Blue Mist Elder pt.2

Blue Mist Elder

The golem snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Focus."

"Ah, yes, of course. My apologies. The letters will be sent out today. There won't be any problems" I said, nodding like a puppet.

"Remember, if the Red Forest Mountain Palace doesn't receive their invitation, these wonderful pyramids won't be part of the auction" the golem warned. I began to calm down slightly.

"Absolutely. I'll personally deliver their invitation to ensure there are no surprises" I replied. It would take a couple of days, but it was worth it to ensure everything went as planned.

If word got out that we were auctioning these energy storage modules, the turnout would be enormous, and people would bring even more valuable items to sell.

"Yes, if everything goes well and I'm satisfied with the price and the process, I'll bring interesting items every year—provided my relative doesn't face any undeserved trouble here. He doesn't need privileges or protection, but if I find out he's being unfairly mistreated, I'll be very upset. Also, I don't want to see any elders, the sect leader, or anyone else here who wouldn't be welcome. This peak is called Serenity Peak for a reason; people come here for peace and quiet. I won't repeat myself, because I won't need to. Understood?"

"I'll make sure he doesn't face any unnecessary problems" I assured him, nodding my head like a bobblehead doll. Angering someone like him was the last thing I wanted.

"That's settled then" the golem said. "I'll give you the storage modules before auction start. If anything urgent comes up, send a disciple with a message. Your contact will be Mei; you can handle matters through her."

He then took out a small jar containing two pills and tossed it to me. "I have a personal request as well. Try taking one of these before practicing your skills or cultivating. If you want a batch of 200 pills, you need to find someone willing to swear an life oath to us and who has a strong knowledge of the ancient language within a week."

Curious about the pills, I nodded. I had heard of miraculous pills that could enhance skill comprehension, but nothing that also worked for cultivation. My only experience with such pills in my youth had been disappointing—overpriced, low-quality pills that only marginally improved energy control and left me with digestive issues for a week. However, I doubted someone of this golem's stature would offer anything subpar.

"We'll find someone, don't worry" I said confidently.

"Find the best candidates. I expect a report in a week on who you managed to locate" the golem commanded.

Although I didn't appreciate his commanding tone, I knew that strength dictated authority. "Yes, sir."

"Present them to Elder Mei. I don't want to see you again until the day of the auction, when you'll guide us to the auction house and collect the storage modules" the golem added, pausing as if considering something. "That's all. You're dismissed."

With a slight bow, still sweating, I summoned my cloud and headed towards the portal to reach the sect leader faster. This was an incredible opportunity for our sect—these storage modules could mark the beginning of our rise to greatness.

Twenty minutes later, I found myself sitting opposite the sect leader, whose invisible pressure made me feel uneasy. Interestingly, facing that golem, I knew I had no chance, as I couldn't sense his spiritual energy at all, indicating perfect control. Sitting opposite the sect leader, I realized that even he might stand little chance against the golem's original master.

The sect leader examined the pill in his hands, turning it over and trying to understand its composition and effects.

"Strange pill" he finally said.

"What's strange about it, Master?" I asked.

"It appears to be the work of a novice, and not a particularly talented one. Calling it a pill is an insult. It's intriguing why he would give you two and think they'd motivate you. Clearly, we would help him regardless, but the pill is puzzling. Leave one with me; I'll check if it's safe and test its effects myself. I'm almost certain there won't be issues, but it's better to be cautious. Meanwhile, send people to find someone knowledgeable in the ancient language. That shouldn't be a problem. Also, send notifications to neighboring friendly sects. You should head to the Red Forest Mountain Palace to inform them of this news personally."

"You've certainly brought a surprise. Items like these haven't been seen at auctions in our region for fifty years, and never several at once. This will stir things up. I might need to call a few acquaintances to ensure everything stays peaceful. It's too tempting an offer. Did you say he mentioned providing interesting items in the future if all goes well?"

"Yes, Master" I confirmed.

"How do you think who would win in a direct confrontation?" the sect leader asked.

My face twisted slightly as I considered the question. "Um..."

"I see. You don't need to continue" he said, cutting me off. "Did he mention where he was from?"

"No, Master."

"What can you tell me about those he visited?"

"Not much, Master. They've been here for a relatively short time. They bought a mountain and live there quietly. They've taken on a few disciples, and their mountain's name suggests they seek tranquility. There's been no unusual activity from them. It seems they just wanted a peaceful place to live, which is odd, but that's the impression I get. They picked a location far from others, near the desert, surrounded by forests—there's really nothing there."

"Hmm, suspicious. But someone with the power to either wipe out our sect or severely weaken us likely wouldn't be involved in any strange schemes."

"And what did he say about the payment?"

"He said 10%, with 2% of that going directly to me. He wants to work exclusively through me as long as I don't mess up" I said, putting on my most honest face.

"Well, well" the sect leader mused. "If you handle everything smoothly and there are no problems, you can keep those 2%. Just make sure he's satisfied with our auction so he'll want to continue working with us."

"Okay, let's proceed as planned. With such a high-profile item, I'm concerned that our current auction house in the outer circle won't be sufficient for the crowd or reflect the prestige of what we're selling. I'll arrange for a new one to be built in a slightly different location, but still in the outer circle. I have a feeling this year will be interesting, and our enemies will be gnashing their teeth in frustration" the sect leader said with a chuckle. After a moment of thought, he added, "Alright, go ahead with your tasks. Report directly to me if anything comes up." He handed me a personal communication talisman. "It won't last long, so use it only for critical issues. Otherwise, come here in person."

What a day. 2% from the sale of the pyramids! I wouldn't make that much in a hundred years. And direct contact with the sect master—unbelievable!