Stingy People

Wu Long went outside the sect into the Spiritual Land again for a few days, as he did not get to explore it very far the last time. He took another low-level mission in the Mission Hall, this time not bothering with the Armoury Hall since his equipment was full and better.

He picked a different direction from the last time and sped off.

His speed was now incomparable to last time, and he also could use movement techniques with the Qi Manipulation Rings.

But he slowed down as he noticed that there were 6 presences following him. He eventually stopped at a clearing, as they caught up and showed up only after encircling the clearing.

They were all wearing disguises with masks and unmarked robes, but Wu Long knew that they followed him from the inside of the sect, and judging from their 1-3rd level Revolving Qi Realm cultivation bases, were elders of the Yin Yang Unity Palace.