To Find: Season 1 (Laughing Dolls Tape)

Story Tape #16

The sound of the electricals in the elevator flicking on and out, making electric sounds as multiple little sparks were being created and disappeared. Just was laying on the floor, passed out from falling onto the floor after the elevator made an impact with the ground. Slowly I woke up from passing out, getting up off the floor as I fell back against the elevator wall holding my head. "Ugh shit.. What the hell happened…?" I shook my head as I looked around at the inside of the elevator that was bent and destroyed, pressing the 'open door' button as it slowly opened but not all the way. I tried to open the door with my strength but I couldn't, sighing to myself as I closed my eyes. "Do you think you could help me with this?" I asked the monster within. He agreed as dark mist and an unstable wind circles around me, Just becoming the monster as he easily opens the door with one hand. The dark mist formed around Just as I went back to normal, showing the monster my appreciation embarrassingly. "Thanks…" The song (The descent, by Infinity Frequencies) plays as I look around the environment, it looks like a lost, underground facility. A warehouse, perhaps. I summoned the bat into my hand as I held onto it, being cautious of my surroundings as I looked back at the elevator being completely destroyed. I looked up to see where I might come from, all I saw was nothingness. A dark void. I was afraid. Am I even in the city? Where am I? Even though I was afraid I needed to get out of here. I would rather die in that city than die in a place unknown to me. I proceeded to walk through the underground warehouse, seeing sparks of electricity flying out from the broken circuits. Where am I, God? I am lost. Where did this elevator take me? As I was walking down I started to hear child-like music, the song (Bunny, Bunny, Bunny by The Golden Orchestra) can be heard from a distance. I do not like the sound of this song. Not at all, but there was nowhere else for me to go so I walked towards where the music was playing. As I walked out of the underground tunnel it appeared to be a store across from me, seeing a parking lot with street lights around. I must still be in the city, right? I turned around and saw what once was a tunnel to be the rest of the parking lot. What in the… Huh? I then looked at the store, it looked so alive there. Whisper appears beside me, staring at the store. "Just, I have no idea where we are but be careful. Remember, you have 3 cartridges. Use them wisely. I fear that your God is really testing you." I looked at Whisper then looked at the store, I grip onto my bat handle tightly as I nod my head; trying to build myself some courage as I walked up to the store. Looking inside the store to see toys inside of the building, both me and Whisper silently looked at each other as we then looked back at the inside of the building. I sighed to myself as Whisper fades away, opening the door to the toy store as I head inside. The song is loud inside the building, holding my bat tightly as I need to prepare myself for anything that comes my way. My heart was beating so fast, I was scared and nervous. This whole toy store gives me an uncomfortable, eerie feeling. Seeing toys and dolls on top of shelves and scattered on top of the tables, seeing bubbles being blown from a fan. I don't trust this place, not even a little bit. As I proceed to walk into what seems to be a gigantic building, so much to discover. As the song said, "Bunny, Bunny, Bunn-." the music immediately stops as the power goes out, hearing the sound of the door closing and locking itself. Turning around as I look out the window, the street lights in the parking lot started to go out, one by one until the outside became dark and void-less. Using the bat as a light source, my heart pounding hard as I kneeled down; holding onto my chest tightly as I pant heavily. Whisper appeared beside me as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Just, get up. You need to get out of here. Be strong." I shook my head as I looked at Whisper, my voice shaky as I stammered a bit. "No, no. I can't do this shit. No. Fuck that! I can't." Whisper reassures me that it'll be okay. "Just, come on. You got this. You still have more horrors to face, this right here is nothing. You have a whole journey ahead of you if you want to save Soren and take down D.E.F.E.A.T." I nodded my head as I placed my hand on his shoulder, looking at him. "Alright, just don't leave me, okay? Stay with me." Whisper shook his head no, backing away from me as he slowly fades away to the darkness. "You must figure this out alone Just." I yelled out for Whisper, my voice trembling as I became even more scared. "No Whisper, come back! Don't leave me! Whisper! WHISPER!" He