Night visit*

I'm in a good mood today, so 1 more chapter

Zhang Jing

My sister told me that if I wanted to get close to the master, Xia Tao, I needed to master two techniques to a level that she found satisfactory. But impatience got the better of me. Ignoring her advice, I decided to sneak into the master's room at night.

As I made my way through the dimly lit corridors, my heart raced with excitement. I approached the door to the master's quarters, thinking of how I would finally get my chance.

Just as my hand reached for the handle, a voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Your sister warned me this would happen" Lin Qing's stern voice cut through the silence. I turned to see her standing there, arms crossed and eyes piercing. "You really thought you could bypass me?"

I tried to play innocent, giving a small shrug as if I was merely curious. But inside, I was already planning how to get past her.

Before I could say a word, Lin Qing's hand flicked, and invisible threads of spiritual energy shot out, wrapping around my wrists and ankles in an instant. The threads tightened, rendering me immobile.

"Ooh, well, don't be so upset. You won't get inside tonight" she teased. "But hey, at least the master will be satisfied. Trust me, I'll take care of that."

Before I could respond, she shoved a gag into my mouth, silencing any protests.

"Ahaha, but you know what? I'm feeling generous tonight. I'll let you listen to what you're missing out on, so no need to thank me" she added with a smirk, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

"And who knows" she continued, "maybe you'll even learn a thing or two just by listening. Although, I doubt you'll be able to keep up." She chuckled, enjoying my frustration. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to give the master an extra good time in your honor. You can think of it as... a live lesson."

I struggled against the bonds, but they held firm. Lin Qing's technique was flawless. She pulled out a set of sealing talismans and expertly applied them to my body. As soon as the talismans made contact with my skin, I felt a surge of energy, and then... nothing. My spiritual energy was completely sealed off.

Lin Qing then dragged me to a corner outside the master's door, her movements efficient and unyielding. She tied me securely, ensuring that I couldn't move an inch.

I was left there, tied up and helpless, right at the entrance to the master's room. My only consolation was that I could still hear everything happening inside.

Lin Qing knocked softly and opened door. From my position, I couldn't see anything, but I could hear everything clearly.

She turned before she entered the room, she glanced back at me, a sly grin on her face. "Don't get bored now" she wispired, winking before she started to sway her hips provocatively and walked into the master's room.

"Master, I'm here" Lin Qing said softly.

"Ah, Lin Qing, come in" Xia Tao's voice responded, warm and inviting.

There was the sound of soft footsteps and the rustling of fabric. Lin Qing's voice was a bit further now.

"I thought you might enjoy some company tonight, Master" she purred.

"I always do" he replied, his voice laced with anticipation.

I heard the faint sound of lips meeting skin, followed by a low moan from Xia Tao. My heart pounded in my chest, frustration and desire warring within me. I strained against my bonds, but they held fast.

Lin Qing's voice was a mixture of pleasure and command as she said, "Master, let me take care of you."

The sounds that followed were unmistakable: the shifting of bodies, the soft creak of the bed, and the increasing intensity of their breathing. Xia Tao's groans of pleasure mingled with Lin Qing's soft gasps and moans. Every sound sent a jolt through my body, intensifying my own unmet desires.

The bed creaked rhythmically now, and their voices became more urgent. Lin Qing's cries of ecstasy echoed in my ears, mingling with Xia Tao's deeper, more guttural sounds. I bit down on the gag, trying to stifle my own whimpers of frustration.

"Oh, Master, yes!" Lin Qing cried out, her voice filled with bliss.

"Lin Qing, you feel so good" Xia Tao groaned.

The sounds of their passionate encounter continued, each noise driving me further into a state of desperate longing. My mind filled with images of what might be happening just beyond the door, making my own body ache with unfulfilled need.

Finally, their voices reached a crescendo. Lin Qing's cries became more frantic, and Xia Tao's moans deepened. The bed creaked loudly one last time before everything went quiet, save for their labored breathing.

I lay there, bound and gagged, my body throbbing with unrelieved desire. I thought it was finally over, and that I might either join them or at least find some relief myself. But to my dismay, the sounds of passion resumed, even more intense than before.

Every kiss, every moan, every creak of the bed sent waves of frustration and longing through me. My mind raced with vivid images of what might be happening behind that door, and each sound heightened my own desperate need. The hours stretched on, the cycle of their pleasure repeating over and over, a relentless symphony of ecstasy that left me on the brink of madness.

For what felt like three agonizing hours, I was tormented by the sounds of their continuous lovemaking. My emotions were a whirlwind of envy, desire, and despair. I strained against my bonds, but they held me firmly in place, leaving me to endure the unending torment.

Finally, the room fell silent, their breathing slowed, and it seemed they had found some respite. I lay there, exhausted and trembling, every part of me aching for the release I had been denied.

After what felt like an eternity, the door opened, and Lin Qing stepped out, a satisfied smile on her face. She looked down at me, her eyes gleaming with a mix of amusement and warning.

"I'll be delighted if you never master those techniques" she said, her voice dripping with satisfaction. "That just means more time with the Master for me."

As she walked away, humming a cheerful tune, I was left alone with my frustration and longing. My mind was made up. Tomorrow, I would start mastering those techniques first thing in the morning. If I didn't, I was sure I would go insane.