Ex or New girlfriend

Wayne pushed her away, "What's going on?"

The other party hugged him, "I miss you!"

Wayne was shocked and heartbroken. He had been waiting for these words for a long time.

Cayenne looked at them.

When Wayne wanted to hug that girl, he forgot Cayenne was standing beside them.

"Shall...I leave for a moment?" Cayenne asked timidly.

Wayne blamed himself and slowly pushed the other person away, "I'm sorry, my friend Ingrid."

Ingrid looked at Cayenne in surprise, "Who are you?"

Cayenne immediately replied, "His friend!" Then she smiled and said, "Wayne, I... might as well..."

Wayne felt ashamed of his messy behaviour. He took her hand and said, "Ingrid, she is my girlfriend, Cayenne."

Cayenne was embarrassed by this situation, "Maybe I leave first..."

Wayne interrupted her, "You wait for me at home. I'll be back later."

After Cayenne entered the house, she watched Wayne close the door and felt that his heart was no longer here.

But her heart was beating fast, and she knew who the girl was.

Ingrid is a well-known lawyer in the city, Cayenne feels that she is completely inferior to her.

Cayenne as anxious and didn't know what to do. Should she trust Wayne? But...she can see he desired to see her again. 

She shed tears unconsciously as she thought about it.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, when no text messages or calls were received, Cayenne went back to her room alone, thinking carefully about what happened today.

Why did she fall from heaven to hell all of a sudden?

She has never experienced good times in her life, so how could she be lucky enough to be with the person she likes?

Cayenne sat on the dark stairs and waited until around three o'clock in the morning, when she finally calmed down.

The next morning, Cayenne made breakfast and pretended nothing had happened, indifferent to where Wayne went yesterday.

When Wayne saw her red and swollen eyes, he knew that she had cried. Yesterday, he said that her happiness was the most important thing, but she ended up crying miserably.

"I'll be back early tonight." He kissed her head.

"Okay." Cayenne smiled weakly.

She tried hard to forget what had happened and prepare for dinner tonight.

After waiting all night, Wayne did not come back.

It was early in the morning when she heard that he was coming back. Cayenne pretended to be asleep.

When Wayne saw her, he felt extremely guilty. One was an ex-girlfriend he had been with for a few years, and the other was a new girlfriend he had been with for four months. Even though he was heartbroken by his ex, he still couldn't help but throw himself into the trap.

He has to make a decision.

The two of them avoided seeing each other throughout the week, until at the weekend, Wayne sat at home and tried to confess his feelings to Cayenne.

"I'm sorry, I thought I was letting go...I'm sorry, I hurt you by swinging my feeling."

Cayenne held back tears, "I understand, it's okay."

The doorbell rang, Wayne went to open the door. Ingrid saw her, "Haven't you told her yet?"

Wayne pushed her out the door, "What's wrong with you?"

When Cayenne heard this, she turned around and tried to suppress her crying. It turned out that he had already chosen her, but she didn't say anything.

Wayne shouted to the door, "Cayenne, I'll be back later." He wanted to send Ingrid to home.

When she heard the door close, she released her long-repressed tears.

That day, Cayenne sat on the stairs all night, and she had made up her mind.

She called Karen, "Can I stay at your house temporarily?"

Wayne's mood was up and down, and he was also very conflicted. When he saw Ingrid, he thought of Cayenne and when he got home, he thought of Ingrid.

After he returned home, he found that Cayenne was missing. Her expensive clothes and handbags were stored in the box, but her personal belongings were taken away.

Just leave a note, "Thank you."

She quit, she gave up, she didn't have the confidence to keep him.

Wayne hit the door vigorously.

He called her, but she had turned off her phone.

"What the…"

He didn't know where to find her.

Wayne scratched his head and drove to the bar.

"Wayne what's wrong? You look so pale?" Jo asked worriedly.

"Cayenne is missing."

Zen was frightened, "Why is she missing?"

Wayne told them the story from the beginning, and after Zen listened, he almost wanted to punch him.

"You and Ingrid actually treated her like this. Wayne Chan, you are cruel to her!"

Jo pulled Zen, "Don't cause trouble in your own shop."

Zen was angry, "Don't hold me back! Have you forgotten how Ingrid hurt you?"

Wayne felt as if he had been punched in the chest, it hurt so much.

"She did this to you, but you did this to Cayenne! She love you so much!"

Wayne sat down in the chair.

Jo consoled him, "Will she return to her mother's house?"

Wayne checked his Uber records and will go to her house tomorrow.

The text message rang, and everyone quickly looked at it, "Will you come to my house tonight?" It's Ingrid.

Jun said a F word and walked away, Jo didn't say anything.

After closing the bar, Jo went home and saw Michelle sleeping peacefully, so he hugged her and said, "That's good."

Michelle was woken up by him, "Why is this just fine?"

