To Find: Season 1 (The Search Tape)

Story Tape #10

The sound of the door closing can be heard as I looked around the cold, empty alleyway that was once filled with dark figures when I was getting chased. I hold onto the bat tightly, starting to walk while being cautious of my surroundings. I prayed. "My Lord, I pray that You protect me as You've done before. I venture alone again, keep me strong." (The song: Veronica Pass, by R. Missing, plays after the prayer had been done.) While walking I hear the sound of a couple of women laughing as they walk. "You're going to die when they find you." I looked at them, and a sense of despair covered my heart as I slowly looked down while continuing to walk as a sinister voice called out to me, clenching my bat tightly. "What is a little duck like you wandering all by yourself doing out here in a dark existence, hmm?" I took a deep breath as I looked at where the voice was coming from, a dark figure wearing a clock with a smile showing its teeth; it looked hyper-realistic. I slowly walked up to it. The dark figure snickered while beckoning me to come. "Oh, don't be shy. Come, come, it's okay. I'm not here to harm you like most people and creatures, but I know about this place and the person you're looking for." As I walked closer and relaxed my grip on the bat I saw the dark figure up close to be a Merchant wearing a hooded robe, standing behind a table that is attached to a wheel. I looked at him, immediately interested as I stood in front of his stand. "You do? How do you know the person?" The Merchant began to chuckle, putting his hands together. "Ah, because I met him when he first ventured in here before you came along. The reborn soul, yes? That came here to free Soren. I gave him some items to help him deal with his nightmare, but sadly in the end; it overtook him. I know where he is locked up, I can give you his location, but I need something from you, my little duck friend." I looked down at my cross; it wasn't lighting up. Can I trust him, God? I let out a sigh, looking at the Merchant. "What do you need from me?" The Merchant cheered joyfully, smiling at me as I felt uncomfortable with his teeth. "Great! Just as I helped Soren through this dark, terrible existence I will help you as well." I looked at him, confused. "I appreciate that but why are you willing to help me?" The Merchant leaned against his table. "Perhaps I want to see someone willing enough to get rid of D.E.F.E.A.T; while most obey D.E.F.E.A.T, very few of us are rebels. But honestly, I just want to make money." I chuckled at him. "Well, you do have a point. So what do you need?" The Merchant stood up, putting his hands together again. The music goes quiet. The atmosphere becomes empty, only hearing the sound of the tape running. "I. NEED. YOU. TO. KILL. SOMEONE. FOR ME. AND. RIP. OUT. THEIR. HEAD. OFF. AND. GIVE. IT. TO. ME." My heart dropped as I stared at the Merchant smiling at me, tilting his head. "Are you incapable of doing that, little ducky?" I started to breathe heavily, I've never thought about doing anything of that nature. I looked down at my bat, the voice from my dream whispering, "Free Me." multiple times; then looking at the Merchant. My cross isn't glowing. God... What...? "Can't I just cut the person's finger off of the person and show it to you as proof?" The Merchant laughed at me, shaking his head. "No. I need their head, I need to know if you're able to take down those who are willing to tear you apart. Limb from limb. This dangerous world will test you; you must escape your comfort zone. So, will you do it?" The voice whispers again, "Free Me." multiple times before I nodded my head. "Alright, alright. Where do I need to go and is the person a threat to me?" The Merchant nodded his head. "Indeed. A threat to you. A threat to me and those against D.E.F.E.A.T. Find them in the forest, you will smell the death of those who opposed them. There you will find the person, it's slithering long tongue that carries the smell of dead flesh. Kill it. Cut off its head, bring it to me and I will show you where Soren is being kept." My stomach felt uncomfortable, placing my hands on my knees to control my breathing. Was I nervous or excited? The rush of fear ran through my blood, knowing that I needed to put myself in danger. It's a test, no doubt about it. The Merchant pointed to where the forest is at, looking in that direction as I nodded my head. I headed towards the forest as the Merchant waved at me, moments later the smell hit my nose as I quickly covered my nose with my face mask. I found myself near a camp, seeing blood on the floor as my heart started to beat fast; the cross slowly started to glow a bit bright, taking cover near a large rock near a tree and seeing four dark figures. "The one with the long slithering tongue, where are you?" I scanned the area, seeing them eat dead flesh from several bodies laying on the ground. My eyes widened, seeing the disgusting horror as I began to pray quietly to myself. A crunch was heard underneath my foot as I slowly lifted my foot, a crunched leaf as I started to tear up. "O-Oh, God... No... No... Please." The dark figures turned their direction towards the rock, the figure that I'm supposed to look for quickly ran towards the rock as I held my breath; holding onto my bat tightly. The dark figure sticking out its long, slithering tongue with saliva dripping down from the tip. The creature says. "Who is LurKiNg aROund?" It relies on hearing, keeping my breath held as I slowly raise my bat; getting ready to strike its head. As soon as I was about to swing it quickly grabbed my wrist, smiling at me. "I had a feeling someone was here." The other four creatures slowly walked behind the target, its tongue licking against my duck mask. "Mmm... Unfamiliar taste... I don't know who you are, but we are very, very hungry... Aaahh." It says as It opens Its mouth, showing its sharp teeth I stare at it; terrified. My cross was glowing bright, but it did nothing to the blind. My Lord, is this my end? I hardly did anything. I'm so sorry, I'm so fucking sorry. I'm sorry that I failed You, that I failed Soren, failing myself! Please grant me a painless death, get it over with. I closed my eyes wanting the horror to end. Forgive me. A voice rang in my ears saying, "No." A loud, cracking squishing, fleshy noise was heard.~

-End of Story Tape #10-