Auction 3


As the first phase of the auction came to an end, I couldn't help but laugh to myself, reveling in the success of obtaining the vase and the dual cultivation technique. Ah, it was going to be a splendid time soon. I made a mental note to remember the name of that boy, Xia Tao. Perhaps I'd find an opportunity to work together in the future. After all, even the protagonist needed capable allies, and who would have thought that the local "little big boss" would be willing to lend a hand? Good things did happen to good people, indeed. I sat there, basking in the satisfaction of my successful purchases, especially the prized vase, which was now resting in the VIP room with me.

Lin Zhi, who was sitting beside me, tried to pry out the secrets of the vase, but I simply smiled mysteriously and didn't reveal anything. The anticipation was all part of the fun.

As the first part of the auction concluded, I knew that the real excitement was yet to come. The highly-anticipated second phase, where the most valuable items would be unveiled, was about to begin. All the important figures in the this region were eagerly waiting for this part of the auction, except for me, as I had already secured the most important treasure in the room. Ah, the thrill of knowing you have what others desire!

Xia Tao:

Mei and I sat there, patiently waiting for the man who opened the auction to come back on stage. He would be hosting this part as well as the final phase, where the most precious item of the auction would be presented.

The first item presented in the second phase of the auction was the Ethereal Flying Sword, a 4-star level sword that could be wielded up to the Harmonization of Body and Mind (mc major level +3). While it might not be a significant item for the important figures present at the auction, it could serve as a luxurious gift for those beginning their cultivation journey, both as a practical tool and a status symbol. There wasn't much excitement surrounding it, and in the end, the sword was acquired by Yang Hao.

After making the purchase, Yang Hao's expression was indescribable – a mix of pride, superiority, and other complex emotions. He sat there with the sword resting on his lap, looking down at others around his age with a slight sense of superiority. However, his triumph was short-lived as he received another reprimand from his father, and the sword was discreetly stored in his spatial ring.

As the auction continued, a variety of other items were brought forward, including the Starfall Robe, the Pill of Eternal Youth. Each of these items garnered attention from different individuals and sect representatives, leading to some fierce bidding wars.


As the auction progressed, I found myself engrossed in observing the behavior of the sect representatives, trying to gauge the overall conduct of people from the few I could observe. I was increasingly satisfied with my decision to join the Whispering Gale Sect. The representatives of the Eternal Flame Sect, in particular, displayed a sense of superiority when making their purchases sometimes with words "only this esteemed Elder is worthy of this thing" or something like that. I could already envision the protagonist heading there, and the inevitable face-slapping scenarios that would follow. Ahahaha, it's so right! I'm almost certain he'll end up going there.

At some point, an interesting item was put up for auction – a recently turned Vampire girl who was interrupted in the middle of her transformation and then sealed to be sold. Sometimes, Barons and Dukes of vampires travel through their territories, ruling over the Continent of Night. They might be searching for new servants or simply for some entertainment or other reasons. It wasn't that rare an occurrence. If a transformation process was initiated but not completed, and the vampire was sealed before awakening, they could be put up for sale. The first person the newly awakened vampire saw and drank blood would become their master, whom they would never betray. However, it occasionally happened that the transformation didn't proceed correctly, and those conditions weren't met. This often led to wild vampires, unattached to anyone, and some had mental issues. Most of them turned into monsters that were later hunted down by sects or cultivators. In some cases, though, wild vampires managed to integrate into civilized society, despite being looked down upon because they were considered inherently flawed cultivators who merely drank blood. Surprisingly, a few wild vampires had even reached higher cultivation stages. Nevertheless, such cases were rare in our province since we were quite backward.

Throughout the auction, I remained captivated by the various items and the peculiar presence of the Vampire girl. It was intriguing to witness the reactions of potential buyers, some of whom seemed curious about owning a vampire servant. Yet, the prospect of having a vampire companion was met with mixed emotions, as it entailed periodic blood consumption from their master, a fact frowned upon by some cultivators. Additionally, due to their dependence on blood with exceptionally pure spiritual energy, it was nearly impossible to encounter a vampire in our region above the Harmonization of Body and Mind level. That was precisely why such servants weren't highly sought after, as one could find human servants with greater potential.

On the other hand, the girl was undeniably attractive, and a vampire servant like her would also come in handy for me, ahaha! I'll gather a harem of servants, and it will be awesome.

One intriguing detail about the transformation process was that after being turned into a vampire, all personal memories faded to such an extent that they lost all personal attachments and acquaintances. Quite convenient, I must say. It also was generally known that when someone was turned, their entire family was usually eradicated. The reason behind this remains uncertain.

In the end, I managed to acquire her for 85,000 spiritual stones. Despite not being fiercely contested, the starting price of 50,000 stones was quite high due to her rarity.

I chuckled to myself, feeling quite satisfied with my purchase

The auction continued with more intriguing items being sold, each eliciting excitement and curiosity among the attendees.

One such item was the Moonshadow Mirror 5-star level—a magical mirror capable of reflecting and amplifying spiritual energy attacks back at their caster. It could be utilized effectively up to the Refining of Elemental Energy level. Although it seemed like a highly useful artifact, I wasn't particularly interested in it, as I didn't plan to get involved in conflicts unnecessarily. Nonetheless, a representative from the Eternal Flame Sect made the purchase, recognizing the potential value in the mirror.

Next up was the Heavenly Sound Flute 5-star level—a musical instrument emitting enchanting melodies capable of mesmerizing opponents and creating illusions. It was a rare talent and technique for illusion manipulation. A gentleman who had previously mocked Yang Hao ended up buying it, indicating his intentions to explore the art of illusions further.

Another remarkable item that drew attention was the Time-Space Ring—a powerful storage ring with the ability to hold vast amounts of items and create a personal pocket dimension. It offered the possibility of storing treasures, weapons, and even living beings within it. The Eternal Flame Sect secured this invaluable item, adding to their impressive collection.

As the auction proceeded, anticipation grew, with all eyes focused on the final item, it is ....