A Storm is coming, or is it the next girl

"Mom!! Open the door." I also yelled to make sure Sumire was aware that it was me.

"Yuito!! Baby why did you skip school-" Her voice rang out before the door was even opened but her words got stuck in her throat when she saw me.

We both just stared at each other for a few noticeable seconds before I brought Marin's body higher to my chest.

"She's staying over."

Marin just looked at Sumrie with eyes wide and her mouth opened and closed as if totally speechless.

"Ummm..Hi Fujita-san." Marin waved weakly with a strained smile while Sumire just gave a constant closed-eye smile.

It was her resting face when meeting strangers. But Marin was not a stranger so that means Marin was not really welcomed.

"Mom, open the door for us." I said with a tone that did not leave room for argument and Sumire nodded.

Marin fought against my arm as she was embarrassed. She whispered to me that she had relatives and that she did not need to stay with me.

{Absolutely not. Do you remember that one doujin where the uncle hypnotized his gyaru niece - who used to adore him but hated him as she got older - and turned her into a sex slave? He did dog-play and stuff and she ended up as a public toilet by the next volume. She was blonde too. And had a boyfriend who she called while the uncle fucked her.}

Leave it to the author to insinuate the most random and terrifying possibilities. But since there is a hentai doujin in this world already I couldn't really ignore that possibility.

Plus, Marin was blonde. And a bit of a gyaru. And it will be his uncle. And she had a boyfriend. Nope, not taking a chance.

I told her to never mention or suggest staying over at her uncle's house - who I learned lived alone which made me all the more convinced that he was THAT uncle - and I also told her to stay away from the guy.

"Okay, sure. I used to really get along with him when I was younger but I thought he was also kinda creepy as I got older." She commented. She was definitely not helping my suspicion.

Fuck that dude. I might have to kill him.

Sumire immediately got to cleaning and checking the guest house while Marin and I talked on the couch.

After a few minutes, Sumire came down, "It's ready." She said and I carried Marin to the guestroom.

It was quite empty and had an antique smell. But it was clean and had a nice large bed - which could easily fit two people, I noticed.

I laid Marin in the bed and told her to rest. I was about to walk out but she pulled my hand.

"Thank you." She said and whispered the next part, "I would have hated to be alone back in my apartment."

I kissed her forehead, "Anytime." I smiled.

I left the room and Sumire went in to ask about Marin's condition and how she felt about the room.

When she came out I immediately pulled her into a hug and took her lips for a deep kiss. "Thank you." I said and she pouted.

"You better be."

"Who brings home a girl randomly like this?" She asked in exasperation. I told her she was sick and had no one to take care of her.

I asked her if I should've stayed with her in her apartment and had taken care of her without coming home and she finally realized why I just took her home.

"What kind of parent leaves their child alone like that?" She said, pissed off at the thought that someone could leave their child alone like that.

She couldn't fathom how all parents were not obsessed with their children like she was. Is she weird or are they weird?

"Well, not all parents are as good as you." I told her and she blushed. She liked it even though she thought she did not deserve such praise.

The next thing I did was return to Marin's house to fetch some of her clothes and other things she would need while she was sick.

I also got some medications for her while I was on the way home.

I spent all the remaining days taking care of Marin as her fever got progressively worse. I fed her on the bed, changed her clothes, and even cleaned her body with a wet towel like they did in Domestic Girlfriend.

But nothing sexy happened outside light squeezes and touching, I was not interested in doing it with a sick girl.

One thing that I noticed which I thought was quite odd was that Marin vehemently rejected the idea of telling her father about her current condition.

When I tried to call him to not only inform him about Marin but also scold him for his garbage parenting skills, Marin fought for the phone.

Not just a playful fight but really fought me. I knew something was up. I tried asking the author about it but he said there was nothing significant with Marin's father in canon.

But from the way Marin reacted, I knew there was something between her and her father.

I leave that to future me to uncover and fix. I was preoccupied with taking care of Marin at the moment.

Also, I did not get any sexy time with either Sumrie or Marin as both the women were quite the screamers and the walls were not soundproof. 

Yuito Jr was left hardened in disappointment.


The next day, I left Marin to Sumire's care and went to school. I informed Komi of what happened yesterday and she was quite worried for Marin and wished to visit her when she had the chance.

I spent my time studying for the exam which was getting closer and closer. The students were also quite nervous and the usual carefree atmosphere of the school was gone.

Even though this school had an easy syllabus compared to other schools and promoted co-curricular activities, you still had to get passing marks.

I went to Komi's house and I would've noticed the weird atmosphere between us if I had not been busy thinking about Marin, Sumire, and my studies.

When I realized the weird atmosphere between us, I was already alone with Komi in her room. She was sending weird glances at me and strangely enough, she also changed her clothes, unlike other days when she stayed in her uniform.

A teenage boy and a girl, alone behind closed doors. What could go wrong?

And why do I feel a storm coming?


[Chapter Cover : IMG]