New Adventure

Xia Tao

The next morning, we were sitting on the veranda, waiting for Ye Chen to arrive with the Goose. Last night, we finally agreed that considering the luck of these two, it made sense to try to go with them. There was a significant chance of gathering some valuable items. Plus, I don't know how, but my maids knew that I needed to shed excess Yang energy to function properly. As a result, I was heading to that mountain with Lin Qing, partly to ensure everything went smoothly.

Lin Qing stood beside me, radiating happiness, her face adorned with such a dreamy smile that it could have been painted on a canvas. Mei, on the other hand, stood nearby with dark circles under her eyes and a weary, slightly displeased expression. It was unusual for her to show her emotions so openly, but she was clearly exhausted. Judging by her fatigue, the progress on creating pyramid-shaped crystals had hit a snag, and as a result, Mei would stay behind to finish them, keeping everything under control.

Xia Lina expressed a desire to join us, and we saw no reason to refuse. Since our primary goal was cultivation, we decided to let her come along. Li Meiying also mentioned she wanted to join us, as she found it quite dull here and welcomed a bit of variety. Thus, she stood with us, though she had covered her face with a veil to avoid unnecessary attention.

While we were waiting for Ye Chen to arrive, students with depleted amulets started to gather. Ah, there she is again, the short one. They all looked exhausted, but she had that stubborn gleam in her eyes. Haha, go on, girl, go out there and defeat them all! Though It's so amusing to see her frown and look displeased.

After collecting all the protective talismans, Mei tossed them into a box that recharged them. It took about twenty minutes for them to recharge. When the short one came to retrieve her talisman, I sent her a spiritual message, "Go ahead, I'm rooting for you!" She turned her head, locked eyes with me, froze for half a second, blushed furiously, and then turned away. Haha, what a character! She always manages to break the mold in the most unexpected ways.

About twenty minutes later, a shuttle arrived, Ye Chen and the Goose stepped out.

"Yo, everyone!" Ye Chen greeted us. This time, the Goose was quiet and kept a wary eye in the direction where the bees were.

"So, what have you decided? Judging by the fact that you're all gathered here, it seems like we'll have company! That's great, it's more fun together, right?" Ye Chen turned to the Goose.

"Huh?" The Goose was still lost in thought. "What's that fishes you've got swimming around?" he asked, turning his head towards us.

"And what about it?" I asked. "It's just a fishes, a beautiful one."

"Yeah, yeah, I saw a similar one in the pond at our ruler's place. Mind telling me where you got it? I've always wanted to try one" the Goose said.

"It's a clan secret" Mei replied. "As for eating it, I'm afraid we have to decline. We don't even eat it ourselves, let alone serve it to guests."

"Ah, what kind of hospitality is that? Alright, alright, let's go, time's a-wasting!" he said.

"Mmm, it seems to me you're in a bit of a hurry for someone who just wants to practice," I remarked.

"Just your imagination. Come on, let's move, time to get going. Hustle up and get in the shuttle," he urged.

Lin Qing stepped forward and waved her hand, creating a cloud. This was a popular mode of transport here.

"I think this will be faster," she said as she leaped onto the cloud.

"Fuck! You know this technique! Ye Chen, you need to learn this technique as well. It's way faster than our shuttle!" the Goose exclaimed as he jumped onto the cloud.

I hugged Mei goodbye. "Take care, Master" she said softly. I gave her a quick kiss on the lips and leaped onto the cloud. The Goose looked over our group, muttered something excitedly, and shouted, "Let's go, let's go!"

As we ascended, I watched the Goose, who was guiding us, and couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. This bird always managed to find trouble, and I wondered what he was planning this time.

"Hey, Goose, why do I feel like we're not just going to cultivate but heading straight into a mess?"

"Haha, what are you talking about? You're paranoid!" he replied, but his laugh was nervous. Clearly, there was more to this trip than he was letting on. Considering that our protagonist was being drawn here, something was bound to go awry.

We flew for about three hours before landscape gradually transformed beneath us..

The verdant plains and forests gave way to rolling hills, which then grew steeper and more rugged. Soon, the majestic sight of snow-capped mountains loomed on the horizon, their peaks glistening in the sunlight. The mountains were a breathtaking sight, each one towering higher than the last, draped in pristine white snow that sparkled like a million tiny diamonds.

The air grew colder as we approached, the chill invigorating and refreshing. Frost-covered pine trees dotted the slopes, their branches heavy with snow, creating a serene and almost otherworldly beauty. A thin mist clung to the mountainsides, weaving through the trees and adding an ethereal quality to the scene.

The sight was awe-inspiring, and for a moment, the entire group fell silent, captivated by the tranquil majesty of the snowy peaks. It felt as though we were entering a different world, one untouched by time, where nature reigned supreme and the mountains stood as silent guardians of an ancient realm.

Following the Goose's route, we continued for another twenty minutes until he said, "Yeah, yeah, this way, just a bit further." We circled for another thirty minutes while the Goose searched for a place only he seemed to know.

"Here, this is it" he finally said as we approached a cave. The Goose jumped off and flew toward the cave, sniffing the air as if catching a scent.

As we approached the cave and prepared to dismount from the cloud, a voice suddenly echoed from within, filled with irritation and menace. "Fuck, Goose is that you again, fucking pervert? Didn't I pluck enough feathers from you last time, or are you so eager to die that you decided to come back?"

The words hung in the air, charged with a mix of anger and disbelief. The Goose visibly tensed, his feathers ruffling slightly as he turned to face the cave entrance. It was clear that whoever was inside was not happy to see him, and I couldn't help but wonder what kind of trouble he had dragged us into this time.

The Goose turned to us, his expression a mix of confusion and defensiveness. "Guys, I have no fucking idea what this crazy green-haired woman is talking about! I haven't been here before!" he exclaimed.