New Home 2

Hu Mei:

As we walked towards the place from which we could take off on our shuttle, we began to communicate using spiritual communication.

"Tell me what you have learned during this whole day" Lin Qing ordered.

"In general, this place resembles a separate city-state, and it's not much different from a regular city except for its size" I began. "Here, you can find and buy any services and goods."

... some time later ...

"Also, it seems that there are unofficial authorities and some unsavory characters here. Five different people are currently following us" I continued. "There have been occasional attempts to rob us, but after a few tries, they backed off, and I still don't understand why."

"Not bad for a beginner, but you missed some important details" Lin Qing remarked. "Firstly, they started observing us as soon as we began inquiring about building the house. They have been professionally changing the people following us so that we wouldn't notice the surveillance."

"Secondly, the entire center can be divided into approximately five or a little more parts of different sizes, each governed by different groups of people, and two of them are in conflict with each other."

"Thirdly, all of this is happening with the tacit approval of the sect's leadership, most likely direct approval."

"Fourthly, it's not five people following us, but eight. Five of them are small local thugs who either want to rob us or enslave us. The other three are from different local major factions" Lin Qing added.

"Think about what I just said, and when we return, you will explain to me how I came to these conclusions. Overall, it's quite good for a start. Now, let's see who we've caught on our bait" said Lin Qing, smiling dreamily.

We boarded our shuttle and flew back towards our home, twice slower than our earlier journey. After about two hours, as we approached our territory, two clouds with five people on board caught up to us. Eventually, they overtook us and blocked our path, stopping our shuttle with some sort of harpoon-like device. As the shuttle slowed down and came to a halt and landed, we stepped out, and Qing, still maintaining her airhead expression, shouted

"What's going on? What are you doing? I demand an explanation, or else I'll report you to the Elders, and you'll be punished!" She stomped her foot for emphasis.

On the other side, the group of men chuckled and laughed at her remark.

"Gentlemen, it seems we're in luck, and soon, Snow Pavilion soon will have a couple more workers, ahahaha! What do you think? Maybe we should try to assess the goods upfront before the sale, who knows, they might like it, ahahaha!" he said, laughing like a madman.

The rest of the group joined in the laughter, their expressions were lecherous and menacing. They had no intention of treating the newcomers with any respect or decency. Their intentions were clear, and it was evident that they were planning something very bad.

As Lin Qing's expression turned from innocent to sinister, her smile transformed into a predatory grin.

"Oh yes, boys, we're definitely going to enjoy what comes next" Lin Qing said, reaching into her spatial ring and retrieving a mysterious artifact shaped like a cube. She pressed a couple of sides and threw it on the ground. Instantly, a dome with a diameter of about 50 meters appeared around them.


Xia Tao:

As the sun began to dip towards the horizon, we sat around the campfire, grilling meat and waiting for the girls return. Suddenly, a familiar shuttle appeared on the horizon, and I expressed my hope for good news.

"Don't worry, Master, I have complete faith in their abilities" Zhang Mei assured me. When the shuttle landed, Lin Qing and Hu Mei disembarked. They looked drastically different – Lin Qing was beaming with joy, as if it had been the best day of her life, while Hu Mei appeared slightly pale and tired.

Approaching us, they both bowed lightly. Lin Qing began to speak

"Young Master, everything is in order. I've made arrangements with the construction team, and if we finalize the plan today, they'll start building tomorrow. I'll fill Zhang Mei in on all the details later, sparing you the boring things."

Curious about Hu Mei's condition, I asked:

"How do you both find it here? And why does Hu Mei look so pale?"

"In general, I liked it here. I think we'll find it interesting, as life in this place is vibrant and full of activities. We've met some friendly people who have been surprisingly kind. As for Hu Mei, she was gazing out the window during our flight back, and it seems she got a little airsick, didn't you, Hu Mei?"

"Yes, yes, that's right" Hu Mei nodded faintly.

However, I sensed there might be something more to the story, but for now, as long as everyone was safe and sound, it didn't matter. Perhaps they had encountered something peculiar on their way back.

As we spent several hours finalizing the plan and selecting the locations for various buildings we wanted to construct, we finally settled down for some rest. And then, the moment I had been waiting for arrived:


[System Check-In Pervert System]

Name: Xia Tao

Base Attributes:

Strength: 9.2

Agility: 15.4

Intelligence: 12.7

Cultivation Base: Strengthening of Foundation, 4th stage

Skills: Blue Ape Technique

Movement Techniques: Blue Ape Movement Technique minor achievement 2/5 stage

Check-In Spots: 0/1 (?)

Cultivation Partners: 0/2 (?)

"System Set Check-In spot here"


Check-In spot established

[System: Perform Check-In]


Check-In 1/3 for the week completed

I can't wait for the next two days to receive the rewards. The first reward is probably the most important!

As I have one more month to activate my body, I can't wait! Haha, with pleasant thoughts about the near future, I fell asleep.