Missed me?

"Was it alright to let him go?"

Wu Mengqi looked into the distance where a man was speeding off as fast as he could.

"He made the right choice"

Wu Long shrugged with a light smile.

"Will he not report to them that you know the location of their training camp?"

"Contacting them at this point is just asking for death. His best chance would be to go into hiding and hope that I or someone else will crush that mercenary organization along with anyone who knew his affiliation with them"

"Hmm, true, but how can you be sure he is not stupid enough to do it?"

"He would have tried to lie if he was"

"Haha, that is still a gamble"

"One I am willing to make"

"Because you don't care if they change locations?"

"Correct, finding them would just take some time"

"But wouldn't that mean that sparing him was ultimately a mistake"