Li Meiying

Oh God, how Blue Mist Elder turned out to be such a wicked and evil person. He manipulated my "best friend since childhood" this fucker drugged me when he invited me over, claiming he needed advice. And I believed him!

Initially, the Elder treated me well and they even prophesied that I would become a core disciple in a few years, calling me the Holy Sect's Daughter with an immaculate reputation, gentle and kind.

But who could have known that the the Sea Breeze Star Body would change the Elder's attitude so drastically? It's understandable that it's a rarity, but I never thought it would drive the respected Elder to resort to such extremes as kidnapping a disciple for sacrifice! The most annoying thing is that I don't even know what is so important about my physique!

Oh God, how could I have trusted him? His lecherous gaze towards me always made me uncomfortable. Yet, for 5 years in the sect and since becoming an inner disciple, everything seemed fine. Who could have guessed? And now, I lie on a cold stone in a cave, awaiting my former Elder and my so-called best friend to offer me as a sacrifice.

As it turned out, my best friend envied my achievements, my reputation, and the progress of my cultivation. And to top it off, the Elder apparently offered him my spot in an expedition to a closed world, set to happen in half a year, a privilege I was granted as the Holy Sect's Daughter.

Well, this seems to be my fate. What's more, these fuckers left me conscious because, according to the ritual, I must be awake. I don't know what the Elder wanted to achieve with this bizarre ritual, but honestly, I don't care anymore.

My hope for survival has almost faded away. Just when I thought all hope was lost, I felt a strange presence approaching our location from the depths of the cave network.

A guy around my age, a boy appearing to be about 12 or 13, and a talking goose – sounds like the beginning of a joke, doesn't it?

Heh, dark humor, I must be hallucinating?

"So, Father, Son, and a talking goose walk into a sacrifice ceremony..."

Hahaha, what nonsense is popping into my head?

Observing through my spiritual sight, which is the only thing I can do in this state, I realized that the boy wasn't around 12 years old as his behavior suggested; he simply had a youthful appearance.

Hmmm, could it be? Seriously, I'm saved?

The boy, who I gathered from conversations is named Xia Tao, untied and lifted me onto his arms.

Then, something surreal began to unfold. The goose started provoking the Elder and Zhang Feng, and then there was chaos – explosions, pursuit, and the goose seemed quite adept at provoking, too.

And then Ye Chen, if I understood correctly, dropped me and then passed out himself.

Fuck it, I'm still going to die here, after all.

I saw Xia Tao's doomed and tired face and the goose, which let out a laugh and exclaimed:

"Hahaha, I know who to choose as my protege! Hahaha! He definitely needs training."

But Xia Tao picked me up in his arms, throwed Ye Chen onto his back, and chaos ensued as the goose continued laughing.

Seems like we were saved from the pursuit after crossing the river; Xia Tao managed to conceal us.

Though, judging by his condition, he was deteriorating. His eyes started darting around, and a sort of crazed spark appeared in them.

Eventually, when we stopped, he simply laid us on the ground and passed out.

And this Ye Chen began groping me in his sleep, mumbling something about me being his future wife – what a pervert!

After a few hours of torment, Xia Tao finally woke up, startled by the goose's interference.

Obviously, Xia Tao still wasn't alright, even though his gaze appeared somewhat more focused. He woke up Ye Chen, explained the situation, and hurriedly left. I wonder what happened to him.

An hour later, I managed to move a bit, and finally, I could open my eyes and sit up with effort.

"Oh, Sleeping Beauty awakens. Greetings, I am your savior!" the Ye Chen jeered. "Don't worry, everything's fine. I rescued you from danger."

"You must be Li Meiying, right?" he said, ogling me.

"Indeed. May I know the name of my gallant savior?" I decided to play along.

At which point, the goose burst into laughter. I can't quite explain it, but judging by his expression, he knows I was conscious, and he's curious about what Ye Chen will tell me about what happened.

"Heh, my name is Ye Chen. Honestly, I wasn't the only one who saved you. This goose helped, and another kid did too, but he ran off. Haha, he said he had things to take care of!"

"Simple story. Because of that kid who ran off, we ended up in these caves. I saved you by escaping from the Elder and a horde of pursuers. You should have seen how many of them there were! But luck was on our side, and here we are!

How are you feeling?"

"Strange, and I feel tired, but I can move. However, I have a sense that we need to keep moving. I doubt they'll just let us go" I said.

"Hahahaha," the goose laughed. "Oh, I definitely know who to take under my wing as my proteges. You're just as unscrupulous a liar as I am!" Hahaha.

"???" Ye Chen turned to the goose and said, "What are you talking about? I was telling the truth." He said with the poker face.

"Haha, kid, she was conscious all this time. Haha, she was just paralyzed!" the goose chuckled.

Ye Chen blushed slightly.

"Haha, well, I wasn't exactly lying, just embellishing a bit! You weren't upset, were you?"

"Oh no, but for touching me like that, I won't forgive you so easy!" She said seriously.

"Touching you? What are you talking about? That didn't happen; that's a lie."

"Alright, enough bickering. We need to hit the road as fast as possible. Where are we headed?" the goose said.

"Well, we could go to my mountain and see my master, but considering they remember my face, I fear that's not the safest option.

And considering it was an inner Elder, it could be dangerous. There's another option – we could head to Xia Tao's mountain. It's pretty far from the center, and they're relatively new here. Also, our pursuers didn't see his face, so I think it's safer there."

Packing up our belongings from our makeshift camp, we set off to find Xia Tao's mountain.