? "

"Clear and sexy." Toby picked up a can of beer and touched him, "Don't do this, man, this bet is only Leo's chance, who will know in advance that every day in the newspaper with Markey. Mark's kind of girl who spreads scandals doesn't like to play at all in private. "

Alicia immediately snorted to express her dissatisfaction, she thought these boys were really boring, "Ewww, you guys actually believe gossip newspapers? It also says that Leo and I are engaged! "

Everyone burst into laughter, and then moved on to other topics.

On the other side, just as James . When Cameron was in a dilemma, the actresses who were the first to get their own audition results also reacted.

"Got it!" Gwyneth. Paltrow hung up the call from his agent, and the expression on his face was a little uncontrollable irritation.

The Hollywood star with a proud background is obviously not the kind of person who pays special attention to expression management, because she knows where she is now, but she still sinks her face, making people see that something is wrong.

Brad was talking to an industry insider with champagne. Pete noticed his girlfriend's face, quickly ended the conversation and greeted him, asking with concern: "What happened, Gwen?" "

"James. Cameron vetoed me! "Gwyneth. Paltrow couldn't help but raise his voice, "And now no one knows whether he will choose a fat British woman in a tunic or a brainless blonde silly girl!" "

Brad. After listening to it, Pete subconsciously frowned, took advantage of no one paying attention to them, hurriedly pulled her to the terrace, and said helplessly: "Honey, this is the reception of our movie, have you forgotten what we are doing?" If any reporter hears what you just said, you may be in trouble. "

Gwyneth. Paltrow pursed his lips, not looking very concerned, but still said, "They don't know who I'm referring to, and I didn't say anything wrong—well, I see what you mean, Brad." "

"Forget about the other person." Brad. Pete shook his head, "But Josie. Horton... Don't forget, she is one country with us. "

"It's just a lucky youth idol star, my boyfriend is the 'sexiest man ever', the hottest superstar in Hollywood!" Gwyneth. Paltrow muttered.

Kate. Winslet is also a super-newcomer in the British theater industry, after all, but - Josie. Why is Horton?

Brad. Pete wanted to say two more words, but was laughed by her exaggerated description, so he had to shrug his shoulders and say, "In short, at least outside, we shouldn't complain about her." If you really think she has a problem, I can take you to David to do justice instead of letting people hear something they shouldn't. "

After listening, Gwyneth. Paltrow gave him a mournful look.

Oh, please, he's her boyfriend, shouldn't he ask her why she lost her temper and help her get the role she wants? I don't know what is going on in this sexy and charming head every day!

She opened her mouth, and just as she was about to speak, another familiar voice came from inside the hall.

"What's wrong, sweetheart, what's the problem?" David. Geffen put on a smiling face and walked into the terrace.

"Nothing—hmm!" Brad who spoke first. Pete was stomped on his left foot by his girlfriend.

"That's right, David." Gwyneth. Paltrow adjusted his expression and made his smile reserved and elegant, "It's actually just a little thing, but Josie went a little too far this time." "

David. Geffen didn't even move the curve of his smile, only looked at her: "What did she do to you?" "

Gwyneth. Paltrow considered his tone, and replied with some grievances and some embarrassment: "It's nothing, I just learned that today she met James. Cameron, and then I was told out — of course, I didn't like that character in the first place. You know, if she really wanted it, she could have told me instead of snatching it straight from me, and I thought we were friends. "

Brad on the side. Pete sounded a little wrong, but after thinking about it, he felt that what she said seemed to be the truth?

It's David. Gffen Biblard. Pete understands the complex heart of a woman better, so he just smiled lightly and said in a gentle tone: "It's that Fox shipwreck romance movie, right?" I know about this. The seventy-five million dollar budget is staggering, but I've read the synopsis, it's not very appealing, and it's no wonder you're lacking interest in it. "

Gwyneth. Paltrow's heart was a little embarrassed because she hadn't thought about David. Geffen paid so much attention to this project that was not favored in the industry, and even read the script himself - which means that he should at least know about the audition for the heroine.

And she now feels that just standing David. In front of Geffen, all her careful thoughts were already visible.

Unexpectedly, David . Geffen did not continue to talk about this topic, but suddenly said: "I remember that the "Emma" starring you starred in has been filmed. It's funny to say, Josie was famous for the modern adaptation of "Emma" at the time, and maybe your "Emma" can also help your career take off. "

"Oh! I also think I played well in Emma. Speaking of her new movie that hasn't been released yet, Gwyneth. Paltrow becomes smiling brightly, and the whole person can be very likable.

She talked to David. Gwen chatted about this for a short while, until the other party left before he reacted and asked Brad. Pete: "Why does David keep mentioning Emma, aren't we PR for The Seven Deadly Sins today?" "

"That's right." Brad. Pitt explains, "But don't forget who Emma looked for in the first place. And I have repeatedly reminded you that David knows more than you think, he is a wise man, Josie. Horton has done nothing wrong, and I don't understand where your ill feelings for her come from. "

Where does it come from?

The same young and beautiful actresses with blond hair are destined to not be able to live in peace, because Hollywood's resources are limited, but their ambitions are unlimited.

But Gwyneth. Paltrow's self-proclaimed powerhouse actor is elegant, which is clearly different from the sexy youth idol or blonde in general.

—Until James. Cameron would rather choose Josie. Horton, did not choose her either.

In fact, she really didn't particularly like the bad shipwreck script, no human flash, no self-growth, and some were just old-fashioned love stories like rich girls and poor boys.

But the question is, can she not like James. Cameron's Story, James. Cameron shouldn't have disliked her performance, because the character was literally written according to herself.

Let a youth idol who can only grin and show off sexiness to play the absolute heroine of a commercial blockbuster, an elegant and noble aristocratic lady?

Oh, she should go to the set of "Jedi Men 2"!

"Okay, okay, I see." Gwyneth. Paltrow interrupted him impatiently, "It's just a love film that doesn't get a lot of shipwrecks, there are no action scenes and no terminators, and I'm not so stingy that I don't even care about the characters I don't want!" "

Despite this verbal response, she made up her mind that she couldn't just admit defeat, and the shipwreck romance that she couldn't watch was also a little attractive, and it was worth her to seriously audition.

Suppose eventually James. Cameron chooses the wrong one with his eyes, so I hope Miss Horton will not be knocked down by the first failure from the wreck -

After all, Hollywood only allows two failures.