At this time, someone came and knocked on the door of the trailer, and Kelly opened the door to see that it turned out to be Brad who came to visit the class. Lamplow and Brettney. Murphy.

- The two of them got together to play?

I have to say that Brad and Brettney are quite pleasing to the eye when they get together.

Josie glanced at the two from the mirror of the dressing table, especially Brad, and couldn't help but ask: "Your audition results are out?" "

Brettney blinked her big eyes, "Yes, I took the U-Turn. "

"I also won the role of "Jurassic Park 2"." Bradra sat down in a chair and stretched out her hand to signal Brettney, "Come on, give a high five!" "

So the two people clapped happily, and then couldn't hold back their laughter.

Josie felt that the two of them were a little naïve, but still stretched out her hands very cooperatively and said: "Add me too, I got "Devil's Advocate". "

Brettney and Brad each gave her high fives, asking more excitedly than she did.

"My God, you've had one, two, or three plays this year, right? You're crazy. Brettney said exaggeratedly.

"Sounds scary and enviable, Miss Workaholic, are you busy?" Brad looked gloomy, "Won't it be too hard?" "

"Look at you, don't have any dark circles on such a beautiful face." Brettney followed suit.

"I don't think it should be there, can the eye cream that you girls often use solve this problem?" Brad asked.

"In general, nothing is more effective than sleeping well and having a regular routine." Josie said, "In fact, 'Mr. Sweetheart' will be finished right away; "Titanic" is going to be filmed for a dozen weeks, but "Devil's Advocate" about me is next year - so don't worry about me, friends. "

In fact, she still wants to take on "L.A. Confidential", but judging by the unexpected events of the morning audition, this may not be a good idea.

"L.A. Confidential" is about to start filming, but the heroine has been undecided, and they originally wanted to use Isabella. Skrupko or Kim. Basinger.

After the former filmed "007: GoldenEye", he became bored with Hollywood commercial films and ran back to Poland to make the heroic epic "Fire and Sword".

Gold. Basinger's facial features are a bit like Veronica, the prototype of the heroine's plastic surgery. Lake, but the problem is that she is forty-three years old this year, and she has not filmed for three years, and the top management of Universal Pictures is not satisfied.

In particular, "L.A. Confidential" enabled two Australian newcomers at one time. Pierce and Russell. Crowe starred in Kevin who became famous for "The Seven Deadly Sins" and "Very Suspect". Although Spacey is also one of the three male protagonists, his role was killed halfway through the movie, and there are not many scenes.

So Universal wants a heroine who can attract the audience to walk in the cinema, preferably young and beautiful, hot.

It was in this situation that Josie took the initiative to contact them for the role audition.

This character is an allusion to the Hollywood neighborhood who specializes in plastic surgery into a prostitute of celebrity stars. Female, the original novel and the background of the script do not indicate the specific age, but only indicate that the prototype is the Hollywood forties female star Veronica. Lake.

with Kim. Basinger's situation is the opposite, the producers have to worry about whether Josie is a little too young, and her facial features and face shape are similar to Veronica. Lake bears no resemblance.

But when Josie got her makeup and hair done, changed into a vintage silk dress, and slowly walked towards the crowd, no one would think she wasn't suitable for the role - the problem is that the casting of the movie is not just about whether it fits or not.

Meanwhile, Martha. Miller and Kim. Basinger's cooperation also ended prematurely.

"I don't care, and I don't want to play a prostitute or a." In a house in Beverly Hills, a bright blonde hair. Basinger is facing her husband Alec. Baldwin said.

Alec. Baldwin pulled a cigar out of the humidor, motioned for the babysitter to take their daughter, Ireland, who was less than one year old, away, and then lit the Cuban cigar between his fingers.

"I care." Alec. Baldwin took a sip of his cigar and continued, "I care a lot about things that belong to my wife being taken away, but you think it's okay? Aha, do you want to say 'thank you' again to your ex-agent? "

Gold. Basinger originally wanted to tell her husband, Martha. Miller called because of this incident before ending the cooperation between the two to explain that she herself was not very satisfied with this prostitute and female role, and she could not make up her mind to participate in this movie.

But for the husband, this is being robbed of the role - a big loss of face.

Alec. Baldwin glanced at his wife and asked, "Kim, why don't you speak, don't you approve of me?" Oh, don't put on that look, you don't really feel like you've been robbed of a role by a little girl who has just become famous - that's totally okay? "

"Alex, I don't want to make a difference." Gold. Basinger shook his head, "Besides, I would prefer a role with connotations, such as the kind of mother that the academy would like, and I think my current state is more suitable for this." "

Alec. Baldwin Chong Jin. Basinger smiled, "Mother? It's a good idea, but the question is, based on your own past few months, picking and choosing characters and scripts, are you really sure that you have a chance to get what you want? Or can those unprofitable literary films bring your career back to life and save your bankrupt economy. "


"Kim, you have to listen to me!" Alec. Baldwin interrupted the other party loudly, and was about to say something, but was interrupted by the sudden ringing of the mobile phone.

He made a pause gesture, picked up his phone, and adjusted a hearty smile: "Aha, David, how are you?" Oh, I've been doing well lately, what, you ask Kim? She's not bad either, yes, she's getting ready for a comeback, and you think the L.A. Confidential project is great? I feel the same way..."

Sony Studios, the filming site of the "Mr. Sweetheart" crew.

Today's filming is an intimate scene, Tom. Cruise has long been very skilled at this, and Josie is performing this for the first time in front of the camera.

