
[Yuito's POV]

"Holy shit!!" I exclaimed while looking at my status.

{Damn right. Holy fucking shit.}

I looked at my increase in stats and I was completely baffled. It was a miracle how much I improved in one fight.

That was nearly my whole life of training achieved in a 10-minute fight against Gun. It was never really clear when I was only training but I guess this was what perfect body, perfect talent, and infinite potential can do.

16 years living a rather peaceful life and I just learned how absolutely broken and overpowered I was. I always thought I was overpowered and a cheat but this was on a different level.

I was basically like James Lee from 'Looksim' but even better.

"Wouldn't I be able to solo my own verse in a decade or so if it goes on like this?" I questioned myself.

I would have to prepare myself for Saitamta's lifestyle.

"Haha this is AWEsome!!" I exclaimed, trying to be loud but my body would not allow it.

After that was silence as the feeling of excitement slowly died down.

It was overpowered by the pain in my body.






{Okay, now what.)

I tried getting up and moving but my body protested and did not allow me at all. I slumped back down on the ground again.

"I don't know." I said with a dry chuckle while looking up at the sky which was turning into a nostalgic orange glow.

The sky was clear of clouds and the mix between the limitless blue and the warm orange was a sight that mesmerized my tired spirit.

{Should we call someone?}

"Who would we even call? We don't know anyone in Korea, and I forgot to take Hobin's number." I said and got a long silence from the author that made me think deeply about my own statement.


"Her?" I asked aloud as the image of Tsukimi appeared in my mind. I could ask for help but will it be awkward?

{If you don't want to, there was also that time you called the police on some delinquents. You could call them again from the call log.}

"What if I get arrested?" I asked. I don't know if it's legal to be in a street fight and they would surely question me, it was a good way to complicate things.

{Better than staying in an alley, slowly bleeding to death right?}

"Right." I admitted and checked my pocket for my phone and realized it was gone.

"Wait, it's gone." I looked around the surroundings, "It must've fallen off somewhere."

I searched for a while and finally saw it near the trash can that I crashed in. The only problem was that it was around 40 feet or 12 meters away from the place I lay right now.

"Oh hell naw." I cursed, "I ain't getting that. That's a few miles away at least with my current condition."

So I stopped moving around and laid limply again. I controlled my breathing and used the Sun breathing to speed up my recovery.

"Wow, sun breathing at master level hits different." I said to myself as I noticed the huge improvement.

I feel like I could come up with breathing forms and shit with how proficient I was. With this breathing alone, no wonder my strength, speed, and especially endurance stats took a huge leap.

I stayed like that for some time before I heard a call of my name in the distance.

"Yuito!~" My name echoed and I focused on it.


I heard it again.

"You hear that too or do I have a concussion?" I asked the author.

{No, I hear it too.}


It was the voice of a girl and from her tone, she sounded worried and terrified. The voice sounded closer and closer with each call and I could tell from that she was coming towards me.

"Yuito!!" The voice was familiar and it did not take me much time to recognize it even with my bleeding ears.

I gathered air in my lungs and yelled back with all the energy I had.


"Yuito?!" The voice sounded relived and I could tell she heard me from her tone.

"Yuito!" "Yuito!" "Yuito!" "Yuito!" "Yuito!" "Yuito!"

Her voice got closer and closer as she chanted my name rapidly as if a miracle was going to happen if she chanted long enough.

Then I heard the hurried footfalls of someone approaching me. I could also hear her ragged breathing which was probably from running too much.

"YUITO!!" she screamed and I could feel her shadow loom over me as she came running into the alley.

She threw herself on the ground with no concern about her own body. She came to my side as she made a funny concerned sound while doing so.

She scraped her knees when she slid to a stop near my head but she seemed to be unbothered by it.

It was Tsukimi Chifuyu.

"Yuito." She called out my name in a brittle voice. She tried to touch me but hesitated many times as she was worried she might hurt me.

"You must be mistaken, that's my other twin with no leg." I joked out of pure instinct when I saw her.

It was a joke I used to say when she would catch me running off during class or PE when we were in middle school. Or when I ran off away from the annoying kids and functions in general.

The first part was denying that I was Yuito and the second part meant that Yuito was legless and could not run anywhere even if he wanted. You get the joke if you're not dumb.

Tsukimi paused, just enough time for a nostalgic smile to cross her face when she heard me. Then she replied in the way she was supposed to, like she used to.

"You can't deceive me, you are too tall and your hair is too purple."


