On the balcony

In the morning, Wu Long and his group arrived at the city port and boarded a small ship together with the pirate mother-daughter pair and some of their trusted crew. 

The ship sailed into the open sea and after traveling for some time they reached distant from the island waters where they were greeted by the sight of a majestic ship, five times the size of the ship Cao Mei had. 

"Heh, no wonder the Liugwei Kingdom was not able to attack your base, it was never on the land anyway"

Wu Long chuckled. The ship was more like a floating fortress and was in itself a naval spiritual treasure.

"It was part of the Liugwei Kingdom royal family's treasury, and the only ones who knew about this ship were the king and the queen. She once told me about it in secret, and after the revolt I took it from the hidden location, to take away the surviving loyalists.