The Wishes Unveiled

The room was filled with an air of anticipation as the goddess approached, her gaze fixed on the radiant pearl in my hands. With a graceful motion, she extended her hand reclaiming the artifact.

Goddess: "I shall grant you a boon. Tell me, what desires burn within your soul?"

I hesitated for a moment, aware of the weight of my wishes. The goddess's eyes glimmered with curiosity, awaiting the revelation of my desires.




"I... I wish to be transported to a world where cultivation thrives, a realm of boundless potential where I can embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth."


Oliver: *Will such a world truly exist? Can I find my place among those who possess extraordinary abilities?*

Encouraged by her continued attention, I mustered the courage to voice my next wish.

"Furthermore, I wish to be blessed with a sign-in system, one that will navigate me through the trials and tribulations of this new realm, propelling me towards greatness."

A flicker of amusement danced in the goddess's eyes.

As I pondered my next desire, a faint sense of unease prickled at the back of my mind. But driven by ambition, I pressed on.

"In addition, I wish to possess prowess in matters of intimacy, to receive benefits from the system that transcend mere cultivation, granting me an advantage in the realm of pleasure. And i want my little dragon be best among the best"

After hearing my wish, a change came over the goddess. Her expression froze for a moment, and then a smile spread across her face. It was a smile that sent a shiver down my spine. My instincts screamed that I had made a grave misstep, and a wave of unease washed over me, making my skin crawl.

"Lastly, I wish for a harmonious and relatively prosperous family, one that can provide support and stability on my journey. I yearn to join a sect where I am neither threatened nor of great interest, allowing me to pursue my goals unhindered."

"Your wishes have been heard, mortal"

She then declared that she would transport me to my destination, but before I could react, she swiftly kicked me with a forceful blow, mocking, "I'll show you, you ugly motherfucker!" The impact sent me tumbling off a small cliff, crashing into the rocky terrain below. The last thing I remembered was the twisted delight on the goddess's face before my head collided with something.


After retrieving the pearl as per protocol, I decided to entertain the mortal's wishes, just to see if they posed any real challenge. But oh, when that wretch dared to call me ugly, rest assured, I would delight in fulfilling his desires. Ahahaha!

"A world of cultivation, huh? Well, that's not much of a problem," I mused, contemplating the first wish. Perhaps this mortal wasn't entirely irredeemable.

A sign-in system? That, too, could be arranged without much difficulty

But then, the desires took a detour into unsavory territory. A perverted existence, seeking indulgences from the system? No, you despicable creature, I will ensure your life will be very interesting AHAHAH.

i am a little bit enraged....

Fly away, my little fledgling to your new beautifull life!

The goddess cast a glance at the body lying below on the rocky outcrop. With a dismissive wave of her hand before the stunned boy who still stood in shock, she uttered, "You won't remember any of this." Then, she motioned once again, opening a portal before her.

"Now, go home," she commanded, her voice laced with an air of finality. With one final wave of her hand, she stepped into the portal, disappearing from sight.