
This chapter explains what skills are, how they are learned, and how they are used. I decided to add this to provide clarity, as there have been questions.

This will not affect the release of the regular chapter, which will be published later.


Skills are learned based on the following principles in the cultivation system:

The numbers 1/10 can vary depending on the skill's complexity, meaning a skill can be 1/10 or 1/3, for example.

Minor achievements: 1/10

Major achievements: 1/8

Skill Completion: 1/11

State of Art: 1/X(it have no upper limit)

Stages of Skill Mastery

1. Minor Achievements:

Description: At this stage, the cultivator fully understands and memorizes the content and description of the skill. They apply the skill exactly as described, often without fully understanding the purpose or the correct execution of each part.

What the cultivator learns: Basic memorization and application of the skill.

Full Progress: The cultivator can consistently perform the skill as written, but without deeper comprehension.

2. Major Achievements:

Description: The cultivator starts to study and understand how the skill works from a mechanical perspective. They comprehend the mechanisms behind the skill, which helps them use it more rationally, effectively, and correctly.

What the cultivator learns: Understanding the inner workings and mechanics of the skill.

Full Progress: The cultivator can use the skill more effectively and with better results, having a deeper comprehension of its functions.

3. Skill Completion:

Description: The cultivator starts to modify the skill's operation. They experiment with accelerating and decelerating various processes within the skill, understanding how these changes affect the outcome. This stage involves fine-tuning and making minor adjustments for optimal skill use.

What the cultivator learns: How to adjust and optimize the skill for the best performance.

Full Progress: The cultivator can tweak the skill to enhance its effectiveness, customizing it to their needs.

4. State of Art:

Description: This is the highest stage of mastery, where the cultivator uses their deep knowledge and understanding to innovate and achieve unique results. They alter processes based on their extensive experience, creating interesting and innovative outcomes.

What the cultivator learns: Advanced innovation and creation of new methods within the skill.

Full Progress: The cultivator can create unique and highly effective variations of the skill, achieving results beyond the original scope.

To provide a clearer understanding, let's use the example of learning to drive a car:

Example: Driving Skills

1. Minor Achievements:

Description: At this stage, the learner knows the rules of the road and how to operate the basic controls of the car—pressing the pedals, steering, and shifting gears.

What the learner gains: Basic ability to drive following the rules and operating the vehicle as instructed.

Full Progress: The learner can drive a car following all traffic laws and basic operational guidelines.

2. Major Achievements:

Description: The learner understands how their specific car works, including the mechanics of acceleration, braking, and handling. They know how to drive in various conditions, what type of fuel to use and why, and how to perform basic maintenance when something goes wrong.

What the learner gains: Enhanced ability to manage and troubleshoot the vehicle in different situations, leading to more confident and effective driving.

Full Progress: The learner can drive their car efficiently in various conditions and perform basic troubleshooting and maintenance.

3. Skill Completion:

Description: The learner begins to master advanced driving techniques, such as drifting, extreme driving, or controlling the vehicle in a skid.

What the learner gains: The ability to perform and control the car in more complex and demanding scenarios.

Full Progress: The learner can execute advanced driving maneuvers with precision and control.

4. State of Art:

Description: The learner uses their in-depth knowledge to modify the car, adding custom features and enhancements. They might even go so far as to create a highly customized or transformed vehicle even to Transformers(Optimus Prime (≧▽≦) ).

What the learner gains: The ability to innovate and personalize the vehicle, potentially creating unique and highly specialized functionalities.

Full Progress: The learner can significantly enhance the vehicle's performance and capabilities, tailoring it to their exact preferences and needs or can create very different device if have good imagination