Jo told her the story

Michelle was very angry, "How could he do this? You heartless people, in order to be with you, we have less contact with our family and friends..."

Jo quickly stopped and said, "It's him, not me. How come I'm also dragged into the mess?"

"How many girlfriends have you had before?"

Jo said seriously, "Honey, it's two different things, okay?"

Michelle pouted, "Okay, I'm sorry."

"Can you help find Cayenne?"


Jo kissed her and said, "Thank you."

Michelle sighed, "So what if I find her? Is Wayne sure what to do?"

"As a friend, I just want to know that she is safe."

Wayne returned home, feeling very empty and guilty, but could not ignore Ingrid.

He lay on the bed, and the scent of olive shower gel no longer existed.

When he woke up in the middle of the night, he realized that someone was missing from his side. The person who loved him wholeheartedly was gone.

It was hard to wait until dawn.

On the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Wayne brought two boxes of mooncakes from the hotel to Mrs Tong.

Mrs Tong smiled and said, "Cayenne said that you have been very busy recently and delivered the moon cakes yesterday. Why are you here in person again today?"

Wayne could not tell that Cayenne was not here, "I came here to meet client today and stopped by to visit you."

Mrs Tong took out Chinese herbal from the refrigerator, "Cayenne said you are coughing, take it back and ask her to make soup for you. Don't work too hard!"


"What a good kid." Mrs Tong was very satisfied with her prospective son-in-law.

Wayne sat in the car, very angry at his behavior. Cayenne consider about him all the time, but he turned out to be like this.

Now his mind is filled with everything she did for him.

Cayenne moved to Karen's house and thought about what was wrong with her every night. She cried as she thought about it until she fell asleep from exhaustion.

Every day she woke up, she hope it's a new day and she will not cry again.

Karen asked, "How are you feeling? Let's make bread together, okay?"

Cayenne felt bad if she refused. 

The process of making bread requires concentration. When making more complex, you can feel healing by constantly twisting the dough with your hands.

"Look, my bread are getting rounder and rounder." Cayenne finally smiled.

Karen was thinking, "I plan to take over the bakery downstairs, what do you think?"

Cayenne agreed, "I can be your assistant, so I can't live and eat in your house for free."

Karen smiled, "Please don't say that."

Wayne didn't know what Cayenne was doing or who she was meeting, but he still couldn't find her.

Jo asked Michelle, "Have you found her?"

"She sent a text message, everything is fine."

"where is she?"

"She didn't say."

Wayne has been busy with project going to be listed and did not want to make a mistake at this important moment.

Every night, Wayne sat at the desk, and there was no more a glass of honey lemon on the table.

Only then he realized who he needed by his side.

When he is happy or depressed, who does he think of first?

Ingrid was just a momentary illusion, thinking that he could not forget her.

The reluctance, sadness, and disappointment of the past have been healed by Cayenne's love.

Ingrid invited him over for dinner and saw a table full of takeaways. In the past, he thought it didn't matter what the two of them ate together, but today he felt it was terrible.

"I've been busy with work recently." Ingrid ate and worked without looking at each other.

"Is it okay to live like this?" Wayne asked with concern.

Ingrid found it funny, raised her head and asked, "Did you know me on the first day?"

"Ingrid I'm sorry." Wayne said with the most sincere attitude, "Thank you for accompanying me these years. We had the happiest time, but..." After a pause, he said, "But I I know who I miss most in my heart and who I want to live with most."

He stood up and bowed, "I'm sorry, I've changed."

Ingrid didn't expect Wayne to put the responsibility on himself, and then smiled helplessly, "I gave up on this relationship first. I don't have the confidence to continue."

"I'm not good enough." Wayne smiled bitterly.

"Did you ever think about her when we were together?" Ingrid knew that Cayenne was from his high school.

Without even thinking about it, Wayne said, "No."

Ingrid hugged him, "Goodbye, I wish you happiness."

You can take a horse to the water but you cannot make him drink.

Ingrid just let him go. 

Wayne drove to the bar, but Zen didn't say anything to him. He poured himself whiskey and drank it.

Jo commented, "Don't drink so much."

"I made it clear to Ingrid." Wayne said painfully, "Am I being a bastard? I was get along well with Cayenne, but I turned around to look for Ingrid, and then I realized that my love was Cayenne."

He drank another glass of wine and said, "Now that I have broken her heart and no one can find her, what should I do?" He drank another glass of wine.

Wayne sniffed, his eyes were red and he was about to shed tears, "Where is she?"

Zen had never seen him so sad and hesitant. He sat next to him with a glass of wine and said, "Let's find her together."

"Does Michelle know?"

Jo shook his head.

After Wayne returned home, he took a photo of the bedroom, uploaded it and wrote: "Where are you? I miss you terribly!"

Ivana saw the social media and asked, "Oh my goodness, Cayenne ran away from home?"