Auction 1*


"Well, was I right?" the young master said, as I continued to watch Ye Chen walking away, engrossed in conversation with the junior master Lin.

"Who could have guessed that he would actually come? I hope you'll tell me later why you were so confident, young master. I wonder if they have known each other for a long time" I replied, curious.

"It all depends on how well you convince me. Maybe then I'll tell you" the master said with a mysterious smile.

"Oh, don't doubt it. I'll do my best" I assured him.

As we entered our VIP lounge, the young master took a seat on the couch and patted his laps. I felt a bit flustered about the prospects of the evening, but I still sat down.My heart was beating so hard in my chest that I thought it might explode. After all, whatever happens in the VIP zone remains unseen by others.

We settled into our seats, ready to observe the auction proceedings. As the room filled with people, the atmosphere became charged with anticipation.

"Mei, I want you to send someone to tail Ye Chen right now until he stops to rest. Then, I want his purchases from today to be confiscated. After that, he should lose consciousness and be delivered to Xu Hao. Under no circumstances should he be severely injured or maimed, and absolutely no attempts should be made on his life. It's a big no-no. Also, Xu Hao should not know who delivered him, but he should still pay the money" the master instructed me.

"Do you realize that he might kill him? I didn't think you disliked him that much" I expressed my surprise.

"Oh, don't worry, he will definitely survive, and I am more than certain he will even prosper" the master said with a smile.

I sent a spiritual message to Lin Qing, who was lurking in the shadows nearby, fully conveying the message and the master's wishes. Then, I replied, "Done. Now, all we have to do is wait for good news."


Xao Tao:

As soon as Mei assured me that everything would be done, I embraced her in anticipation of tonight's events.

While we waited for the action to start, I think we can have some fun:

"So my lovely Mei, have you been lonely lately?" I said, boldly grabbing her right breast with my hand and began to knead it a little.

"Ahhhh" Mei begin to tremble and a bit lower lip a little, "Yes Master i've been a lonely lately, as you left me and hided to cultivate in training room"

"Ooh someone was lonely, don't be offended Mei soon we can spend all time in the world together, and I can bet that you will ask me to spare you from my attention later" I said and begin to do small bites on her neck, and do some hickeys here and there

"Ooooh master, so good" she hug me tighter and tighter.

I pulled up the top of her robe to see breast came tumbling out, held by a black lace bra.

"Mmm my Mei have a good taste in lingerie, first leotards and now such kinky bra, i am glad" and place my head between her melons and make one big inhale. I placed my hand on her hip and begin to move it slightly to her heat spot, Mei wide her legs a little

"Mei I think you must dress leotard or tights every day to make me happy, just like today"

"It will be done, master, oooooo" Mei replied as i begin to caress her pussy through silk fabric

"Yes yes yes master" and I bite her nipple through the bra

"Ooooo" Mei convulsed and squirted the some liquid down there, then put her head against my head.

"Master I am so happy"

"I am too," I replied and pecked her on the lips. "Get yourself ready, darling. The auction is about to begin."

Some time later.

The man took the stage and announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed representatives of the sects, and all those who have graced us with their presence, welcome to today's auction. We have so many important individuals here today! We hope that many of you will find something of interest. My name is Lin Jiang, and I represent the Lin family, who is hosting this auction. I trust that all attendees will adhere to the rules of courtesy and decorum." He bowed slightly, and there was a smattering of applause.

Mei and I settled in, observing the guests filled the venue.

As I observed the guests in the hall, I noticed the man who had pranked Yang Hao at the alchemy shop. He was seated on a lower level, in the section reserved for wealthy clients, situated between the closed VIP chambers and the section for regular guests. At that moment, he was also scanning the room and caught sight of Yang Hao and his father seated in the section across from him. He smiled at Yang Hao, causing the young man to blush and whisper something to his father while pointing at the man. In response, Yang Hao's father looked at the man, then turned back to his son and delivered a light slap, before turning to the man and giving him a slight nod. The man smiled and nodded back. Yang Hao sat there, contemplating and unable to understand what he had done wrong, but suspecting that he would face consequences at home once again. Oh, he's been having a string of bad luck lately. It's probably for the best that he has decided to join the sect and distance himself from his parents and their control.

Ah, where is Ye Chen, I wonder? I don't see him anywhere. I don't think he used any technique to disguise himself as someone else; that doesn't seem like his style. He's probably in another VIP section. Unbelievable. The protagonist, what can you expect from him?