Preparation (2)

[3rd POV]

In the kitchen of the Chifuyu household, a busty girl with curves that a man would die for was busy as she ran around the kitchen in the middle of the night.

She had been busy for quite a while now and even though her parents told her to stop, she didn't. It has been a long time since she opposed her parents but maybe seeing Yuito again gave her bravery.

Like it used to.

She knew that things would never be the same between them again. She knew she should not appear in his life or bother him with her existence.

He had moved on, unlike her. She saw that finally when they talked in the restaurant. And she was happy he did.

That's a huge fear of her shoulder. He was happy, he was okay even after she hurt him. She was so very glad.

She could move on as well with the heavy guilt off her shoulder. Maybe not like Yuito did and surely not in the way she would forget about him. However, being depressed and in constant agony because of her regret was not good.

His smile came into her mind.

She was no longer going to drown in her own regret and spend her days self-pitying on herself. Instead, she was going to work on herself again.

It's not like he was not allowing her to love him. The main reason why she had been depressed all this time was because she would never be loved by Yuito again and because of the guilt

of hurting him.

'Such stupid things.'

Now that she saw he was happy and moved on, the guilt was no longer as heavy as before.

And she was acting like she lost something when he separated from her, as if she was entitled to his love and mourned because she lost it.

Truth is, she never even deserved it. How can she lose something that she never had?

So instead of crying for things she thought she lost, she realized she should cherish the moments they spent together instead and be happy it happened to her.

What happened to her was not tragic, it was happy and fortunate. She was not a pitiful girl who lost her everything because of one mistake, she was a girl who was lucky enough to have Yuito at one point in time.

"But no one said I should stop loving you." She said while looking at a photo from her phone and read the comments of the simpetes, "And there are many other girls in the world who feel the same way as well, heh popular as always."

She put down her phone and continued working again. She had finished making the filling syrup and now she only had to beat the mochigome and she would have the perfect mochi for Yuito.

So she put the sticky grain in a wooden bowl and began beating it with a wooden hammer. Her massive boobs would jiggle every time she beat it and beads of sweat started appearing in her face.

And there was a smile on her face.

But she did not stop and continued making the good luck mochi that she was going to give Yuito tomorrow before the finals.

After she was done, she accidentally saw her face in one of the steel utensils.

She touched the smile on her face.

Then she pulled out her phone went to her text box, and sent a message.

'I'm fine now. I remembered how to smile again.'

And indeed she was smiling.



Notice : You do not have to read the given below. You have been warned!!!



[3rd POV]

In another part of Gangnam, inside one of the rooms in a hotel, Yuito was lying down on the bed while he was looking at his phone.

His eyes were full of conflicting emotions and beads of sweat trailed down his face due to the amount of pressure he was on.

During this, his opponent, Museoung was training and coming up with strategies to fight him. Yet it could be said that what he was doing was more important.

He looked at his phone and at the photo. It was the nudes that Marin had sent him after he had asked for them.

He read the caption of the photo, 'Good luck!!'. In the picture, Marin had a cheeky smile on her face and she was naked.

There were also other pictures with only her boobs or pussy visible but he chose this one since he could see her whole body.

You might have already guessed but Yuito was doing 'it'.

After so much denial, he was finally jerking off.

He had learned the consequences of not doing it when he had an accident with Komi and no matter how much he hated the idea, he had to do it.

It was evident when he looked at the ring girls today, that his libido is through the roof and he needed to fix it soon before an accident happened again like last time.

{Do it.} the author whispered in his ears like the devil.

"Fuck off me. Please give me some privacy." 

He waited for another half an hour and the Author has been silent ever since. 

'You there?' he asked but he got no reply.

He was not sure if he was really gone or if he was just acting, but the author had given him privacy when he fucks so this was no problem, he convinced himself.

He took out his dick and began stroking it while he looked at the nudes sent by Marin.

He was doing it.

He was actually doing it.

Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. 


Up and down. Up and down. Up and down.





Yuito was adamant about never jerking off since the Author appeared because while jerking off, he was sure he would look stupid.

But that lead to a situation where he easily fell for Komi's advances and made a big mistake. So learning from the experience, like humans should, he was determined not to do it again.

So here he was, stroking himself up and down.

Ladies and Gentlemen, you may not like it, and you may not even accept it.

But you are witnessing, peak character development.



"I'm cumming.'

-the end


[Image 🔥🔥]

Author : I was reading this chapter before uploading and I was like "What the fuck did I write 15 days ago?".

I creep myself out sometimes but it is what it is.