

Everything was dark.

I didn`t hear anything nor feel anything.

I was confused before the last moments of my life flashed in my mind.

Shit. The truck hit me.

I looked around and everything was dark.

'I think I am dead.'

'Is this the infamous void?' I thought to myself.

[Confirmed, void.

'Unique skill : Nullification acquired.]

I heard a familiar yet robotic voice in my head and the situation strangely felt nostalgic. I thought for a while before realizing what this was.

'Unique skill?'

This was exactly how Rimuru from 'That time I got reincarnated as I slime.' was reincanated!!!

Realizing this, I was determined to fully utilize the situation. I decided to follow Rimuru's footstep.

'I am so hot.' I said.

[Khh.] I heard strange sound from the voice before it returned to normal.

[Confirmed :-

Heat resistance acquired.]

I was ecstatic. Though I wondered why the voice was so familar.

'I am too cold.' I said again.


Heat resistance evolved to Temperature nullification.]

I nearly jumped due to joy before focusing again. Now it was time to get the most important skill.

'I am such a shut in. I have never even touched a girl. I am basically a sage.' I said and there was complete silence.

'I AM A VIRGIN. I can be called a sage.' I said but still nothing.

I tried again, 'I get no girls. I am a sage now.'

Then there was laughter. And I finally realized why the voice was so familar.


It was the fucking Author!! He was trolling me.

'Fuck you!! What the hell is wrong with you dude?!.' I said, enraged.

The author laughed his ass off for a bit more before he calmed down, he was still panting.

'Where am I author? Am I dead?' I asked in worry.

{No. You are very much alive.} he said.

'Then why is everything so dark?' I asked as I still could not see any light.

Was I in a coma?

{Let me share you some of my divine wisdom.} the author said, lowering his voice and he sounded quite serious.

I listened closely as he said.

{Open your eyes dipshit.}

"Oh." I immediately gasped as I opened my eyes. Light entered my eyes, blinding me a bit.

My whole body hurts but my right arm, shoulder and back hurts the most. But I was able to bear the pain.

Hopefully it did not feel too bad. Here's to superhuman vitality and endurance!!

In my arms, I felt the dog and I looked down. It was also closing it's eyes. The dog struggled in my arms for a bit. It seemed like it was also knocked out and was just waking up too.

Suddenly, it's eyes sprang open and since I was looking at it, our eyes immediately found each other.

I felt my breath stop as my body became still. I felt it's body also freezing when our eyes met.

We were too close, the dog was in my tight embrace. It's long nose was bearly touching my face as our eyes were only few inches apart.

It's eyes were probably the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. Hazel brown eyes, a mixture of brown and blood red.

It's eyes were like a human's. It carries shocking intelligence and feelings that left me stunned.

Then our connection was broken when it's eyes widen. I could see fear and worry surfacing in it's eyes.

It struggled in my arms and broke free from my embrace. Then it immediately ran away from me.

But when it reached the other side of the road, it stopped and looked back. It's nose twitched for a moment and it locked eyes with me again.

Then finally it went on its way. Running, as if it needed to hurry.

'Okay that was weird.' I thought to myself as I relaxed on the road.

{That whole situation is a bit... unnerving. Hey Yuito, I won't judge you but are you a furry?}

'Huh? what? NO!!!' I denied completely.

I was a pervert. I was down bad. But not THAT bad.

Then I finally heard the people coming towards me and rapidly asking me if I was okay. It wasn`t long before a crowd swarmed on me.

"Don`t worry kid. We have called the ambulance. It won`t be long until it reach here." One of them said as they all crouched near me.

"I am fine, really." I said as I pushed myself up. But pain immediately shot from my back.

'I swear something is broken there.' I thought to myself.

{You should be grateful to be alive.} the author said.

'Yeah, that was close.'

{This is why I hate wanna be heroes like you. What kind of idiot risks their life for a friggin dog!? Not a dawg but a dog!!}

I smiled wryly as I realized I was the idiot.

'Hey, I thought I would be able to save it without hurting myself since I am strong and all.' I said and it was true.

I did. I saved it and I was fine. At least I hope so.

{Liar. You knew exactly what the risks are but you decided to go there anyways. You should not be too kind. This could be extremely-....}

Then the Author began his long lecture about how being too kind could be harmful to me and my loved once. Giving Batman and Spiderman as an example and how their life was horrible due to it.

The lecture continued as the ambulance arrived and it lasted till I was in the hospital.

It might sound annoying but I was just glad and happy that he cared about me this much. It was a nice feeling.

{Don`t misunderstand, if you die my story ends. That is the only reason why I was worried. It`s not like I care about you or anything.}

He was also such a tsundere.


In the hospital, the doctors put me through X-rays and did some examination before learning that I damaged my spinal, dislocated my right shoulder and fractured my arm.

Luckily, the damage on my back was not sever and the doctor said it would not cause any problems. He told me that it may cause some minor pains in the future though.

It was a very important lesson for me. It was way too close and I promised myself to never be so reckless again.

It was not just me anymore. I had a mother who loved me as if I am her whole world and I got the Author too, whom I considered a friend at this point.

If not for me, I should at least live long for them.

Luckily the injuries were not too severe as the doctor said I would be able to leave the next day.

Now I was lying on the hospital bed. The doctors told me to call my relatives since they would be worried. They didn`t have to call them before as I had my own money to pay for the operations.

Lying on the hospital bed, I took out my phone and first called my mother.

She quickly picked the phone which freaked me out a bit and then I told her what had happened....

(You what!!!) My mother screamed through the other side of the call as I heard her shuffling around.

(Wait for me I will be right there.) she said.

"Don`t worry mom, you don`t have to come I will be back tomo-" I said and stopped when I noticed the call had already ended.

I sighed helplessly before sending messages to others about what happened to me. My martial arts coaches and even Marin.

And lastly, I gulped as I dialed the number of my Karate coach.

The World Junior Karate Championship was only two weeks away and I wondered how angry he would be when he learned about my current condition.

Would he rage? Or would he absolutely go ape mode? Maybe he would achieve Super Saiyan mode due to sheer rage.

The phone began ringing and I gulped. Then the call was picked up and I heard a deep voice from the other side.

(Hello, Fujita. What is it?)

"Sensei.." I began,


"I broke my back." I said and waited while wincing for what was to come.

(What do you mean by that?) 

"My back is broken."


And then.

(You WHAT!!!!) he yelled angrily in disbelief.

There it is....

'This is worse than my actual injuries.' I muttered to myself as he went ape shit and even threatened to strangle me.

{You absolutely deserve it.}


Maybe I do.
