Wild Night**

Xia Tao

We've been in the cave for five days now. Around twenty more people have joined us, and they are all spaced out more or less evenly around the lake. The entrance to the cave has been blocked by those already inside, likely to prevent the place from getting too crowded.

Goose finally explained why we are here. It turns out that an elder from a neutral faction is sitting at the bottom of the lake, breaking through to the Ascension of Spirit 1st level (the sixth known cultivation realm; for context, the sect leader is currently at this level, mc at 2). This is rare in these parts, and when someone breaks through to this level, a wave of energy emanates from them, which enhances cultivation by purifying the body of impurities. This typically happens during the transition to Harmonization of Body and Mind (the major transition from the third to the fourth level). Those who are exposed to this energy will find it easier to reach and pass this stage. Overall, it's a pretty beneficial occurrence, though not an extraordinary event.

So, people have gathered, and it seems there will be a flower with an ice element growing here that many want to fight for. We don't intend to get involved in that, but we're not against receiving the wave of energy that can help us.

The last day has turned into personal hell for me. Lin Qing hasn't come to me the first night, nor the second, nor the following nights. And the longer it goes on, the more it overwhelms me. I have a need, and she knows it and still teases me. She purposely dresses provocatively and exercises at every opportunity, taunting me. A little more, and I won't be able to take it.

It got to the point where I stopped cultivating and started practicing Ice Fist. In just a couple of days, I achieved minor achievement 2/10. That's what the motivation to distract oneself can do.

Lin Qing

Watching the master slowly lose his composure is quite interesting. Sure, I enjoyed our periodic sex sessions in the mansion when I could arrange a night away from Mei, but none of those compare to that night when he took me forcefully. Oh yes, those memories will haunt me for a long time.

And since I have the opportunity to create another unforgettable experience, why not? It's amusing to watch his facial expressions change from confusion to disappointment, and lately, to lust and aggression. I think just a little more, and it will be unforgettable.

It was evening, and everyone was finishing their training. I decided it was time! Stepping aside, I sent the master a message in a sickeningly sweet voice:

"Master, could you come over?"

A little irritated and sweaty after a whole day of training, Xia Tao approached and asked in an annoyed voice:

"Yes, did you need something?"

"Master, wouldn't you like to carve a figure of me in some interesting pose? It's always animals" I asked, standing half-turned and arching a bit to highlight my charms.

I practically heard something click in his head, and everything but lust and aggression disappeared from his eyes. I quickly pulled out the cube artifact, activated it, and threw it on the ground. A hemisphere enclosed us, isolating us from everyone... well, almost everyone. I made sure to position myself to include Li Meiying, our little voyeur. Let her see what real sex is like!

Xia Tao

I was overwhelmed. So I stand and listen as this tease continues to tease me. At one point I could no longer hold back. The power surged through me, and I rushed towards it. The next moment I threw her onto the rocks, not caring at all about the consequences or her comfort.

Sitting on top, I grabbed her by the throat. Her eyes widened, not from fear, but from excitement. At that moment, all thoughts of self-control disappeared.

"Is this what you wanted?" I growled, looking into her eyes, full of anticipation.

She didn't respond with words, just grinned, bending under me like a snake. Her body radiated warmth and her breathing became ragged. This only fueled my rage and passion. I squeezed her throat tighter, feeling her pulse quicken under my fingers.

Everything happened on instinct. I tore her clothes, exposing her body.

"You're having fun, aren't you, teasing me?! I'll show you how to tease a master!" I growled and slapped her in the face with my other hand.

"I take it you like aggressive sex? Yes? I'll fucking show you what you're in for!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that there was not a drop of doubt or fear in her eyes, only flaring lust. This only spurred me on more. I grabbed her by the hair, forcing her to look me straight in the eyes.

I felt a surge of lust at the sight and my cock grew even more harder in my pants. My brain was simply failing. The only thing that was in my head now was to show who the master is here, and to saturate her skin with my scent so that everyone knows who she belongs to! I slapped her across the face again.

