Sheep or lioness

Wu Long returned to the inn as a rather strange atmosphere was permeating the space. 

He could see that Cao Xiang was distressed and Cao Mei could not be seen in the courtyard with the others, though he could tell she was in her room with his spiritual sense. The others except for Gong Cui had somewhat awkward expressions while Ye Ling wryly smiled at Wu Long.

He smiled as well as he approached the group of beauties.

"How did your meeting with the Empress go?"

Wu Mengqi asked him somewhat anxiously.

"The... the Empress?"

Gong Liwei gasped in a low tone as her little sister's eyes widened while she held both her hands to her mouth in astonishment.

"Overall it went as expected, the matter with the Wu Family did not even come up and as for this guy..."

Wu Long looked toward Nie Changsheng who was hauled away by Old Yen to the room he was held in the previous night.