was already gone, yelling out loud as I started to smack my hands against my head out of frustration; standing up as I held onto the bat, pacing back and forth. "My Lord is with me, My Lord is with me. Come on Just, come on..!!" I looked around the dark building, the toys standing still as tears began to form, yelling out again. "FUUUUUCKKINN DAMMIT!!" I took a deep breath to relax myself, looking down at my cross as it glowed lightly; I was scared but I had no other choice. I walked through the building holding my bat out to guide me in the darkness, seeing the dolls staring at me; most of which are female dolls and the rest are genderless. As I continue to walk through the building the power turns back on, the song (Cigarette Duet, by Princess Chelsea) plays through the entire building. I looked at two dolls standing near a two-door entrance to another section of the building, tilting my head as it also tilted there; my heart beating a bit fast. Turning around as I see the other dolls looking at me, hearing them laugh at me as I hold my bat tightly; debating if I should swing at them. The two dolls that were standing near the door knocked at the front door to get my attention; quickly turning around to look at them as they both talked to me with a scratchy, robotic childlike voice. "Hello and welcome to Dolls Delight! A magical place to buy and create your own life-like dolls. You are our very first customer, please, head on inside." The dolls opened up the huge double door for me, revealing a whole new section in the building. My eyes widened as the inside of the building was alive, seeing toys and dolls walking around as if there was a whole society in this building. In fact, it literally is a society. I walked through the door as they shut it behind me, everything was all bright and friendly. My eyes are deceiving me. I looked at my cross, having the same low dimmed brightness as before. What are these things? I looked up at the ceiling, seeing a train track hung up with wires; a train riding on the track with the carts filled with toys. The center of the area shows a tall ballerina doll hooked up with wires scattered throughout the building. A power source, perhaps? What the hell is this Five Nights at Freddy's bullshit? I walked up to the tall doll, she looked down at me as she slowly crouched down. "Oh dear. Look what we have here, a cute little duck wandering in our beautiful civilization." The other dolls stopped and looked at me, staring for a moment as they began to run at me cheerfully. "Oh shit what the- I don't want any trouble. I'm lost and I need to find my way out of here. Can you help me out, miss?" She looked at me with a smile on her face, I was blushing underneath my mask as I tried to stand firm. "Of course, I can help you out. Please, do call me Livious. My lovely dolls will prepare a room for you, we will speak soon." I chuckled nervously as I rubbed the back of my head, before I could get a word out the two dolls grabbed my attention; taking me to the room they had prepared for me. I don't like this at all, I need to be cautious and not let this colorful, playful looking environment deceive me. The door to my room is opened up by one of the dolls, walking inside to see the interior of the room to be bland, bleak. It looks dead inside, only having one bed in there, nothing else. I was definitely concerned, turning around as the two dolls stared at me smiling. "Please wait here for a moment, our Queen, Miss Livious will be with you soon." Moments later the door closed on me as I sighed a bit, looking around to see if there was anything fishy in the room; none that I've seen so far as I sat down on the bed. I looked at the boring wall, hoping to see Whisper but all I got in return was nothing. Alone, me with my own thoughts and decision-making. I don't know how long it's been since I've been in the room, the song becoming distorted as I see something run across the door. My breathing becomes heavy as the environment becomes dark red and dimmed around me, holding my bat tightly. What the hell is going on? I knew I couldn't trust them. I then see a horde of dolls running down across the hallway from the right side, hearing Livious on the intercoms. "Oh my sweet toys. Come to me. It is time for you to worship your Queen. Who will show their Queen so much love?" I waited for a moment as I reached to grab the door handle, immediately it opened by itself. Do they want me to see this? Are they toying with me? I looked down on the left side of the hallway, seeing candles placed on both sides of the hallway. I start to walk down as I try to calm myself, holding the bat with both of my hands. My breathing started to become shaky as the once alive, friendly environment became dark and sinister. