
Watching the threads dance from Mei's palm(image will be here), I recalled a fanfic about Naruto that explained similar issues with techniques. It suggested that using different proportions of various chakra components could result in different effects and levels of control. It might sound far-fetched, but who knows—it could help.

"Mei, this might sound silly, but I have a hypothesis I'd like to share. Don't ask where it came from, but hear me out—it might spark some useful ideas."

"I'm listening, Master" Mei said, her eyes focused on me.

I tried to translate the concept into terms relevant to our world. "I know that besides spiritual energy, there are other types of energies, including soul energy, essence energy, and body energy, also known as Qi."

"Yes, there are various other energies that aren't widely used here. Where are you going with this?"

"My thought is that if we add other types of energy to the web technique, not just spiritual energy, we might achieve different results. This could affect the controllability or other properties of the technique. We just need to figure out how to do it."

"Hypothetically, we could take a soul skill technique, learn to control that energy a bit, and try to integrate it" Mei mused.

"How about we start gathering a research department?" I suggested. "They could study various techniques, arrays, and also explore how different energies interact and what improvements can be made."

"Not quite sure I understand" Mei replied, puzzled.

In this world, it wasn't common to gather people specifically to study, refine, and create techniques or arrays. Usually, it was more about personal investment—if something interested you, you studied and developed it yourself. Occasionally, there were small groups of two or three like-minded individuals, but a dedicated team focused solely on research was unheard of.

"Imagine we find and gather a number of people to study different ways to alter or improve techniques. Instead of relying solely on intuition, they conduct experiments, record results, and analyze effects. We could use their findings to refine our techniques. This wouldn't be the first or last technique we invent or modify. For example, we could study how the bees fly silently or why I couldn't see the lynx until it turned to look at me. Imagine a group of people dedicated to studying such things, focusing solely on cultivation for longevity and enhancing the foundation of techniques without being distracted by perfecting combat skills."

As I spoke, Mei's expression grew more and more astonished. Despite her usual calm demeanor, it was clear her mind was racing with possibilities.

"That sounds magnificent" she said, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "We just need to think about how to find interested individuals and how to invite them to join us."

"A task for you then" I suggested. "By the way, we need an alchemist or better yet, an entire department of alchemists. The pills I make from the strawberries are more like trash compared to the original strawberries, and their effects could certainly be improved."

"Yes, a clan alchemist would be invaluable, and having several would be even better. By the way, Master, do you remember we only accepted 20 out of the 113 our disciples into the clan?"

"Yes, I remember. The rest are doing minor tasks around the mountain and taking on assignments from us."

"Well, out of the remaining 93 disciples, 78 want to join the clan. Ten have left the mountain, and the rest are content with their current situation."

"Wow, what sparked this sudden enthusiasm?" I asked with curiosity.

"Our clan disciples decided to test their skills against those who opted to develop on their own. The result was a complete rout. Seeing someone who was once your equal become an unattainable height in just a month is very motivating" Mei explained with a smirk.

"Yeah, I've looked at their progress with a bit of envy myself. I was quite proud of my advancements with the Ice Fist technique, but they really brought me back down to earth" I admitted with a touch of melancholy.

"Not all is lost, Master. Here is a crystal with the current version of the thread technique, and this with the Flicker of the Dragonfly technique. I think you can master the basics within a week and start training and refining from there. I'll show you how to train if you want to keep up with the disciples" Mei said gently, but her tone gave me chills.

"Yes, despite being a homebody, I need to train three times harder to avoid falling behind the disciples. Plus, knowing our protagonist, he's bound to get into something that could endanger the sect" I said with determination.

"Speaking of which, as far as I understand, Lin Qing has broken through to the Harmonization of Body and Mind (4th major level). How's your cultivation coming along?" I asked.

"Oh, Master, I also broke through to the first level a month ago, and I'll soon reach the second" Mei announced proudly.

"Congratulations! It seems I've fallen far behind you" I replied with a sigh.

"Don't worry, Master. I had a head start. By the way, I've studied the basic part of the dual cultivation technique, and our sessions will bring even more benefits once you learn your part" she said with a knowing smile.

I couldn't help but think about when I'd find the time for all this. I also remembered the Nekomata painting. I needed to study it, as it had been lying around unused for too long. "We should also investigate the stone and the tablet after the auction to see how we can use them to our advantage."

"I agree, Master. We'll look into it then" Mei affirmed.

Deciding to get back to some routine, I headed up to the top of the fortress to do a check-in with the system, something I had completely forgotten about. Today was already the third day of check-ins for this week, and I wished for something that would help me manage my time better. Given that my accumulated reward effect had reset, I wasn't surprised to see the system offering me junk:

1) A piece of paper with secret knowledge

2) A bundle of old newspapers

3) A collection of used paper clips

I stared in disbelief at the choices. Well, what did I expect? Options two and three were definite trash, and while the first might be useful, I had my doubts. I chose the first option, and a small paper appeared in my hand.

I saw a message: "You can do it!" I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity. "What did I expect?" I thought. "Seems like I'll be getting junk for a while."