The Last Stronghold

Shen Min's Revolving Qi Realm Extreme Yin Qi was incredibly potent and as she approached the Foundation Building Realm, it allowed Wu Long to advance through a watershed barrier between the 3rd and 4th level Qi Manifestation Realm in one go, with some leftover energy to stabilize it and even raise his cultivation closer to the 5th level.

This cultivation also significantly helped his recovery, though it did not allow him to fully recover the damage to his arm.

When they woke up in the morning they cuddled in the bed for some time as it was a while since she was held in his embrace in the bed.

"Wu Long"


"I think, I will use my lighter side more often now"

She said and he turned to look at her with slightly surprised eyes.

"I know, I used to look at it as being trapped inside, but I think I understood something important this time, that, the lighter side is still me even though it lacks some memory. The feelings I felt last night..."