Others don't understand what's going on.

But he knew that they must have dated, and even Keanu treated the girl a little bit of something unnoticed.

Because she's so clean.

It's not that her heart is pure and immaculate, but there is a quality in her that is not infected by darkness, and even though she knows the true appearance of this circle, she has no naïve illusions about human nature.

She seems to have been standing outside this world.

Most people who enter Hollywood will change themselves to a greater or lesser extent.

They have either become sleek and handy, or they have lost their original vision of the industry, or they are going through a lot of suffering... But Josie. Horton, this girl, has a very clear goal.

Usually, such people will also do whatever they can to achieve their goals.

Geffen heard a chuckle from Josie on the other end of the phone, and then she said, "Then try it, Geffen, I don't care." "

Josie was really going to laugh.

So what makes David. Geffen thinks it's just simple male and female love?

Or is she always giving him the impression of being so in love with the brain?

- Unexpected, reasonable.

Surprisingly, the girl who was hurt did not take revenge out of love and hatred as he imagined.

But it's gratifying that she's so loyal.

Loyalty is sometimes more important than sleekness.

"Oh?" Geffen was slightly surprised, but his tone changed to gentle and he said, "Well, don't be so serious—I'm just a little joke with you, Josie, and I won't embarrass my friend." Some of the bad stories in the media, I'll fix it for you, don't worry, keep making your films, no one can take away your role. "

Despite saying this, Geffen had already turned Josie on the other side of the phone. Horton arranged for his own blacklist.

While chatting with Josie in a gentle tone, he had already thought of a way to hit the young female star in his heart.

Geffen instantly reverted to an amiable attitude, "We're still not enemies anyway, are we?" "

Josie's heart was a little uncalm, but this did not prevent her from being interested in David. Geffen was a man of war.

"If you think so." She gave a ambiguous answer.

After ending the call, Josie slowly closed her eyes with her mobile phone and breathed a sigh of relief.

With David. Geffen talks more than facing Frank. Horton is even harder, perhaps because the latter will maintain a certain bottom line no matter what, but the former only looks at how he killed Michael, the former number one on the Hollywood power list. Ovitz, just know David. How unrelenting the man is with his true enemies.

- The most terrifying thing is, Michael. Ovitz doesn't even know how he offended David. Geffen's.

In contrast, the current professional dilemma that Keanu is encountering can be said to be just a punishment, not a punishment like Michael. Owitz, like that, was set up with traps and killed when the other party was proud.

Sadly, the founder and former president of the superbrokerage firm CAA, David . Geffen had no way to fight back in front of him, and he easily used the CEO position of the six major pictures to lure Michael. Ovitz sold his shares in CAA — the top six film executives were not allowed to retain equity in the brokerage — and finally sold Michael Smith. Ovitz was stuffed into the tied Disney Studios.

An industry leader who could have used CAA to call for wind and rain in Hollywood has only been reduced to one of the powerless Hollywood executives in just a year or two.

Playing with people's hearts is the third art in Hollywood.

The next morning, Warner Studios, the "L.A. Confidential" audition office.

This is the second time Josie has met Russell. Crowe – When she first started the business, she was in Markey. Mark had seen him at the party - the Australian actor is now in his early thirties, his mature and resolute face is full of masculine charm, but his azure blue eyes look melancholy and deep, as if telling infinite emotions.

When Josie was waiting in the waiting area after putting on makeup, Russell stood by the door not far away and looked at her silently, his gaze like an invisible ruler, measuring her back inch by inch.

This made the perceptual Josie find out at the first time.

Not to mention, she still holds a handheld make-up mirror in her hand.

But it took five minutes for Josie to turn around, first sit on the sofa to adjust to the most comfortable position, then support her chin with one hand, rest the other on her overlapping knees, and then look back with a more unbridled gaze, looking at the tall, rough Australian man from beginning to end several times.

Her dedicated hairstylist, Chris. Hanter is carefully adjusting her Veronica with a pointed tail comb. Lake-style vintage curls to keep it perfect and shiny.

After noticing the eye exchange between the two, Chris quietly said in Josie's ear: "Wow, for God's sake, this guy is really handsome, I dare say that after this movie is released, there will be countless people who want to be pressed under him!" "

Josie sneered and withdrew her gaze.

"Kerry, you're such a little Bichi." She raised her eyes and scolded with a smile: "I remember you have a boyfriend, right?" Spray less hairspray, I now feel like my whole body is hairspray flavored. "

"Having a boyfriend doesn't delay me in appreciating beauty!" Chris still took the hairspray and gently sprayed it on the top of her head, and raised his eyebrows by the way.