There was a silence between us as Tsukimi slowly scooped my head up. Then she gently put my head on her thighs and softly caressed my face.

She touched my bleeding cuts and bruises with her soft fingers. I must've looked ugly and beaten up so I was in an awkward position.

Then I felt droplets of liquid fall on my face and I could tell that they were tears as they burned the cuts on my face with their salty texture.


She quickly wiped her tears away and looked down at me. Her face was half hidden by her giant boobs when I looked up but I could see her worried red eyes.

"What happened?" She asked softly as If she was afraid to be answered. She touched my face again and caressed it ever so gently.

"Who did this to you?" 

'Well, would you look at that, and here I thought she had moved on as well.' 

Her face was no longer stoic or aloof as I had seen her before. Her face showed raw love and concern for me, it was just as intense as I remembered.

When confronted by the situation, she could not hide anything anymore.

"You should've seen the other guy." I said.

"I don't care about the other guy." She said, "Are you okay, what should I do?"

"Calling an ambulance would be a good start." I said and she nodded before she pulled out her phone from her pocket.

Her hand stroked my hair as she made a call to the hospital. She spoke in Korean and ordered an ambulance to our location and she screamed at them to hurry and that it was an emergency.

After she was done, she put away her phone and focused back on me.

"How did you find me?" 

"I saw a video, taken by someone on the internet. I instantly knew it was you and I asked the uploader where he took the video and I came running the moment he told me."

I groaned, "Is the video viral?" I asked.

"Not really, Posts like that are quite common here in Korea and no one realizes it was you because you were too beaten up." She said and ran her fingers through my hair.

"Even your hair was all red due to the blood so no one made the connection." She said and continued touching my head.

Then she suddenly stopped and pressed the top-left part of my head. I flinched in pain when she pressed it.

"Ah, found it." She said and immediately put pressure on it to stop the bleeding. I thought she was just touching me but she was actually looking for the cut to stop my bleeding.

"You'll be fine." She tried to reassure me even though she was trembling and her voice was so weak that it wouldn't convince anyone.

Silence descended upon us as we stayed in that intimate position. But then Tsukimi spoke and asked me the same question again.

"Who was it? Who did this to you?"

"I don't know, why are you asking?" My eyes were closed and I rested my head on her thick meaty thighs.

"Just curious. Since you are so strong, I was curious to know who could push you to such a state." She said and I hummed, accepting her reason.

But after a while, she asked again, "Can you tell me what he looked like at least?"

'Oh she must be really curious.' I opened my eyes and looked at her. I managed to catch a strange look in her eyes before it quickly turned into concern when she looked down at me.

"He has a scar in the middle of his eyes." I said and closed my eyes again, "I am going to sleep Tsukimi."

"Hm." She hummed and did not speak to me again as she allowed me to rest until the Ambulance came.

Her soft and warm thighs worked great as a pillow and exhaustion claimed me for the second time and I passed out.


[3rd POV]

Tsukimi continued gazing down at Yuito as he slept. 

Her eyes carefully observed every little cut and bruise on his face. She also ran her hand along his body and checked him everywhere for injuries

Every injury she found seemed to hurt her as well. Her heart was tortured when she saw his broken body.

She touched the cuts, she wiped off his blood and she imagined herself feeling the same pain as he did.

'It hurts so much.'

She was extremely concerned and worried. She was scared beyond what she had ever felt before.

Seeing him in such a state was surreal to her.

Her perfect.

Broken by someone.

She made sure he was fine. She made sure he would heal and recover and when she finally fiinished, she rests.



Then deep burning hatred emerged from her heart. It was hate that she did not even feel for her parents.

She did not know a human was capable of such hatred. She never expected she would ever wish for the death of someone.

She did not hate even the guy who blackmailed her to this extent.

She looked at Yuito's poor bloodied face and the one who caused this came to her mind.

'He has a scar in the middle of his eyes.' Yuito's words echoed in her mind.

Her red eyes shone in the color of his blood and her face became devoid of emotion.

'I will kill him.'

A person with a scar in the middle of his eyes and someone who could beat Yuito. She thought it would not be hard to find someone that matched the description.

She recalled the moment she saw the video of Yuito. Seeing him broken and beaten up while he was all alone in the desolate alley.

Her love. Her most beloved in this world. 

All alone.

In pain.

Hurt by someone she was sure he never provoked.

'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.' 'I will kill him.'







"I will kill him."


Author : Before anyone starts bitching,yes she is important and her existence is necessary. Wait and you will understand.