Peeping Toms

Xia Tao

Waking up in a good mood, I contemplated what to do for the day. Stepping out onto the porch, I checked the branch we had grafted onto Opioke; it had already bloomed flowers, and with a bit of luck, it might bear fruit soon. I still couldn't figure out what kind of tree it was, but time would tell. Hopefully, it would be something delicious. After all, the next reward collection was scheduled for tomorrow. However, I still needed to think about what to choose!

Watching the fish in the pond, I contemplated whether to visit Lin Qing. At this time, she usually trained in her peculiar movement technique, provided I didn't interrupt her, of course!

Maybe this was the perfect moment. After all, there was no one else around right now.

Zhang Jing and Hu Mei had gone home with my friend, and Mei and Xia Lina seemed to have business in the central outer sect, as far as I knew.

It was the perfect time to visit Xia Lina and start the morning off right! I hope she will help to tame my morning wood!

As I made my way down to the river, I was filled with anticipation, already imagining what we would do together.


Ye Chen

While we were flying to Xia Tao, that goose really got on my nerves.

"When are you going to make a move on that girl with the veil?" he quacked. "Do you even have any balls? You'll end up a perpetual virgin!"

"What do you mean, virgin? I've been with women before, and it was great!" I replied, reminiscing about the nights I had spent with different girls in this world.

"Well then, why don't you man up and get with her? I mean, she wears a veil! She hot as fuck and must be a beauty. Have you seen her figure, if I only was a human! hmmmm"

"Well, what do you know? What if she wears that veil because she's uglier than death itself? No way, I'm not ready for such a risk. Why would I want that?

You, on the other hand, think of a way for us to peek under that veil, then we can talk!"

"Hmm, I'll think about it. I've got a couple of thoughts" said the goose, and for some reason, it fell silent in contemplation.

"Oh, by the way, speaking of interesting observations, I gathered some intriguing information from the outer disciples of that mountain we're flying to" said the goose with a conspiratorial tone.

"Hmm, tell me more" I said, intrigued.

"Oh, it's a great secret about beautiful girls training in unique outfits far away from everyone!" the goose exclaimed with enthusiasm.

"Go on" I urged, leaning closer to the goose.

"They gather in one place in the mornings, and they practice some kind of movement technique completely naked in the river!

When we were here last time, I managed to confirm this information, and it's indeed a magnificent sight. You should've seen it" the goose explained.

"Bastard! And you're telling me about this just now?!" I exclaimed in frustration.

"Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?" I asked the goose.

"Why bother telling you about it when we had no chance of visiting them before? But now, we have that chance" the goose replied with a seductive tone.

"Hmm, well then, maybe we won't fly directly to the mountain's peak. We might as well check it out. When we approach, we will adjust our course, it's purely for research purposes" I agreed with a sly smile. "We're just curious observers of their training techniques."

"Sure, only for research purposes"


About 20 minutes later, we were approaching the mountain. The goose directed us toward a small forest near the mountain, sharing every detail of what he had seen last time and how magnificent it had been.

"Enough of this! or else my dragon might break all bounds and clothing!" I said, already anticipating the experience. I adjusted my dragon, and with the goose, we continued to make our way to the location. According to the goose, it was about a two-minute walk from where we had landed.


Xia Tao

While I was descending towards the training spot, I noticed that the Protagonist's shuttle was approaching us. I wondered what he was doing here and why he hadn't gone directly to the peak. The shuttle landed lower, closer to the river, so I hurried in that direction. As I got closer to the place where I had first observed Lin Qing, I saw that they had started to get as quiet as possible, and walk like a ninjas.

I was about to call out to them when a hand covered my mouth and silenced me. Recognizing the familiar scent, I didn't panic, but I still jerked in surprise. Despite this, I refrained from calling out to them. Turning my head, I noticed Lin Qing.

I raised an eyebrow in a silent question.

"Hush, this is going to be interesting. Let's follow them" she communicated to me using spiritual speech, and we quietly trailed behind them.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Remember we selected 20 outer disciples to join our clan?" she inquired.

"So, I've been teaching these disciples my movement technique, which I was mastering. The technique is incredibly practical and useful, but there's a catch. To learn it faster, one has to practice it naked. As you've already seen, I've been practicing it that way, and don't think I didn't notice you observing me a couple of times" she said with a mischievous smile.

"Cough... I'm not sure I understand what you mean, but please continue" I said, pretending to be nonchalant, neither confirming nor denying her statement.

"So, last time I brought 14 disciples here to practice the same technique, and I also made them do it naked. Well, this goose sneaked in here and decided to spy on them. I wanted to reprimand him right away, but then I had a better idea!"

I listened intently, intrigued by what she was about to reveal. We quietly approached within 10 meters of the protagonist.

"What's the idea?" I asked.

"Oh, just watch," she said, and we stopped to observe.

The protagonist and the goose, like ninja, approached a spot that apparently offered a good view of the place they wanted to spy on.

At that moment, with an incredible and quiet move that seemed to defy the wind, Lin Qing appeared next to them. With a swift kick for each of them, she sent them both flying towards the river. She slightly altered her voice to sound more masculine and shouted

"Are you fagots peeping ?!" Lin Qing shouted in a masculine voice.

Then she appeared next to me with the same move, took my hand, and led me a little aside. In front of us unfolded a scene where the goose and the protagonist attempted to escape from five naked guys who emerged from the river.

Unfortunately for them, it didn't work out because, for some reason, they couldn't use spiritual energy. Within about three seconds, they were caught and started getting beaten up. A minute or two later, they were tied up and carried in the direction of the mountain. It seems they were going to deliver the intruders to us.

Hahaha, I couldn't stop laughing, and Lin Qing joined in.

"You changed the location of the female disciples training?" Hahaha, I asked.