Fruitful morning**

Xia Tao

In the early morning, I picked some strawberries and decided to go to the fortress's summit to train and examine the strawberries' properties. Before entering the fortress, I decided to check on the stone and liquid we had brought back yesterday. Approaching the place where we had left them, I began to feel uneasy. It was too hot. From what I could tell based on what had happened in the cave where we found them, they were supposed to balance each other out. But this was not happening. Something was obviously wrong.

The stone, once a dark, unassuming color, had transformed into a vivid maroon red, glowing ominously. It radiated a heat so fierce that even with my cultivation, I couldn't get closer than a few meters. I could feel the sweat forming on my brow, and the heat felt like it was trying to push me out of the room. The water, on the other hand, had significantly reduced in quantity and had become more concentrated. It shimmered silver and sparkled, but again, I couldn't get close.

Anxiety gnawed at me. This was not how it was supposed to be. Something was definitely wrong. I quickly left the room, my mind racing with possibilities, and went to find Mei. She was in the training area, her face calm and composed as always. Lin Qing had secluded herself to break through to the next major realm, so it was just the two of us.

"Mei, we have a problem" I said, my voice urgent. "The stone and liquid... they're not balanced. The stone has turned maroon red and is radiating intense heat. The liquid has diminished and turned silver, and it's sparking with energy. This didn't happen in the cave."

"I don't know the material of the stone itself, but it's obvious that it lacks cold to balance it"

"You mentioned there was a cultivator lying next to it for a long time, there must have been something else keeping the stone from emitting so much heat."

Mei's face was a mask of concentration as she set up the cooling array. Her hands moved deftly, drawing intricate symbols and channeling energy with precision. The room seemed to hum with anticipation as the array activated. Twenty minutes passed, and the stone darkened slightly, but the look on Mei's face told me things were far from resolved.

"What's wrong?" I asked, anxiety creeping into my voice.

Mei sighed, her frustration evident. "I diverted most of the energy we used to maintain the high level at the pyramid's summit to power the cooling array. That's more than half of all the free spiritual energy of the mountain, and we barely managed to cool it down. Judging by what I feel, the array won't hold for long. Even if we rebuild it using celestium as a resonator, it won't be enough to contain its heat. There must have been something else in the cave that we missed. We need to go back there. Let's leave things as they are for now; we have a little time."

Her eyes glistened in the light reflected from the stone, and beads of sweat dotted her forehead. It had been a long time since I had seen her, and last night's reunion wasn't enough to satisfy my longing. Seeing Mei now, especially with the way her nipples became visible through her wet clothes as she set up the cooling array, ignited a fire within me. The thought of indulging in our passions right here, in this room filled with heat, excited me beyond measure.

She looked at me, her eyes meeting mine, and in that moment something changed. The heat from the stone seemed insignificant compared to the fire that flared between us. I felt her body tense under my fingers, and without words, I understood that her feelings mirrored mine.

We moved closer, and I felt her breath on my skin. My hand slid down her back, feeling the heat of her body through the thin fabric of her clothes. Her nipples, hard and visible through the material, drove me wild. Her lips trembled, and I couldn't hold back any longer. Leaning in, I captured her lips in a passionate kiss.

Our lips melded in a hot, demanding kiss. My hand slid over her sides, then down to grasp her buttocks, pulling her closer to me. I felt her body respond to my every move, every touch. Her hands wrapped around my neck, fingers tangled in my hair, and I felt her nails scratch my skin, causing sharp flashes of pleasure.

We moved together, our bodies tensing and arching in sync with our desire. My hand found its way under her shirt, caressing her skin, feeling her shiver under my touch. Mei let out a soft moan as I touched her breast, and the sound pierced through me, igniting my own fire.

I removed her clothes, feeling them slide down her body, leaving her bare before me. Her skin glistened with sweat in the light of the stone, her chest rising and falling with heavy breaths. She was beautiful, like a goddess, and I couldn't wait any longer.

I pulled her close, my lips finding her neck, leaving hot kisses as I moved lower, until I reached her breasts. Mei moaned, her fingers clutching my shoulders, her body writhing beneath me. I took her nipple into my mouth, gently sucking and nibbling, feeling her body respond to my actions.

Her hands slid down my body, and I felt her undo my pants, freeing me. Her fingers wrapped around my shaft, and I nearly lost control, feeling her touch. She was hot, like fire, her movements slow and teasing, making me want her even more.

I lifted her and laid her down on the floor, feeling her body tense in anticipation. My hands slid down her thighs, parting her legs, exposing her to me. She was ready, her pussy glistening in the light of the stone, and I couldn't wait any longer.

I entered her in one smooth motion, feeling her body envelop me, warm and wet. We moved together, our bodies merging into a single rhythm. I felt her nails scratch my back, her moans growing louder with each thrust. I quickened the pace, feeling us nearing the peak.

Our movements grew more frantic, our moans filling the room. I felt her body tense, her pussy clenching around me, and in that moment, we both climaxed. We cried out, giving ourselves to the moment, feeling our pleasure mix with the heat emanating from the stone.

When it was over, we lay on the floor, our bodies entwined. Our breathing gradually steadied, and we just lay there, enjoying the afterglow of the moment. The stone continued to radiate its heat, but it no longer mattered. 

"We need to go back to the cave" Mei said, her voice steady despite the lingering flush on her cheeks. "There must be something there you missed. Something to stabilize the stone and the liquid."

I nodded, still feeling the ghost of her touch on my body. "Let's go."

We gathered our things quickly and made our way out of the fortress. The cool morning air was a stark contrast to the stifling heat we had just left behind. It helped clear our minds and refocus on the mission at hand.

Soon, we were on our cloud, speeding through the sky towards the cave. The wind whipped around us, carrying the scent of forest.