Josie also smirked at him and said, "Unfortunately, your heart is a straight straight man, dead heart sister." "

The makeup artist Michelle who wants to touch up the lipstick for Josie. Baker squeezed Chris's spot and said, "I'll always be Keanu's super fan, so please don't compliment other men in front of my idol's gossip girlfriend, see what I mean, Kerry?" "

Chris shrugged nonchalantly.

The entourage that Martha arranged for Josie's audition today was quite spectacular, and hairstylist Chris Bush. Hanter, makeup artist Michelle Baker, body makeup artist Brooke. Lukes, personal assistant Kelly. Wilson, bodyguard and driver El. Kaiser, who herself sits at CAA headquarters, does not appear here.

But even so, the staffing brought by the other actresses who came to audition was almost the same, filling the entire venue.

Not long after, the casting assistant called out Josie's name.

Josie tugged at her ankle-length velvet cloak and walked into the audition room alone.

After entering the room, the first thing Josie noticed was Arnold, the producer who had collaborated on the project "Devil's Advocate". Mirkan, but Arnold. Milkan wasn't sitting in the middle of the room today.

This time the atmosphere of the audition was much more formal.

The audition room is divided into two spaces. One side was arranged as a simple studio, made some lighting and monochrome sets, and placed a black sofa; On one side, a long table was set up, and people who had a say in the casting of the project, such as producers, directors, screenwriters, etc. sat down.

Casting director Marie. Ms. Finn cooperated with Josie's old acquaintance, she glanced at Josie's appearance today, and was satisfied with this in her heart, and said out loud: "Josie. Horton, I don't think you need to introduce it, do you? I worked with Josie on Titanic, and Jim and I were amazed by her performance. "

"But as is customary, we still need to see today's performance." Producer and screenwriter Brian. Helgrand said, "Curtis, what do you think? "

Director Curtis. Hansen is a middle-aged man with gray curly hair, habitually frowning, looking at people very attentively, "Miss Horton, please perform in front of the camera according to my instructions, can you start now?" "

"Yes." Josie nodded.

Curtis. Hansen then made her smile and cry, and asked the assistant to bring her the prepared script fragments and nondisclosure agreement.

"Next, we hope you can try this scene in the script." Curtis. Hansen flipped through the form that his assistant had just handed him, and frowned subconsciously before saying, "Well, we need someone to play with Josie, it's better to-"

"I'll do it." A tall man came out of the corner.

He was originally inconspicuous in the room, but as soon as he entered the studio, his face was completely exposed to the light, and his whole person became very attractive.

Curtis. Hansen's furrowed brow loosened and said, "That couldn't be better, Russell." "

Russell. Crowe only smiled at him and silently walked over to Josie.

Under the light, the man and woman looked very right, and Josie, who was originally worried about being too young. Holden, after changing into the corresponding style of the heroine, has an unexpected calm temperament and beautiful appearance, without any immature or youthful feeling.

At least in terms of appearance, they are not as easy to make people play as the actress who is nearly fifty years old before.

"Josie, Russell, in a moment you're sitting on the couch, and then you're hugging and kissing. Russell, you can hold Josie's waist, I hope you show a very romantic and intimate feeling, but also a bloody feeling, because it is this scene that makes Ed, who is prying outside, lust for Lynn. "

"As for you, Josie, your state should be relaxed and enjoyed, your character is a special professional who is used to the wind and moon, but Russell's role is different for you, this man gives you a whole new feeling, you enjoy the relationship between you, but you don't know what will happen in the next second."

Curtis. Hansen temporarily told the five-minute scene, because the scene had no lines and only a few lines of description in the script, but as the director, Curtis. Hansen believes it is very important, a key foreshadowing.

He left five minutes for the two actors to exchange ideas, sat back in his original position, and waited for the performance to begin.

However, it was not until the last minute that there was a brief conversation between the two strangers who did not know each other.

"Are you going to stay like this?" Russell. Crowe asked.

"What?" Josie was about to walk over to the sofa when she subconsciously raised her head when she heard this.

Russell. Crowe stepped forward and held out his hand to Josie, as if to touch her face.

But no.

His hand landed on her imitation of Veronica. Lake's cloak was on a tie, and his fingers hooked to untie her tie knots, and he smoothly caught her long cloak that slipped off.

"No thanks." The Australian man picked his lips, his smile was a little evil, and he did not hide the strong interest under his eyes.

Josie, who was about to dodge, relaxed her tense body slightly and returned him with a fleeting smirk.