Travel with the Protagonist


As I go about my duties, I can't help but ponder over the young master's recent inclinations towards adventure. It's a rather perplexing situation, given his body issues. His body has been a cause for concern, and taking the wrong step might lead to unknown consequences.

Perhaps this adventure, despite its challenges, wasn't entirely detrimental. A part of me conceded that he needed to experience the world, to broaden his horizons and learn from life itself. A well-rounded understanding could do wonders for him, especially if he didn't plunge headfirst into reckless endeavors. I knew that it was a delicate balance – to let him explore without putting him in undue danger.

While the Master mentioned that his body wouldn't pose significant problems, I'd rather not take unnecessary risks.

As I made my way to the hidden underground operations base, I pondered the tasks I needed to undertake based on his instructions. Once I settled into my office and took a seat, I pressed a button and summoned Lin Qing. She arrived after a while.

"Greetings, Mistress" Lin Qing said as I granted her entry.

"We're short on time, so I'll brief you quickly" I informed her.

"The master is journeying into the desert with Ye Chen.

You will accompany them, but your presence must remain concealed.

They should not be aware of your accompanying them.

Your task will be to ensure that the master is well and safe. If you notice any danger threatening the master that he cannot handle, intervene.

If you can do so covertly, great. If not, still intervene, even if your presence becomes known. The master's safety is the priority. As for Ye Chen and his safety, it's up to your discretion. The focus is on the master."

"Additionally, if you realize that the Master won't be able to return within a week, reveal yourself and ensure he returns here.

There are certain circumstances you need to be aware of ..." I briefly briefed Lin Qing, ensuring she understood the gravity of the situation.

I then handed her the Shadow Cloak artifact – an expensive item that allows the user to hide within shadows and move unnoticed by people with Elemental Energy Refining(level 5 major realm). It's quite valuable and frequently used by bodyguards to do the work. However, it's rarely seen in our less-developed continent. How rare it is in more advanced continents, I cannot say.

Lin Qing took the cloak and vanished into the shadows, leaving to accompany the young Master. Now I could be at ease, as if I could let him go on his own. He probably needed the adventure experience after all, if I thought about it. So let him have his stroll. I'll need to come up with more excuses later to go on trips nearby or engage in some hunting here.

Now I need to figure out how to solve the tasks that the Master has set. Perhaps I should start with the vase. Carefully, I put the documents back in their place and arranged all the furniture to be perfectly aligned. Then I left the office and went about my tasks.


While I was waiting for Ye Chen, I couldn't help but ponder. It's highly suspicious that Mei let me go so easily. Could Mei know something about the creatures in the desert? Or is she planning to secretly accompany me or send someone after me?

But no matter how hard they try, I'll surely notice any tailing. Regardless of what anyone says, I'm quite observant.

Well, let's leave the reasons why Mei released me for later. In the worst case, I can always ask later.

Ye Chen's shuttle came to a halt and landed, and he leaped out of it with his ever-present smile. That smile is starting to irritate me, just like his perpetual cheerfulness.

"Well, shorty, have you made up your mind? Are you ready to join the big guy for some hunting of those big scary beasts? Or did you chicken out?" he asked, skipping the greetings.

"Of course, Stretch. I'm all in. As soon as you bring that big guy who's going to help us hunt" I said it back

"Okay, jokes aside, are you coming or not?" he asked, unusually serious for once.

"Yeah, I'm ready. So, is it time for the hunt?" I said as I hopped into his shuttle. My face still showed a touch of nervousness, after all, going on a supposedly SAFE hunt with the PROTAGONIST sounds very dangerous.

Seeing my nervousness expression, he burst out laughing and said:

"Come on, we're just nearby. Why are you so nervous? What could possibly go wrong?"

Damn it, why do you have to raise those flags?


Five days later:

I've been all covered in wounds, patched up in some places, with large dark circles under my eyes from lack of sleep. I ran for my life, cursing the protagonist and his loose tongue. Who asked him to raise those flags? I had this semi-conscious moron on my back and another body in my arms, both supported with my spiritual energy. Near me, a goose was running and cursing at the humans and creatures that are pursuing us .

"Hey Dickheads, what's the use of having all those arms and legs if I can run faster on my two goose feet? Haha, by the time you catch up to me, I'll reach your mother and make you a little sibling, haha!"

From behind, furious shouts and promises to catch and slowly kill us echoed.

"Haha, first catch us, you dick flesh exploiters! Come here, why are you crawling so slowly over there? Run here, I'll pee on you! Hahaha!"

I cursed the protagonist luck and my own stupidity. What the hell was going on in this duck's head? Why did we even get into this mess?

It all started so well, and now here I am, running away from pursuers.