Long Night part 1 *

Xia Tao:

I stood waist-deep in the water, assuming a specific stance, and made sharp movements, trying to move against the gentle current. Sweat poured from me, and my muscles ached slightly. After pausing to catch my breath, I reached for a bottle of water from my spatial ring and greedily drank. Who would have thought that while doing this exercise, one could get so thirsty? I could have never imagined it.

After quenching my thirst with the delicious water, I looked around and noticed a silhouette nearby. It was Mei, dressed in a robe, gazing at me under the light of two moons. The light bathed her red hair, making it appear a matte crimson. I couldn't help but admire her.

"Well, Master, there's no need to look at me like that; you're making me blush" she said, lowering her gaze.

"Continue with your practice master; I'll just stand here and watch" she added, tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear. As she did so, her robe shifted, inadvertently revealing the curvature of her chest and a tantalizing hint of dark crimson velvet lingerie.

I gulped audibly and continued with my practice, but my thoughts kept returning to Mei. I couldn't remember her ever wearing lingerie like that. It took all my willpower to keep focused.

Inhale, exhale, posture, and movement. Inhale, exhale, posture, and movement.

I couldn't help but wonder if it was a set or just the bra or ... damn it!

Turning my head toward Mei, I noticed she had settled into a chair she must have brought with her. She crossed her legs, swinging them casually, and I saw she was wearing new stockings of the same dark crimson shade. Holy Fuck! she knows how to get me!

During this movement, I failed to notice where I placed my foot and, as a result, stepped on an unstable stone. It slipped out from under my foot, causing me to twist my ankle and fall into the water, swallowing a mouthful of it.

Emerging and coughing up water, I heard Mei's melodious laughter.

"Oh, young master, why so clumsy?" Mei teased between bouts of laughter.

I lunged out of the river, sprinting toward Mei, determined to end her playful torment.



As I walked towards the area where the master usually practiced, I scanned the surroundings out of habit. I noticed that Li Meiying was sitting on a bench around the corner from the house.

I was heading in that direction, but if I walked correctly, I could make it seem like I "didn't notice" her. Hmmm, I wondered how our peeping Tom was doing. Ahaha, I thought, it might be time to give her another little show. My excitement was causing my thighs to tremble slightly.

Walking towards Li Meiying in a way that made it seem like I hadn't noticed her, I began humming a tune to draw attention to myself and let her know that someone was approaching. When I was a few meters away from her, I casually said to myself "I wonder if the master will like my new lingerie or not. Oh, what an exciting day it's going to be" still humming the cheerful melody. As I continued on my way towards the master, I noticed that Li Meiying was following me, but she clearly wasn't very skilled at hiding.

Ahahaha, well, our little voyeur, I thought, today I'll show you something interesting.

As I reached the spot where the master was practicing and started observing him from a visible place, Li Meiying stopped in the nearby bushes, hiding herself.

After some time, the master noticed my presence, and I casually showcased an enticing view that seemed to captivate him.

Judging by his reaction, he definitely liked what he saw! The master continued his training, occasionally glancing in my direction. Ahaha, he's already losing concentration!

My lower abdomen was beginning to smolder; oh my, we will have very interesting night here. Judging by what was happening with the master, we were in for an exciting time today!

After a while, I decided it was time to make things even more exciting.

I brought over a chair from a space ring, sat down, crossed my legs, and began to show my legs, showcasing the new stockings I had acquired earlier in the day. I knew exactly how they affected the master, and it didn't take long.

Within two minutes, the master turned to glance at me once again. However, this time he clearly wasn't prepared for what he saw.

Judging by his reaction, he was taken aback, and within seconds, he splashed into the water! Ahaha, oh dear, he's so adorable! I burst into lively laughter.


Li Meiying:

After a long day of training, I sat down and sipped a refreshing tapioca drink, gazing at the moon.

For some reason, I was in a particularly good mood today, despite the news brought by Ye Chen. Perhaps the serenity of this mountain was starting to envelop me. They named it Serenity Peak for a reason!

While lost in my contemplations, I heard someone humming a tune and approaching me. As I waited to see who it was, I realized it was Mei. She was clearly heading toward Xia Tao to engage in sexual activities!

Oh my, how could they do it in the open air like this? It's not safe. What if one of our enemies catches them in the act? No, I must monitor this, purely for safety reasons, of course. The fact that I'm walking there, unconsciously rubbing my thighs together with a slight tremor, means nothing else! It's all about safety or for research purposes, no, for safety, definitely for safety!

I silently followed Mei and hid in the bushes, watching their actions. I didn't even notice how my hands started to explore and caress various interesting places on my own body!