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. This is real… This.. Oh God. This is real, isn't it? The dolls were surrounding Livious, worshiping and performing moving gestures as they chanted, "Consume Us. Enlighten Us." Livious was standing on her tippy toe as she was spinning around in one spot, making varieties of head turns and body movement which was unnerving to look at. Her eyes look hypnotic and her teeth were sharp, so wide I couldn't even recognize that once friendly face she had. "Oh my lovely sweethearts. Thank you for worshiping your Queen, a Queen who deserves to be worshiped for powering our community, our home. Who is the first willing to sacrifice themselves for me?" One of the dolls who was worshiping Livious stood up from the floor, raising its hand. "I will be the sacrifice, my dear Queen." The doll approached Livious, getting down on its knees with its arms spread out. What kind of sacrificial ritual is this? What the hell is going on? Livious looked at the doll who volunteered itself, she grabbed the doll torso with one hand and raised it up in the air, smiling at it. "Thank you, love. I promise, you will be with me forever. Oh give me your love." She uses her right hand to wrap her fingers around its head, squeezing it tightly as she pulls its head from its body; blood splattering all over her as she lets out a soft moan. What. The. Fuck!!! The dolls around her raised their hands up in the air, feeling the blood from the volunteer sacrifice spilling on them. "Consume Us. Enlighten Us. Consume Us. Enlighten Us." Livious opened her mouth, revealing more of her sharp teeth within her mouth having more layers of teeth; devouring the sacrificial doll body, hearing crunching wooden noises. I have to get the hell out of here, but where do I go? I have nowhere to go. Oh God, oh God. Please. What should I do? Livious makes a loud croak like gurgling noise, her body jittering as she does a 'wheel' pose; both of us making eye contact as she smiles at me. "Oh, it's our guest from earlier. Did you enjoy watching my dolls worship me?" I slowly shook my head no, gripping on the bat tightly as I ready myself in case of a fight. "No, I didn't enjoy watching that fucked up ritual. I just want to get out of here, okay? I don't want any problems with you, I don't want no part of this sick sacrificial worship crap." Her face began to frown, taking a deep breath as she tried to smile at me. "Well, I did want to help you. But… I think I want you to stay here with us. Be part of our family. Does that sound like a better deal, hm?" I shook my head again, looking around the building to see where I could run. Livious looks at Just, saddened as the two dolls who guided Just into his room slowly emerge from the darkness; their fingers shape like knives as they attack Just from behind without him knowing. I let out a groan, as I kneeled down on the floor, both of the dolls wrapping a thin string around my arms and legs as they pulled me back; leaning against my knees as I couldn't do anything. My cross was still dimly lit, why? Why aren't You helping me? Have I earned Your anger? I was bleeding from my legs as they stabbed me there, looking at Livious as she was still in a 'wheel' position; quickly advancing towards me as I let out a terrifying scream, closing my eyes tightly as I turned my head to the side. All I could feel was her breathing in front of me, her hand gently caressing my cheek through my duck mask. "Shh, shh. I'm not going to hurt you… I'm going to show you so much love, I can tell from your heart that you don't receive any. A lonely, little duck.. Wanting to feel something, wanting to feel like he matters." Livious then gives me a hug, feeling the top of her head pressing against my shoulder; sniffing my body as she gently licks my neck, shuddering from the feeling as I begin to tear up. "P-Please Livious… I just want to get out of here…" She placed her long finger on my lips underneath my mask. One of the dolls that was worshiping Livious climbed on top of her body with a syringe; injecting it into the other side of my neck as the effects immediately kicked in. Becoming dizzy and woozy, my eyes flutter as Livious' voice becomes distorted. "It's okay. I'll take good care of you, just how I've taken care of these lovely individuals…" Just passed out as he succumbed to the effect of the syringe injected into him, falling down on the floor as Livious looked at the two dolls that held him back. "Thank you for restraining him. Make sure to treat the wounds you gave him. I don't want the little duck dying on us, okay? He will soon be a part of our family. Take him to our special area where we keep th-." The tape starts to malfunction as everything becomes static and glitchy, the tape freezing on Just body lying on the ground.~

-End of Story Tape #16-