Protagonist quest 2

Ye Chen

I ran as fast as I could, my heart pounding with urgency. The system's alert had been clear—those ladies were in serious trouble. This was my chance to be the hero, the protagonist who saves damsels in distress. What could be better?

As I approached the location, I decided to observe for a moment. The sight that met my eyes was shocking. A guy in the inner disciple uniform was laughing maniacally, kicking a defenseless girl into the forest. He then walked over to another girl, yanked her out of a tree, and threw her to the ground.

I didn't believe the system would send me on a suicide mission, so I leaped into action and positioned myself between him and the girls.

Groans of pain came from behind me from the white haired girl, but I faced the bastard. "Leave the girls alone, you filthy animal!" I shouted. He looked awful—covered in dirt, clothes in tatters, and with a crazed look in his eyes. He stood there, stunned by the sight of me.

I glanced back at the girl on the ground and offered her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, beautiful, I'll save you!" I said, giving her a big thumbs-up, Naruto style.

"Oh, my hero!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with relief and admiration. Yes, yes, yes! Finally, a proper reaction! Unlike the last lady we saved, who hadn't exactly showered me with gratitude.

"You! What the hell are you doing here? Do you even know what's going on? You!" The guy seemed to be losing his mind.

The fight began, and I quickly realized that the movement technique I had won in a card game was incredibly useful. But this guy wasn't a pushover either. Let the battle begin!

We clashed with a flurry of blows, his attacks wild but powerful, fueled by desperation and rage. My movements were precise, using the Flicker of the Dragonfly technique to dodge and counter. His strength was formidable, but my agility gave me the upper hand.

Xia Tao

As we flew towards the mountain on our cloud, we noticed a fight between Ye Chen and another inner disciple. What the hell? We stopped to watch and saw two half-dead girls lying on the ground nearby.

We approached the battle. "Having fun, Ye Chen?" I called out just as he landed a punch, his fist surrounded by a silhouette of a dragon's head made of spiritual energy.

"Ahaha, you're just in time! Help me save these two ladies. This bastard wanted to turn them into battle mummies!" Ye Chen shouted back.

A growl came from the other side. "How the fuck do you even know that?" The inner disciple's eyes were wild with madness. Something was definitely off.

"Need help with him?" I asked.

"Yes, please" Ye Chen replied.

"Where did you cockroaches come from?" the inner disciple snarled. I jumped from the cloud, using my movement technique to appear beside him. Distracted by Ye Chen, he didn't notice me until I was right there. I used my Ice Fist technique to form a spear of ice around my fist and drove it into his back, aiming for his heart. At the last moment, he dodged slightly, and the spear pierced his lung instead.

Ye Chen seized the opportunity and struck the disciple's neck, breaking it. The body fell to the ground like a lifeless puppet.

"That'll teach you to attack defenseless women!" Ye Chen said, taking the storage ring from the corpse. "Thanks for the help. Despite being at my cultivation level, inner disciples are supposed to be stronger. He had more skills than I did. If there's anything useful in the ring, I'll share."

We returned to the cloud and noticed that Mei had already tended to the girls' wounds.

"They don't have any serious injuries, but they appear to be poisoned. I gave them a general antidote, but I don't know how effective it will be," Mei said.

After a while, one of the girls woke up.

Ye Chen


Quest completed. Rewards added to storage ring.

"Oh, my hero, you saved us" the blonde girl said, looking at me with hazy, loving eyes.

I scratched the back of my head, feeling a mix of pride and awkwardness. "Um, yeah, of course. Damsels in distress and all that."

Mei and Xia Tao sat a little to the side, quietly drinking tea and chatting. I turned to them, trying to regain my composure. "So, what brings you here?"

Xia Tao shrugged. "We were on our way for some business. If you want, we can leave you with your rescued beauties and continue on our way."

"Uh..." I was at a loss for words. I wanted them to leave so the second girl would know I was their savior, but Xia Tao's offer left me momentarily stunned.

At that moment, the second girl, woke up and looked around in confusion. "Oh, Zhen Yinglong, you're awake" the blonde girl said brightly. "Here he is, our hero, our destined one! The one I told you about!" She hugged my arm, and though it felt nice, I couldn't help but notice her small chest and slightly odd demeanor. Wait, destined one?

Zhen Yinglong recoiled from me like I was a leper. "What the fuck do you mean destined one? What hero? What the hell is going on?"

I tried to calm the situation. "Hey, hey, calm down" I said, trying to defuse the situation. "I saved you both from that guy. He was going to turn you into battle mummies. You're safe now."

Zhen Yinglong's expression softened slightly, but she was still wary. "Saved us? That doesn't make you our destined one or anything."

The blonde girl squeezed my arm tighter. "But he is! He are the hero who saved us! It's destiny!"