Her face twitched, but in response she only moaned softly, her gaze even more excited. 

"You're mine" I growled, feeling how my thirst for possession flared up more and more.

"You will remember this moment."

Looking at the scene before me, my mouth watered from various thoughts, and my fingers twitched with anticipation. I sat on her again and bit into her lips. She tried to rise, but I forcefully pulled away and growled:

"Stay down! Don't forget who the master is here!"

"Remind me, I've been forgetful" she said playfully.

Oh, you little brat. I leaned in and bit her shoulder until it bled, tasting the metallic tang in my mouth. Pulling back, I roared:

"You belong to me! Don't ever forget that!"

Pulling off my pants and moving around her, I stood in front of her head.

"Open your mouth" and slapped her again.

She opened her mouth, and I shoved my cock into it forcefully, deep. Finally. I began pounding into her, enjoying every thrust.

Gl, gl, gl, khaa, smooch — the music to my ears. I simply lay on top of her and continued, feeling her body yielding to me.

Her pussy was right in front of my eyes, already dripping with juices. Since she was making me feel so good, I decided to return the favor. I opened my mouth, captured her clit, and started playing with it with my tongue, all while continuing to thrust into her, not caring whether she could breathe or not. Given that she was actively moving her head, it seemed there were no major issues.

After a few minutes of this, I felt myself getting close. I bit her clit—not too hard, but enough to make her arch her back. I started sucking on it, increasing the pace. The sounds of gl, gl, khaa, gl filled my ears, and finally, I exploded. After so many days of holding back, I felt on top of the world. After she swallowed everything, I pulled out and stood up.

Without saying a word, I took her hand, turned her onto all fours, and pressed her torso down to the ground. Moving behind her, I grabbed her hair, arching her back, and thrust into her pussy. She moaned in pleasure.

I leaned down to her neck, biting and leaving marks. Her body twisted beneath me, and I felt her writhing in pleasure. The whole world narrowed down to this moment, to our bodies and their collision.

Every movement was filled with passion and desire. I felt her body responding to every thrust, her moans growing louder and deeper. We were one in this moment, consumed by each other, and nothing could stop us.

She teased me, awakening the beast within. And now that beast had fully taken over me. I entered her roughly and without any gentleness, feeling her body accept me, savoring every movement.

"You wanted this" I growled, continuing my movements. "Now enjoy it."

Her moans grew louder, her body tensed and relaxed in rhythm with our movements. 

Eventually, I let go of her throat, and our bodies melded into a single rhythm. It was wild, untamed pleasure that we both craved. In this moment, we both found release, letting our passions ignite to the fullest.

"It's time to give the pussy some milk!" I said and exploded. And after couple of seconds I started pounding her from behind again, God, how good it is!

A few minutes later, I eventually found Li Meiying nearby who was sitting half-naked nearby and playing with herself, my brain was already covered with a veil of lust and my mind turned off

"Li Meiying come here you little pervert" I said without stopping pounding

While she was walking towards us with uncertain steps, I pulled Lin Qing's hair to make her head rise and said

"Look what you did to the Holy daughter of the sect, she's just as much a pervert as you are."

"Kia ah ah ah kah" was her answer, in general, nothing coherent was achieved

As soon as Li Meiying came to us

"Sit down and spread your legs!" I said in an orderly voice, uncertainty mixed with lust splashed in her eyes

"Sit down quickly!" And she literally fell on her ass

I grabbed Lin Qing's waist and moved her face to Li Meiying's pussy

"Get to work!" I told Lin Qing and after giving her a couple of slaps on her ass I continued to pound her pussy.

Judging by the fact that Li Meiying threw her head back and started moaning like crazy, Lin Qing got to work.

Then my brain had already switched off and remembered only the slides, here I am fucking Lin Qing's tits and kissing Li Meiying who is sitting on Lin Qing's face, here I am fucking Lin Qing in the ass and Li Meiying is passed out, here I am exploded in Lin Qing again and darkness.