Crows Circling in the Air

Once Wu Long was out of the city again he noticed people following him from a distance, but he did not speed up, allowing them to catch up. He soon saw about 20 men and women in plain clothes that would look like normal pedestrians, as they overtook and surrounded him on a winter forest road.

He simply took out his spear, which was, though damaged, still somewhat usable.

They showed surprise on their faces, as normally one would start a conversation here. Just as the first one took a breath in and opened his mouth to start speaking, Wu Long's spear made a beautiful arc that separated his neck in the middle, making only a gurgling sound come out instead of speech.

They reacted too slowly, only after the third one of them lost the weight of a head. As they all brandished their weapons. Wu Long moved in a continuous motion plowing through them as if they were weeds on the side of the road.