Nicole. Kidman didn't come to the scene, but called Josie: "Sweetheart, are you nervous?" "

"No, it's just a little embarrassing." Josie said.

Josie didn't mind proper nudity.

For her, this is also part of the filming work, as an actress, there is not much difference between revealing emotions and revealing the body, but the latter is more likely to make people panic and uneasy.

But nudity just to stimulate the eye is no longer necessary, art still needs to have a bottom line, and so does work.

"No need to be embarrassed, I don't mind." Nicole giggled, "By the way, Tom is a great kissing master, I mean it. "

"Oh, please, Nicole—" Josie said helplessly, "that's your husband." "

Perhaps after becoming someone's wife, girls will always become unscrupulous, especially on certain issues, very bold and direct.

"So?" Nicole was excited, "Remember to tell me when the time comes, so far, who have you enjoyed kissing more." "

Josie and Nicole chatted for a while and then plunged into today's filming, during which "Mr. Sweetheart" director Cameron. Crowe seemed to have something to say to her, but was interrupted by an assistant director.

Then she went home from work as usual.

On a new day, an opinion piece in the local daily newspaper of Los Angeles attracted the attention of many.

"Josie. Horton: A talented newcomer, or is it the ruthless character in Hollywood who will hype himself the most?

Some time ago, because with the popular star Keanu. Reeves' scandal, by Josie. The movie "First Class Fear" starring Horton has re-entered the public eye - but is this movie really the brain-burning suspense film that people tout?

Don't mention Richard. The complete failure of Kiel's role from character setting to motivation is only seen by Josie, who is praised by most fans. Horton's role, her performance is full of loopholes, especially the ending tricks are a failure, far inferior to the similar performance of "Very Suspect".

However, it is this kind of performance, which is regarded as a guideline by fans and some film critics, which has forced me to deeply reflect on this period of time: What is wrong with this world?

I have to say, Josie. Horton is indeed a very intelligent girl, she has Wall Street blood flowing in her body, and she naturally knows to use all means to gain profit and glory for herself.

You think she's the innocent blonde sweetheart on the poster?

Oh, and sadly, her brilliant blonde hair is acquired and her perfect smile is nurtured and trained, and according to people familiar with the matter, she has undergone various cosmetic surgeries since she was thirteen in order to break into Hollywood in the future.

You think she's the much-anticipated Newcomer of the Year in the media?

Oh, and it's even more regrettable that her Oscar nomination has too much water, and as for the Golden Globes – you wouldn't think it's a fair and equitable award until now, right?

Not to mention, she is still a bully with a previous conviction, and I have to wonder if the original scandal about the actress surnamed M was artificially concocted, just because she offended people who shouldn't be offended.

But her success is almost inevitable.

The more I discovered this, the more I felt sad from the bottom of my heart.

Like her, the rich second generation, Hollywood has always existed, but no one has ever used naked money and power to open the way like her, steal honor that does not belong to her, and even discredit others who have also contributed to the movie.


Hollywood needs a better environment, and so does society.

The world should not be a playground for the unbridled classes of privileges, and the American dream should be respected, not trampled on.

It's time for a change -

It's not just Hollywood. "

This article from the traditional West Bank print media with a large circulation seemed to be a signal, and overnight many discredit-damaging articles were published, and she was described as an unscrupulous, unscrupulous, bohemian cold-blooded careerist.

Even several newspapers involved in this □□ were still advocating Josie some time ago. How amazing Horton's acting skills are.

Some people may wonder, since her family is so rich, why do they need to be unspoken rules? But in fact, Hollywood is a different set of games from Wall Street, very xenophobic, and very huddled.

For example, this circle is more like a different kind of "hell's kitchen", the circle is full of factions - this does not mean Australian gangs, British gangs and other hometown associations - and Hollywood stars who are firmly on the front line have a group of people who are sheltered by and charged for them, some of them are actors who listen to him, and some of them are celebrity friends.

Money without corresponding power is in fact difficult to play its original role, and the word money power is always a special product that can only be revitalized by interlinkage, and this truth remains unchanged.

In addition, the originally addictive bloody love triangle between Josie and Keanu has suddenly changed:

In this gossip magazine, an insider swore that Josie was involved in a third party and used evil sacrificial means to control Keanu; In another supermarket tabloid, the goddess who is proficient in tarot cards is divining, and it is determined that Josie's body contains a reincarnated demon, very evil and crazy, so she can fully and realistically play the character in "First Class Fear".

Bizarre rumors kept emerging, and the climax of the incident came at the top of the pyramid of traditional print media, The New York Times, which suddenly reprinted the uproar article on its website.

"Alec. Baldwin personally went to the CAA to scold you, and by the way showed off their ambition for "L.A. Secrets"? "

Josie was eating breakfast with Brettney and Brad in her suite at the Manor Marmont Hotel.

She was covered with paparazzi outside her house in Santa Monica, and extreme black powder appeared in packages of dead rats and blood in her door, frightening the newsboys who delivered the newspaper in the morning.

"So did you call the security guard?" She asked not very concernedly.

Martha's voice was very calm, "He is one of the company's star customers. It's just that I accidentally turned on the tape recorder, and he shouldn't want his face to be discovered by the public. "

"Okay, what did Kevin say over there?" Josie asked.

"He suggested that you quit the L.A. Secrets project, but I refused for you." Martha continued, "Next up is the second round of auditions, and given what happened last time, I don't think either Kelly nor El can leave you, even if it's auditioning. "